i don't tend to watch livestreams so i just wanted the trailers, don't know if there was anything else in the rest of the broadcast. but i will go though each of them and comment because i have mixed feelings
silent hill 2:
it looks nice. but again, how much of that is just modern technology making it easier to achieve this level of graphics than ever before. having ito and yamaoka back is a pleasant surprise (although bloober did already work with yamaoka on the medium). i couldn't hear the voices that well so i can't say much on that but it didn't sound like guy cihi, but i couldn't tell if i was troy baker.
but tbh, i am not feeling the look of james? there's something about his face, his kind of dour puppy-dog look. idk how much was down to the original graphics and at times cheesy performance, but i thought he had a bit of a goofy aspect before and now just looks like a sadsack. idk i will play this and will hate myself, this game is my pyramid head here to punish me
silent hill townfall:
it's modern graphics, i'll give it that. other than that, i don't have much else to say because it didn't give you much to go on and i don't know the developer's previous work. so no opinion so far. although i did like the title bits with the shoreline, it reminds me of evangelion.
silent hill f:
even though my first thought was "silent hill isn't in japan >

that doesn't make sense" this is actually the one i am most excited about. maybe because i have given up hope of ever seeing another siren game so i need some japanese horror from somewhere. ryukishi is the higurashi guy, i think? and i'm not sure who kera is, but i did like the visuals. even though the trailer didn't tell me much else but i don't expect much from initial trailers. but this has turned out to be my number one of this new batch
return to silent hill:
i do like seeing storyboards, which was lucky for me because that's half this video. i did find it increasing funny as i watched that they just completely neglect to acknowledge the second film lol. if this new one is going to be more like the first then i'm more optimistic, but man are they going all in on sh2 or something. a remake and a new film based on it?
silent hill ascension:
thanks i hate it. seeing the web/text chat and 'can we save her??' i started getting 'online multiplayer' vibes and then when the title at the end said 'face your fears together' or whatever that was it for me. i guess they got jealous of dead by daylight and are going to do their own asymmetrical multiplayer game or something. automatic bottom of my list, not feeling this at all.
i want to feel excitement again, but you've hurt me too much konami. you need to build up trust again before i let you in
edit; how could i forget the traditional japanese style cover of the silent hill theme in the silent hill f trailer