What games are you currently playing?


Fuck yes I love those games so much. I was playing through all of them in release order (having played the first three aa a teenager). The Great Ace Attorney has my heart these days though.


Pro Adventurer
Working my way through the Persona games again.

Going backwards as I’m currently playing P5R and then I’ll do Persona 4 Golden.


Double Growth
I've been playing Fantasian, the PS5 says I'm 80-some% done, and I'm having a very good time with it.

Though the characters are fairly standard JRPG archetypes, Sakaguchi just has a way. He still knows how to make them more interesting than the archetype would suggest. But...we have already had two characters with amnesia :wacky: Depending on whether the wife was doing other stuff in the room or general mood, I've played significant chunks of the game with voices on and off. I have no complaints about the English voice acting, but it also feels more retro just reading the boxes (not to mention faster).
Combat is fun. Fully turn-based (with an on-screen turn order), and instead of the go-to gimmick of real-time elements, it has fun with AoE placement. Spells and several attacks move along a line or trajectory, so you can try and bend it to hit as many enemies as possible, for instance. Every character attacks at range (swords do blade beams, fists send shockwaves, etc.), which is a bit weird, but I'm sure it made animation easier, haha. A lot of weapons will have abilities like piercing to allow an attack that normally just hits one enemy to attack all on a line and such. As you progress through the game, you get a lot more fun equipment abilities to play with.
Oh and the QoL random encounters mechanic is fun. You can toggle a device that, when on, will turn off random encounters, but every enemy you hit gets 'banked'. And if it gets full, or when you choose, you fight a bit battle against all the enemies you postponed. This is more efficient, as it drops buffs to help, but sometimes I do feel like experiencing a dungeon the old fashioned way and just fight as I go.

It has two very distinct "halves," as it was previously released in two episodes on the Apple Store. So you can sense where the first "final boss" was, and the second half introduces a completely additional chracter progression system. But it immediately feels consequential and satisfying.
The second half has a decidedly FF6 feel in that your party is scattered and you have access to the whole map to do sidequests and re-gather your party members.

Uematsu does the soundtrack off course, and while it hasn't completely blown me away or anything, it's great to still feel his touch, all the songs fit and I haven't heard a bad one yet. Also, this release lets you change the battle music to one of all the recent FF releases, or even more fun, to randomly apply them. It doesn't override boss battles that have a specific new battle theme for them or anything, so it's been very enjoyable as well.

And of course, the star of the show are the "prerendered" backgrounds being physical dioramas put into the game. They look so cool, and I love how you can know that any "depth of field" effects are because an actual camera photographed them.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
Been bashing around in Dynasty Warriors Origins lately. Even though it's a bit clunky in its presentation places and feels like they stitched a more linear story together with a different more branching RPG for the narrative parts, it's still that fun Musuo gameplay that I'm admittedly rather nostalgic for, and aside from occasional minor annoyances with the lock-on it's been a good time so far. Given that they've got the 3 main paths through the story, and have a mechanic to make it easy to revisit them, I expect that I'll have plenty of time to meander through all the various scenarios. I'm only in Chapter 4 of my first playthrough at the moment, so I expect there's still a decent amount of content in front of me, even just with the last chapter being where things split out into the more faction-locked paths.

I also checked out the demo for The First Berserker: Khazan which I REALLY enjoyed. The whole presentation of that game is absurdly gorgeous, and while the combat can be fairly brutal (especially in the final boss for the demo), it's got a satisfying rhythm to it. Something that offsets the difficulty is that loot drops all scale to your level, so being able to get better versions of your gear as you progress is really nice since they have set bonuses, though I'm curious if that'll have an upgrade system or something so that more unique boss gear doesn't just fall off from being underleveled.

X :neo:


Been jumping between a few games lately, depending on my mood. Sometimes I go all in on strategy-heavy titles, but other times I just want something simple and fun to mess around with. Recently, I’ve been revisiting some older action RPGs - there’s just something about that classic feel that modern games don’t always capture. That being said, I also like throwing in some casual games to break things up. Eggy Car has been my latest go-to when I need something quick and frustratingly fun. The physics are ridiculous in the best way, and it’s one of those games where you tell yourself "just one more try" about 50 times before realizing an hour has passed.


About a month ago I finally finished my Kingdom Come: Deliverance playthrough which I started two years prior, :monster:. I've been playing it on PS5, but also had it on PC. I don't remember why I quit playing back then, but imo the game is a bit more slow paced so it's nicer to play on console. That one was locked at 30FPS and had a lot of asset pop-in even on PS5 though.

BUT, they more than made up for it with KCD2, which is also more in line with their ambitions for the first one. Visuals are much improved, environments are fuller, and yet it's still the same atmosphere that they managed to create with the first one. It's just full with nostalgia because the environments are quite similar to the ones I live and grew up in - bird noises and such, not so much the wolves.

I can't give this game a 10/10 like many review outlets do though; while it's the kick up the arse that first person RPG land needed (many people compare it to Morrowind), there's still quite a few moments that don't do it justice; some dialog trees that are duplicate, some jankiness (vague term on purpose), and in some places the main quest feels like it's rushing you, where you only have a limited time to explore and if you don't progress the quest quick enough the NPC will just move on and you'll have to meet them, so you miss out on a bit of dialogue. I don't object to timed events like that, the ||section in Trosky where you have 12 "bells" to do the thing|| was well-done imo, but a follow up where ||you have to talk to the people in Nebakov and figure out what's going on|| was rushed. Possibly on purpose? Not sure.

Anyway, that's going into very specific details, overall it's a strong contender for GOTY.
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