I think I'll stay on normal but now I'm curious if I could survive on hard since I've gotten better at this game.
If I can, you can, no doubt about that!!
If you want my opinion, I played all three of the games on hard after beating them on normal. I actually thought they were all easier the second time around when I played on hard than they were my first go when I played on normal.
I share that feeling. Not only am I better at the controls, but I know the maps much better now. I played the first time on Easy, and by the end of my Normal playthrough I was finally having
fun with the game and not just going aaaaaafffuuuuuuaaaaahhhhhnnnnNNNNOOOOO
Multiplayer is also hard when the opposing team is full of people doubling you in level.
Skeletons one shotting you for the 50th time, and then you get to watch them do their taunt as you wait for respawn
Grenades! Its not that they would sneak up on me or anything but generally I would try to throw them back but i'd usually take cover on a pile of weapons.. Imagine constantly trying to throw back a grenade and just picking up different hand guns instead
Oh lol

I can definitely see that as being pain!
I think I got quite good with throwing back grenades. My boyfriend has played shooters forever and he said I was quite good at the grenades thing, and I think it's quite handy, especially towards those shielded dudes and those larger helmed dudes with shotguns who seems to get a lot better at aiming on Hard than on Normal...
I think exploiting grenades thrown at you and those gas thingys are important tools the harder you set the game at - because you can take out many people in one blow, plus since there are less bullets to pick up and the clips are shorter (at least it seems so to me), you have to utilize everything you've got to KILL THOSE BASTARDS
@Force, I have several "hate-parts", but that cargo ship part (where the ship is being tossed around in the waves) is top 3. Goddamn that part is annoying.