Versus was announced 6 years ago, last year


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Like so many others, I'm not even "waiting" for this game. I have nothing to wait for. Back in 2006 when I was easily impressed by visuals of a dark-haired bishi kicking some ass, I had something to wait for. Now there's just...nothing.

That's why I am not hyped up for this game. I do want it when and if it comes out, but - I haven't seen much that I see as valid enough reason to make fan fictions and fan art and all that. It's just incoherent visuals (well, coherent, but the point is, there's no solid story yet.)

Hence, my signature.

I understand the anger at SE about all the wait time, though. It's now officially (in my view) 'ridiculous'. I mean really? Why even mention it if it's not going to come out until a three parter was done, and the successor was announced, made and then remade?!


If such a thing actually exists, by you, then hell yes :monster:

EDIT: Although heteromance just doesn't tickle my banjo strings I'm afraid.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Waiting/being excited for Versus =/= writing Versus fanfic and joining Noctis clubs.

I know that. I did not mean to confer that.

At the same time, I do think all the hype is a little much.

Once Square gives more information, and on a regular "we're really working on this" basis, then I will join the hype... Perhaps.
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