Where do the years go?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Yeah that's about right. Up in WA, it gets extra nasty in some towns. Like, some companies (Flying J, Wal-Mart) have a near nationwide invitation to sleep overnight in your car in their parking lot if you need to vs driving while gassed. In WA, cops will come harass you for "camping illegally" if they see you actually do so. And then if you're not careful you get beaten and tased by some moon sniffing for ID crack :doh:

And yeah, there be MAGA everywhere. At this point it's like Star Wars to me, the longer after Alderaan it gets without an Imperial defecting the shittier that person probably is. Same for MAGA and... well there's lots of options but I'll take Jan 6 for this comparison.


Welcome back my dude <3

Thought about you and Clicky a lot over the years. Hope things improve for you soon. I was actually in Seattle in October with Carlie! And then Portland, LA, a bunch of other places in the US. Didn't know you were over that way.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Lexxxx :drool: JFC we've missed you.

I wasn't anymore by October! I've been moved for... a while. Just couldn't be arsed to post here for a bit due to poor interwebs, hating mobile posting, and raisins. Still a damn shame, so close to getting to bear hug the shit outta you man. Seattle wasn't too far away from my pad when I was up there. Ah well, we remain ships that pass in the night.

Also Clicky smiled all adorable when I told her she was in your thoughts.


That's nice to hear! And glad you feel you can post again, I don't like posting on mobile either and never have. Though the interface is much better now with Xenforo than it ever was on vBulletin anyway :monster:

While you weren't here I actually got into Pokemon (more than I used to be), ended up playing everything and getting a full living Dex up to and including fake Britain. Scarlet/ Violet I started playing but the framerate was killing me, so I'll get back on it soon.

My crowning achievement is my legit shiny Celebi I got from when they released Pokémon Crystal on the 3DS with the event included. It's my favourite. Well, that and Gardevoir, who I can't seem to avoid using. Moonblast too good

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I saw your living dex achievement mentioned in the Pokemon thread, congrats man. That's a huge damn undertaking, no joke. I can say the frame rate for Scarlett and Violet does improve away from the academy. It never stops coming back, especially when there are crowds, but it becomes manageable after the very early bits (at least for Clicky, Roomie, and I). If you ever do get back to it lemme know, I'd love to hit you up for a trade or battle someday, see if you're ready to earn my badge :reapermon:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
It occurs to me that I excessively focused on the negative in my return post, might give the impression that everything is doom and depress. That'd be false, plenty of things suck but it's not all bad.

Ashley is 11 (JFC I'm old) and still a giant. She's bigger than some grown ass men I've known at somewhere between 5' 5"-7". She's a cheeky little snot who wants everyone to underestimate her, and can instantly befriend total strangers without bothering to learn their names (no idea where she gets that from, not me no sir).


Liam finally hit a growth spurt, so he's not so tiny anymore at 10 years old. He's also an ADHD riddled little mess, but we're getting it managed. He's a math whizz who hates reading, so I don't get him as smooth as Ashley, but he's my buddy and oh so affectionate.


Nicholas is the baby with an old man's temperament. So world weary under his youthful energy :mon: He turned 7 in December, and is currently demanding I ignore you guys and play Connect Four with him.

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Ahhh some things never change, ftaghn! Also I literally only have a smart phone and do not understand Discord so no u :reapermon:
I feel you. I want to be on the Discord but I can't keep up with its pace :okay:
I also don't like how the platform is blocking VPNs carte blanche now too.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I mean, back when I had a working PC I used to hang in the TLS IRC a fairish amount, and I miss Drunk Friday. I might even give it a shot mobile if my Internet access wasn't metered :doh: From what I can tell some of my favorite peeps are there... and don't seem to be here much.


I resisted having Discord on my phone for a loong time, but then my choir started using it for social activities so now it's there, and doesn't seem to use up too much internet - I'm on it not on wifi most days and haven't been regularly using up my limit. The app seems fine.

I also found TLS discord completely overwhelming at first, but lurking for a while got me used to the pace of things. And now I'm avoiding the spoiler channels it's pretty quiet, just chats about cats and food and things :monster:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Who doesn't? :awesome: ...are your memes better than everyone else's? Come on oh Eldritch One, sell me on this.


Source, for the curious?
Using two different apps for my two devices
Desktop application - ArmCord
Android application - Aliucord Website

Went with these apps over the web version, since they remain authenticated, and I no longer have to constantly sign in and deal with their MFA link that won't resolve on a VPN IP. I haven't had any issues with their functionality in the few days I've been using them.

Deleted member 546

Fuck man I can't believe how grown up your kids are! My boy is nearly 16 now, rip Mage. :monster:
Send my love to Clicky, I too am a clicky person these days (I have HSD as well as being hella old). :closedmonster:

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I live with and watch them every day and it still surprises me how much and how fast they've grown up. But you've got a teenaged mageling, you know at least as well as I what that's like. Im about half convinced Ashley for one is gonna outgrow me, she's been known to tell people that one day she'll get her hands on some magic beans and go home to her people :awesome: Which is especially funny to me because I did not feed her that joke or put her up to it, that was all her.

Will most definitely convey your love to Clicky, she and I were actually reminiscing about you just a day or two ago.

Fuckin' hell, which HSD we talking? I'm guessing Hyper Mobility Spectrum Disorder, but I hate guessing and medical peeps love reusing the same three letter abbreviations for different stuff. Whichever it is, I hope you're taking better care of yourself than I do :monster: I really need to get in some kinda shape and quit smoking but... shit be hard.
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