I'm playing Secret of Mana... for now. I'm a bit underwhelmed by the game given all the positivity I heard about it back in the 90s. Being familiar with games of the 90s, I don't think I would have thought this game was good back if I played it then either. I think the controls are shit, like if you get caught by an enemy, there's sometimes no way to get out of it (at least that I've discovered so far). It took me a while to discover how to just eat candy ffs, given the menu system is also atrocious

. The difficulty spike of the bosses is also a bit frustrating. I'm at a point apparently where I might be needing to switch weapons constantly during a boss fight, and there doesn't seem to be a quick mechanic to do it. Glad I can at least save anywhere. Would hate to have played the OG, and have gone all the way back to the last save point when dying to a boss, because I'm doing that (dying)
a lot
. I think there must be a mechanic with other members of the party that would make them more effective in battle also that I haven't discovered yet, because they're absolutely useless unless cornered.
Tried my hand at Menzoberranzan too, but would have to agree with the critics. Apparently the early levels aren't very engaging, and the story picks up later. I didn't have the patience. I was playing on medium difficulty also, which was probably a bad idea, as my food was running out quite quickly. Played a couple of other 90s D&D games also, which were more like 3D in presentation and controls than older Dungeon crawlers. Forgot which ones they were, but the controls were frustrating with both. I wanted to pick up stuff on the floor for example, but if you weren't correctly positioned, you would walk backwards. I then got mauled by some beasts, which suddenly swarmed me outside some ruined house, and moved too fast. Before that, I wasted a resurrect scroll on a skeleton the game seemed to imply could be resurrected by it (like, you found all these clothing and accessory items near it as well as the resurrect scroll), but it seems it was rather just poor game design
shakes fist.