L: Scottish and shit.
A Scottish forum veteran, or as some may say, lulz troll with piss-poor grammar that probably results from his being an uneducated heroin addict from Leith, thus of course rendering him an unholy Scottish abomination. His stardom on ACF began before he was staffed, becoming well-known for insulting anything that dared move and vanishing in a puff of 'warnings' faster than you can say Troll AIDs. Nobody on staff seemed to care about this; however, he was promptly chucked as soon as he pwned batshit crazy admin Sacred Wolf by revealing her secret identity as a retarded monkey. It's safe to assume he isn't going anywhere anytime soon, as whenever he is permabanned he simply makes a duplicate account. You may think he's gone, but as herpes has taught us, appearances can be deceiving.
The ever vigorous drama whore, he can be found dishing out insults to uppity n00bs such as gheydragon, Kira, Dee, Ice Prince, Darkbeat, Felix, Rinoa, Suteki and others. Some argue that these can be considered a bit "too extreme" for the internets; however, others consider to be them to be epic lulz, especially seeing that they have directly provoked hissyfits from ACF's very own ladyboy IP and faghag Dee. In fact, it serves indirectly to compose much amusement when the two get so butthurt they have to edit his ED article in UBER RETALIATION! SPARTAAAAAAA!!1
Even his fellow SO'ers have to ignore his attitude from time to time, but they put up with him due to the fact that his actions within the team have resulted in large numbers of women distributing nude pictures. V's life is complete because of him.
Perhaps due to the combination of SO's superiority complex and a bastard of a manperiod, L can be found hiding inside of the FF&S section, waiting for a Staff member to slip up to help lead the charge into the shitstorm.