What Character Would You Like To Appear In The Dissidia Series?


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I know mostly the main important characters appear in this sub series but which characters do you want to see in the games.

I myself wish they could have Jenova as character herself so the Chaos side can have more female members. If Jenova were to appear I think she would look like a blue female humanoid with white hair. Her outfit would be similar to her son's. I think the way it can explained how she got involved is that Chaos had a hand in making her stronger and rejuvenate her abilities.

Ghost X

Secondary characters appeared for the Cosmos side, no? Why not some secondary characters for the other side. I like your thinking. Having not played the games, so I wouldn't know, but has Seifer made an appearance? Has Garland (FFIX)? has Yunalesca? Get some FFXII characters in there too. Basch, Vayne (no one likes Vaan, iirc :P).


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
You know Seymour was originally going to be in the Dissidia series until they decided to put in Jehct instead.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Hmm, I'd really like to Rydia (FFIV) and Celes (FFVI), tbh.

As for Team Chaos, I think it would be cool to see Emperor Gestahl (FFVI) and one of the Turks (FFVII).

Oh, and Beatrix (FFIX). Beatrix would be real fun to work with, since they could have her bounce between both teams.


Double Growth

Holy crap I was angry when she wasn't in 012.

1) The game needs ladies. 2) The villains need physical fighters. Garland, Sephiroth, and Jecht are the only primarily physical fighters. 3) As stated she has plenty of story opportunities regarding her allegiance. 4) She's freakin awesome.


Rubicante, Galuf, Celes, Leo, Locke, Jenova, Red XIII, Seifer, Beatrix, Seymour, Balthier, Dr. Cid Bunansa, Sazh, Fang, Barthandelus

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
If I had to pick a villian from XIII I'd probably pick Cid Raines, could do the whole puppet of Chaos who used to fight against him thing and whatnot, and his Ex Mode could be his L'Cie form. Think he'd fit better than Barthandelus, even though Barty was the major bad guy of the original game.

Beatrix would be awesome, as would Vivi, that wee dude's story was one of the best parts of FFIX. He could have massive existential crises over whether he's just another Manikin or something :monster:

I'd like Barret and Dyne to be in it, but there fighting styles would have to be very different or else they may as well be palette swaps.

Quistis would be class. Hurrhurr, geddit? Class? 'Cause she's an Instructor? And teaches? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....I need to get out more ;_;

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Vincent Valentine and Balthier. For villains I am unsure, Kadaj probably. All the good shit has already been present in Dissidia.


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I was thinking Weiss should be included and he would be on the Chaos side. Even better he would try to form an alliance with Sephiroth but he would refuse saying he works only with his mother. If Jenova was included maybe she would persuade her son to take Weiss' offer.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
-Job/Character/EX finisher:


EX- Grand Spark-charges up, then Power Dunks the opponent ala Terry Bogard

Red Mage-Reno
EX- Turk Light-traps enemy inside a pyramid of light, then charges up and shoots an undodgeable fireball from his staff

Hunter-Vincent Valentine
EX- Chaos-Vincent changes into the beast-form Chaos, sends flying burning ghost skulls through opponent, immediately causing Death/0HP
(*I see him really conflicted and confused if he's had a memory wipe, which is why he's on this side)

Gunner-Seifer Almasy
EX- Fire Cross-Seifer ignites the enemy using one hand, then charges his gun behind him and flings a large spinning halo of flames with the other hand

Ninja-Amarant Coral
EX- No Mercy-Amarant kamehameha's the opponent with a large energy ball


Monk-Josef (FFII)
EX- Winter's End-A giant spinning boulder of ice flies toward Josef from the sky, Josef leaps up to halt it, then redirects it toward the opponent

Machinist-Edgar Roni Figaro
EX- Chainsaw-Edgar wears a hockey mask & chainsaw and spins through opponent. Instant KO.

Dragoon-Cid Highwind
EX- Highwind-Cid calls for his airship to swoop down and fire a missile attack on opponent

Gunner-Barrett Wallace
EX- Catastrophe-Barret fires a very large beam directly at the target ala Iron Man's Proton Cannon in Marvel vs Capcom

Gadiator- Raubahn Aldynn
EX- Circle of Scorn/For Ul'Dah and Her Majesty-Raubahn charges up in full gear and helmet, delivers a succession of sword strikes to the opponent, then jumps in the air and crashes down in a finisher, leaving a circle of blades and light around the target.
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That Man
Caius (FFXIII-2/Lightning Returns) by far superior to even Garland, methinks.

Lightning (Goddess Form), cuz she'd make a great goddess.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I have so many characters I want to appear in Dissidia series.

Zack, Genesis, Reno, Vincent, and Yuffie from the FFVII series, Riona, Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Seifer(even though he's not my favorite), and Biggs and Wedge from FFVIII, Serah from FFXIII since she's the only one I like from the FFXIII trilogy all together, Garnet, Vivi and Steiner from FFIX, Rikku, Gippal and Seymour(though I hate that guy) from FFX series.

It would also be interesting to add in...Gah, I forgot now. But these are what I would like to see in Dissidia next.


Pro Adventurer
The characters I want to appear the most in the game are Celes, Fang, Basch, and Balthier. Quistis, Edgar, and Setzer would be nice, too.

I could probably make a huge list with all of the characters from the Final Fantasy games I've played, but that would be a long list, and if I limit it, those characters might be more likely to appear (hahaha.)
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