Magma's difficult to top, yeah. The only band from the modern era that comes close is Koenji Hyakkei, though there may be others with similar sound that I'm not aware of.
Immolation - [Close to a World Below #08] Close to a World Below [8:19]
Possibly the best song Immolation have ever recorded, which is saying a lot
I meant a band from the 70's era that still has that same magic as their early days. Now I think about it, the three new Comus tracks really recapture the same good ol' classic Comus vibe. Ofcourse Koenjihyakkei is one of the greatest current prog bands ever and I'd might even suck Tatsuya Yoshida's dick if I've get the chance. Which unfortunately, I'll never have
Yeah that makes sense tooI still need to listen to those new Comus tracks
Oasis - [Be Here Now #07] Fade In-Out [6:53]