Was the Compilation a mistake?


Mr. Thou
Sure they added the family thing and a new wardrobe, and it can be argued that 'a lot can happen in two years,' and 'a tiger can't change its stripes' but then why the hell am I watching? A good sequel will give us a new character arc to explore, like Sister Act II (yeah I went there). There are always ways in which a character has to grow.

*Before ACC added this aspect of Cloud's character, there was no reason for his return to guilt. I'll give ACC credit for that, it certainly made AC more watchable... but 'good?' I dunno...

Totally agree. Cloud already did the whole 'defeat Sephiroth one-on-one with a limit break and resolve his self worth issues' bit. It's plausible to repackage that angle, but cheap and stupid.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Cloud's whole chharacter arc in FFVII revolved around him not being the person he thought he was, and having to learn the truth of himself so that he could stand against Sephiroth and resolve his past.

In ACC his whole character arc revolves around the emotional fallout from the OG in addition to his percieved inability to help Denzel or himself to survive Geostigma. He has to learn that he doesn't have to face it alone, and use his newfound confidence to stop Sephiroth from completing his plans.


SOLDIER Apprentice
Cloud's whole chharacter arc in FFVII revolved around him not being the person he thought he was, and having to learn the truth of himself so that he could stand against Sephiroth and resolve his past.

In ACC his whole character arc revolves around the emotional fallout from the OG in addition to his percieved inability to help Denzel or himself to survive Geostigma. He has to learn that he doesn't have to face it alone, and use his newfound confidence to stop Sephiroth from completing his plans.

I have a very similar point of view with you on these points you've developed about the Cloud's character arcs. Certainly his misterious past is the central element on the original game and, with his personality recovered or at least completed, is logic that some more deep problems were presented in succesive episodes, being those either on movies, novels or videogames. :D

If there is something about the plot and especifically about Cloud that I would like to see developed and deepened is doubtlessly the relationship and love between him and Tifa.:kiss: I would like to see it clearly stated as a fact and enjoy a game in which the walkthroug have that condition present, with is peaks and lows. :joy:

Best regards. :headbang:


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
Lol. This kind of logic I find absurd.

I don't see how that is absurd at all. If a future work decides to go against the original, the original work itself is made to look questionable, and fans start to argue over what is right and wrong where before there were no such issues.

I don't have this problem as I haven't played them and this is one of the reasons I won't...also I can just pretend they didn't happen like I do with X-2

Others can't do that. Not to mention these retcon's have been shite.
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SOLDIER Apprentice
My FF 7 Universe

I don't see how that is absurd at all. If a future work decides to go against the original, the original work itself is made to look questionable, and fans start to argue over what is right and wrong where before there were no such issues.

I don't have this problem as I haven't played them and this is one of the reasons I won't...also I can just pretend they didn't happen like I do with X-2

Others can't do that. Not to mention these retcon's have been shite.

I thought as you about all this. In the end is myself who enjoy the game and the fantasy it contents so I decide what take and what put apart.:joy:

Obviously, I would like to see all the games and stuff made with the perfection of 9000K diamond but "there's a few on every bunch", so bad products will always appear. :(

Anyway, any new game of the FF7 universe will own, even being the most miserable addition to the series, elements of art, plot, lore, maps, etc. that could be incorporated positively to the canon Universe. My canon Universe.:lol:

Best regards. :headbang:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I don't see how that is absurd at all. If a future work decides to go against the original, the original work itself is made to look questionable, and fans start to argue over what is right and wrong where before there were no such issues.

I don't have this problem as I haven't played them and this is one of the reasons I won't...also I can just pretend they didn't happen like I do with X-2

Others can't do that. Not to mention these retcon's have been shite.

The compilation doesn't change the original for shit. No matter what it does, it can't take away the experiences and entertainment of the original.

If you and your friends can't handle that and still enjoy and discuss the original, that's pretty lame.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
The compilation doesn't change the original for shit. No matter what it does, it can't take away the experiences and entertainment of the original.

If you and your friends can't handle that and still enjoy and discuss the original, that's pretty lame.

It does change the original if it states that the original is wrong, which is what canon does. And if they remake VII and alter it, which they mostly certainly will, to fit in with the new canon, what then?

Will you argue that the original is still unaltered? Because if they do remake and change stuff, that will become the gospel truth to many fans.


Double Growth
You're still missing the point. Nothing the compilation does can ever affect the original VII unless it finds some sort of way to rewrite your disc.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c


pathetic. FF7, the original will always be the same for me, I'll always love it, and many of my friends feel the same. Nothing SE or anyone else does will change that.


Pro Adventurer
@DR: Does the Rufus retcon really bother you that much? I mean within the scheme of things and in game dialogue it is perfectly reasonable. Like someone else said earlier, that retcon added interest to the compilation.

There are lots of things about the compilation that bother me, like the wings etc....but you know, it doesn't affect in any way how I feel about the original game. I think why people have embraced (to an extent) the compilation is their fondness for the original game and the characters in it. Love or hate the compilation it does not effect the original game, and the story within that game.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
None of it bothers me, as I said I can ignore it (I wasn't foolish, I didn't buy any of the spin offs or play them), I was responding to the argument that it simply doesn't matter and that the original remains unaltered. The story itself is getting altered by retcons and by additions...these are the things that I take issue to even if I can personally ignore it.

Not everyone can do that and I appreciate that and for those people, yes changing the game WILL ruin the original story for them. And if they remake VII and change things that will be even worse.
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Save your valediction (she/her)
It's not like we don't have the original work anymore. I choose to ignore the Compilation and will until the cows come home. The problem is that the community's thinking about that work is changed, so it's almost impossible to share my affection. As I've said, I feel a disconnect from the fandom because of the retcons.


Banned Flunky
Seifer Almasy, DanielReturns
That is a good point...It is hardly like someone who dislikes the compilation and ignores it can start talking about Rufus being dead or about other aspects they have retconned, because people will say "But he didn't die" and for example "yes but remember that it was Genesis"

People will now use the so called "new canon" in any debate about the story and they do.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I see what you guys are talking about. Personaly I think if you want to enter into a debate about canon, you have to be prepared to include all of the canon, even if it has been twisted and warped beyond recognition.

But at the same time I would have no problem disregarding Compilation canon for the sake of conversation, seeing as the only part of it thats actually worth considering IMO is ACC.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's not like we don't have the original work anymore. I choose to ignore the Compilation and will until the cows come home. The problem is that the community's thinking about that work is changed, so it's almost impossible to share my affection. As I've said, I feel a disconnect from the fandom because of the retcons.

You're just hanging with the wrong fans.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
No, it wasn`t a mistake!
At least:
1. It is mainly the reason this fandom and with it this site is still active/alive.
2. It clarified/ended the LTD.
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