What country is FFVII's fanbase strongest? (is it strong where you are?)


Lv. 1 Adventurer
Obviously apart from Japan. I am just wondering where all the fans are concentrated, doesn't feel like many in Europe!
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I know how you feel.

I used to have one person, in junior high school, to talk to about the game. He had played through the entire thing and so had I.
But since I no longer socialize with him as of now I don't know a single person who has played through the game from start to finish. My best friend has played through some of it, watched ACC with me, and read about the game but he is nowhere near the hardcore fan that I am. He sort of enjoys hearing how passionate I am about the Compilation though.

The chances of finding somebody whom I can talk to in real life about my FFVII projects and who might actually be able to give some feedback are incredibly slim it seems.


just another lurker
I'm from the UK myself, and you're right. I was a Crash Bandicoot fan way before I heard about FFVII. It was actually through a very young uncle who had played the games and passed them down to my brother and I. We were addicted immediately. I've not really found many other English people who are nuts about the game, but as a college student in the US, I've found quite a few people who have heard of the game, and may have even played it! ^_^

Don't they have a special day in Japan whenever a new FF game is released?:huh:

It is rather difficult to find others who are passionate about the game too. Thats why I set my cellphone ringtone to the Victory Dance so when I'm in public, I get the attention from the right people when it rings. :awesome:
It is rather difficult to find others who are passionate about the game too. Thats why I set my cellphone ringtone to the Victory Dance so when I'm in public, I get the attention from the right people when it rings. :awesome:

My ringtone for a long time was the victory theme! *high five*

Then I changed it to "Rufus' Welcoming Parade" theme. I've been meaning to pick a different tune but haven't got around to it yet... :awesome:

I have a feeling that FFVII is popular in Scandinavia even though I have not met many myself. Over the Internet I know another Swede who has been immensely invested in game, plus a Norwegian (GarlandTheGreat). Both of these guys have made great discoveries about the game, many of these only unlockable via cheats.


Pro Adventurer
I'm from the UK as well. Back in secondary/Highschool school I had no one to talk to when it came down to FFVII. None of them. I would occasionally hear fellow class mates rambling on about the newer titles, but none of the old ones. All I would hear is talk about COD, MW, Fallout etc, but not FF. I did have one friend who said he saw his Uncle play VII when he was much younger and said that he'd try and borrow off his Uncle, but he only got thirty or so minutes in and never touched the thing again.

Regarding ring tones, I have the Electric de Chocobo ring tone.:awesome:

Alex Strife

I think Final Fantasy got to be sort of popular in Spain, and as a matter of fact I could name at least four or five people from my very own class when I was 14/15 who liked the game and used to play it quite often.

Actually, and that is an amusing fact for all of you, there is a new neighborhood being built in Zaragoza, in Spain, and one of the streets is going to be named "Fantasía Final" which means "Final Fantasy" in Spanish. How awesome is that?

As for ringtones... right now I just have the classic "Kyon-kun denwa!", so no Final Fantasy ringtone for me :p


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I think its an age/sex thing. I was 14/15 when it first came out,(in the UK) but I went to an all girls school and (with the exception of the girls on here of course!) girls are kind of rubbish when it comes to videogames. In my whole year group I was only aware of three other girls who played games and had heard of FFVII. They didnt like it as much as me though :P Also none of them understood that Tseng is the sexiest thing in the universe. Bah... peasants! :monster:

My brothers and their mates played it quite a bit, and at the time I remember the videogames magazines made quite a big deal of FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX. I just think times have moved on and coupled with the difficulty in getting hold of a copy now, its not the kind of thing people can easily pick up and play.
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Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Back when I was 14/15 it was a fellow classmate who talked to me about FFVII and got me into the fandom, but after I changed to another school, I found that all the dudes were obsessed with FIFA, Tekken and NFS, nothing more. Since then I'm yet to find another person who likes FF ;3;

To remedy that, I, too, have the Victory Fanfare ringtone :awesome:

Actually, and that is an amusing fact for all of you, there is a new neighborhood being built in Zaragoza, in Spain, and one of the streets is going to be named "Fantasía Final" which means "Final Fantasy" in Spanish. How awesome is that?

Yeah, I remeber that on the news, a whole district whose streets were named after famous videgames. Just imagine how cool would be to write your adress as FF 7 :excited:
I suppose all of us should move to Spain now. During vacation we'll all go to whatever place is called "Costa del Sol" in the vicinity :monster:

You do, of course, realise that the original Costa del Sol is in Spain. The southern coast, in fact, on the Mediterranean, between Gibraltar and Malaga, if I'm not mistaken.
You do, of course, realise that the original Costa del Sol is in Spain. The southern coast, in fact, on the Mediterranean, between Gibraltar and Malaga, if I'm not mistaken.

I knew Costa del Sol had something to do with Spain, but not sure if it was a hotel, a town, or in this case a coast. Thanks for telling me. The Costa del Sol theme is also based on this Spanish song.

