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Creepy Crawler Kickback
Pre-Order Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and receive the GameStop exclusive Creepy Crawler Kickback!
Creepy Crawler Kickback : Allows you to turn into a swarm of deadly creatures for a limited time and overwhelm your enemies
Peaches are you a hoarder?
That's not a bad idea.
However, how many of these are going to "go vintage?" lol
Not alot but it still makes you look cool when you go onto ebay selling an original duck hunt game with bazooka lol.
Duck Hunt! omg, loved it.
I'm wondering if the multiplayer imbalance is just because of the subway beta. There was one time I played by myself where everyone was over level 35 while I was like level 18. I suspect that it might just be because the majority of the people who got the subway beta got it with the intent to play a lot. There might not be too many lower levels leftidk. Hopefully the actual game will be more balanced. I assume they'll be more players for them to match you up with.
The major problem is that the way they've set this multiplayer up as opposed to the old one is that as you level up you unlock better starting weapons. So a level 35 has a better weapon than a level 5, making it easier for the 35 to kill the 5, regardless of skill. That's why it's important for level-matching. The abilities available are better too, but the old game was like that too.
It's still really fun though, lol. We seem to do best with the Plunder game. And the scenery and locations are amazing. They're much more expansive than the old game.
Forcing folks into a level/equipment cap would be a nice way to even the playing field.
eehhh. I don't know about that. What you're suggesting is that people can only have the weapons of what the lowest level player has. idk, man. If I worked hard to level myself up and plan all my weapons, I'd be pretty pissed if I were paired in a game with a Level 1. As it is now, I wouldn't really care.
But in Uncharted 3, it makes me think more along the lines of what it's like in WoW. Someone who is, say, level 30 can't kill someone or something that's level 40+.
Being level 14, continuously shooting at someone and they just don't die while they come up and punch you once or twice or fire at you only once and you die instantly just seems rather unbalanced.
In fact just yesterday, I remember using my scope to shoot someone who I assume was level 35 since we got into a match against a team where everyone was in the 30's with one upper 20's vs us in our teens. I know I hit them, but they just wouldn't die. Then they ran up to me and with two punches I was dead.
It's all about grinding, actually. You want to play with them, you have to be their level. Last night when I hit level 15 I got a boost to faster healing, making me harder to kill.
A level cap would be nice, or at least evenly distributing people amongst teams. In Uncharted 2 we got split up all the time. Now Uncharted 3 seems to keep people together, so a group that has been playing 24/7 can take on a people who are just starting and easily out rank them.
Yeah, this. I don't think that's fair to limit you. There's ALWAYS going to be someone lower than you, if only by a bit. How would people ever get to use the things they've earned?
But I'm thinking this is just the beta. Once the game comes out and there are more people playing I think it will be a more even playing field.
Regardless it's also just fun to fuck around, even if we don't win. lol
What do you mean by "only as good as your worst player?"
Only allowed weapons and boosts available to the lowest level player in the match?
Sometimes you can go through multiplayer sucking ass and getting frustrated. And then you find that magical group of people that just fit you like a glove and you never want to let them go, regardless of levels, lol.
eehhh. I don't know about that. What you're suggesting is that people can only have the weapons of what the lowest level player has. idk, man. If I worked hard to level myself up and plan all my weapons, I'd be pretty pissed if I were paired in a game with a Level 1. As it is now, I wouldn't really care.
In Uncharted 2 I would say that's the case in the multiplayer.
But in Uncharted 3, it makes me think more along the lines of what it's like in WoW. Someone who is, say, level 30 can't kill someone or something that's level 40+.
Being level 14, continuously shooting at someone and they just don't die while they come up and punch you once or twice or fire at you only once and you die instantly just seems rather unbalanced.
In fact just yesterday, I remember using my scope to shoot someone who I assume was level 35 since we got into a match against a team where everyone was in the 30's with one upper 20's vs us in our teens. I know I hit them, but they just wouldn't die. Then they ran up to me and with two punches I was dead.
It's all about grinding, actually. You want to play with them, you have to be their level. Last night when I hit level 15 I got a boost to faster healing, making me harder to kill.
Sucks for anyone a lower level than I am.
A level cap would be nice, or at least evenly distributing people amongst teams. In Uncharted 2 we got split up all the time. Now Uncharted 3 seems to keep people together, so a group that has been playing 24/7 can take on a people who are just starting and easily out rank them.
Yeah, this. I don't think that's fair to limit you. There's ALWAYS going to be someone lower than you, if only by a bit. How would people ever get to use the things they've earned?
But I'm thinking this is just the beta. Once the game comes out and there are more people playing I think it will be a more even playing field.
Regardless it's also just fun to fuck around, even if we don't win. lol
Thing about this though is that as far as I'm aware everyone has the same health. So how is it that my shots miss all the time, even when I'm aiming. And someone else who's running around firing randomly manages to kill me so easily, lol. I feel like I'm missing something. (except that better guns kill in less shots).