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Eyes of the Lord
Silent Hill F is the first game in the series to be rated 18+ (CERO Z) in Japan.

ESRB rating summary gives some more story details. It also seems that there will be no guns.
This is a survival-horror action game in which players assume the role of a student confronting supernatural entities in a 1960s Japanese mountain town. From a third-person perspective, players explore the town, solve puzzles, interact with characters, and battle enemy creatures (e.g., humanoid monsters, mutants, mythical creatures). Players use axes, crowbars, knives, and spears to defend against and kill enemy creatures in melee-style combat. Blood-splatter effects occur frequently as characters are attacked; several areas depict large bloodstains in the environment and near corpses. Some enemy attacks can result in players' character getting impaled in the neck and/or getting their faces ripped apart. Cutscenes sometimes depict gore and more intense acts of violence: a character burned alive inside a cage; a woman branded by a hot iron; entrails and sinew displayed on serving platters in fantastical celebration/ceremony; a character sawing off her own arm; a character slicing off portions of a character's face during a ritual. Concept art depicts a nude mannequin-like character, with exposed buttocks and partially exposed breasts; the character appears in a creature-like form throughout the game.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Interesting! No guns isn't the worst thing, as Silent Hill has never had the most engaging combat (even if I personally don't mind it.)

Silent Hill 2 is one of my favorite games; I'd love to see something match it in quality. I'm really hoping this upcoming one surprises me. For now though, I'm not expecting much.


AI Researcher
i was already the most hyped for f out of the whole batch of announcements while being really sceptical of the rest. the sh2 remake seems to bucked the negative expectations (still haven't played it myself). although i haven't heard anything good about ascension and the one episode i tried to watch i got bored half way through and did something else, and when i saw there were like 40 more i lost the motivation to give it another go. it was a kind of interactive, group choose-your-own-adventure thing, right? that was one of the annoying things about it pre-release, i never got a clear idea what it actually was and how you'd interact with it. and now it's over and it's just... a series of videos now, i guess. maybe i will try watching it again

i haven't rewatched the townfall trailer since and i have forgotten what it was meant to be, i don't know if there was news about that in this latest transmission (i've only watched the shf trailer separately so far) or if that's just in production hell for now.

i will be checking out the gameplay trailer for f later, i'm actually interested in a konami silent hill project again lol.

Ghost X

Curious where they're going with the period pieceness aspect of it. Like if/how it is relevant to the rest of the franchise, etc.
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