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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
You do, of course, realise that the original Costa del Sol is in Spain. The southern coast, in fact, on the Mediterranean, between Gibraltar and Malaga, if I'm not mistaken.

I've been there, full of English pubs named 'The Red Lion'....nowhere near as good as FFVII's :(


Double Growth
I have plenty of friends that have played the game, but far rarer is someone I can actually nerd out with about it.


Pro Adventurer
ForceStealer said:
but far rarer is someone I can actually nerd out with about it.

I’ve never nerded out about FF with anyone.

Oh apart from my mum while I was younger. She doesn't play FF anymore though. :/

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I just think times have moved on and coupled with the difficulty in getting hold of a copy now, its not the kind of thing people can easily pick up and play.

Thanks to the PlayStation Network, you no longer need a physical copy, though. =)

I'm not sure if that brought a lot of new players to the table when it was put on the PSN, but I know it did for FFVIII.

As for me, my brother got me into FF when FFVII came out, and I got a friend of mine into it not longer after that. I've met dozens of people over the years in highschool, university and at work who are avid FF fans, so I've always been fortunate enough to have had some peeps to geek out with.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
In high school I had a friend who played, but he was the only one I knew of. We're not friends anymore. Now I am the only gamer I know ;.; I try to nerd with people, but they are not interested.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
In high school I had a friend who played, but he was the only one I knew of. We're not friends anymore. Now I am the only gamer I know ;.; I try to nerd with people, but they are not interested.

I feel your pain. Most people I know don't even like videogames (appart from my brothers).

But that's what places like this are for, right? So lonely FF nerds don't feel so lonely anymore :monster:


Waiting for something
When I was growing up the only people who knew about FFVII were my uncle, my brother and my cousin, my parents knew I liked the series but they weren't gamers and my brother has only ever liked FFVII and FFX, he never got into it in the same way as I did.

I never met anyone in school who was into gaming or even the FF series like I was, then again I went to an all girl school where most of the girls didn't really play computer games. When we had free time in I.T classes or the I.T rooms were free, most of the girls would be looking up fashion, celebrities or doing school work on the computers whereas I was looking up for new information about FF games that were about to be released or tips on the ones I was currently playing. I managed to convert one of the girls in my class though using FFVII to do it and she's a big FF fan now, though we don't talk anymore. Even now some 5 years after I've left school I only know, apart from people in my family a handful of people who are into FF, so its always a nice surprise when I find someone to talk to about it ^_^

There's always a bit of excitement when I go into GAME or HMV, buy a new FF game and get into a conversation if the staff member serving me is also into FF because its really hard to find anyone who really likes it :)


Pro Adventurer
Over here it was pretty poplaur back in the early 00's, but now it's like forgotten or completely wiped out from history, like it never existed. At school most people knew about it, but it was cool to dislike it and bully whoever loved it, and guess were seen as nerds. Guys seemed to like it more at school back then, and girls were more into cheerleading, clothing, boys and makeup. But today it's ..... Final Fantasy...what ?... what's that ? Is that another Gears of War or Halo title game ?? -_-


Elisa Maza

The gaming society here used to be bigger and more involved back in the 90's, but it slowly showed decline. Back then, however, any gamer had heard of the FF series and thus, the most popular title, FFVII. However, no matter its popularity, only a few had played the actual game. Thankfully for me, my cousin was a loyal older FF fan (he even owns the 1st one), and he introduced me into it and we geeked together. However, with the exception of one or two others, no one else in my cycle knew about the game.

Greece is not a big country and thus it isn't a strong buying force in the globe either. With the decline of the gaming community here (indicative of how the gaming magazines are so few nowadays, on the contrast with the past), we are a tiny market.


Dedicated Fan
I don´t know a single person in real life who has played this game. Besides my family, of course :lol:. But the truth is...I don´t even ask people anymore because the answer is usually: "No, what is it?"
But Assassin´s Creed is quite popular these days. :aah: Ha! FFVII is a lot better game.

Ghost X

Its best not to judge a country's fanbase size based on personal experience. Its best not to base any argument on personal experience. One should rather rely on objective facts. Not sure where you'd find such in relation to an FFVII fanbase though :monster:.

I don't have any gamer / geek friends locally. Closest to it are friends of friends or distant relatives (my favourite being a 65yo great aunt in-law, who is a die-hard gamer). Most gamers I know are people I've met online who live overseas.


unsavory tart
I have three siblings. All four of us game (with me probably being the most casual), and three of us have FFVII as only of our favorite games of all time. This is awesome because if we are running short on cash for Christmas, we just find games that we all like, buy it for each other, and then just pass the game around. :monster:

Growing up, I didn't really have friends that liked FFVII. Well, save one person I got into it. But not really. It's a bit different now since I'm at least acquaintances with a circle of WoW players (why I have no idea. I hate WoW), most of them who played FFVII. But you got that one guy who will absolutely insist on saying nothing about VII because it's overrated, and the other guy who loves absolutely everything about the franchise, even FFXIV. ...And that one guy no one wants to talk too...
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