Which FF boss is your nemesis?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The hardest part was Godo healing. He heals more then what I was able to take off.

I remember having the same problem when I went after him. I must have been battling him for 20 minutes before I got his HP low enough that he started healing himself, and at that point I realized he was going to heal more than I could take from him. Kept trying to beat him that battle for about 20 more minutes, but to no avail.

Took Yuffie to the beach outside Wutai, leveled up some, went back, managed to scrape through.

The 3 bosses after Velius are even worse. Marquis Elmdore isn't so bad (for now) but his two assassins are just broken, since they have a one-hit death attack and one of them can make a male team member of your team betray you with 100% chance unless you're wearing the right equipment >.>

It doesn't help that the mission object is to protect an NPC that rushes after them in a suicidal attack. Given how fast the assassins are it's not unheard of that you may lose the game without even getting a turn.

That very thing happened to me. The worst part of it was, I knew my brother had gotten stuck on Velius and had to restart the game when he played it, but I didn't know what came after.

I didn't save after the grueling battle against that fucker, only for Rafa to run straight into a one-hit kill, forcing me to beat Velius again.



Tantarian from FF IX.

You have to kill the demon in the book. Zidane's normal attack and Fira works wonders on it, when the book is open, taking about 1/10 of his HP each time. Sounds nifty? Well, it isn't. This asshole of a demon hides within the book and comes out only 1/4 times it is open, the other three being another page that is unaffected. And then, the book is closed. And when this book is closed, things go downhill. I was unlucky enough to suffer Doom from this enough times to kill me. I was so stuck I almost threw the controller across the room. Oh, and did I mention that Zidane, the character with the best chances to hurt him was receiving the most damage by its Paper Storm?

Asshole... /rant

That was one of the most difficult battles in all of FFIX, to be sure. I only barely beat him, and after several attempts.

Turns out that he's easier to beat on Disc 2 than on Disc 3 thanks to this trick.

I forgot to mention the Demon wall in FF7. I can beat the guy just fine these days, but the first time I played through when I wasn't expecting the guy I got demolished. He's pretty easy if you know he's coming, but if its your first time he can and will bury you.

Now that you mention it, he was hard for me as well. Seems like no matter what game the Demon Wall shows up in (IV, VII, XII), it's a royal bastard.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I remember as a kid, Atma Weapon in FFVI wrecked my shit quite a few times. The boss himself isn't too hard, but it's mostly the context in which he appears; up until then, bosses in FFVI were mostly 'refreshers' to make sure the player kept on his toes, they were rarely super tough. Not AtmaWeapon though. While most bosses are "Okay, let's see what you've learned", Atma is more like "NAH BRO."

Cue Atma coming out of nowhere (figuratively. Literally he's just fucking standing there) out of a long and exhausting trip on the Floating Continent. You think he's going to be another routine boss until that music plays, Atma talks his talk, and then he walks the walk. All across your face.


Double Growth
You know who gave me a lot of trouble in FF9 my first time through was the Earth fiend. All you've got is Zidane and freaking Quina, who I hated and so never used. I was stuck there for SO LONG trying desperately to do that tent thing on him. I don't remember how i finally beat him, but considering how easy he is if you go in even a little prepared (Float protects you from Quake, and if Quina has L4 Holy, just forget it) I always remember how much trouble I had. I wanted desperately to be able to fight the Steiner/Vivi one instead since those two were plenty leveled and Magic Sword rules.
I forgot to mention the Demon wall in FF7. I can beat the guy just fine these days, but the first time I played through when I wasn't expecting the guy I got demolished. He's pretty easy if you know he's coming, but if its your first time he can and will bury you.

For me, it makes me no difference if I know he's coming or not. Demon Wall in FFXII is my wall of shame. I've never beaten him. I can beat the little one all right, but not the optional boss.


Waiting for something
Tantarian is a total bastard, even with using Steiner's minus strike ability I still think that battle requires a lot of strategy and luck. In all my playthroughs I've never once beaten it and got very angry everytime I tried and it killed me. I tend to just ignore it now.

Agrivating other bosses....definitley have to include that bastard face demon wall in FFIV. That one really is a case of just pummel as fast as you can and hope for the best. Also the fight with Golbez when Rydia comes back I found annoying enough, trying to revive everyone while fightin him and healing at the same time is pretty tricky to do without at least one party member constantly falling.

Cindy, Sndy and Mindy I found hard also on my first FFIV playthrough because it took me ages to figure out the pattern to stop them reviving and healing eachother.

Surprisingly, Lost Number will always feel like a nemesis to me mainly because on my first ever playthrough I couldn't beat the damn thing. I was young at the time, very VERY low levelled (we're talking Cloud having around 700hp and that was with hp+ materia equipped) and totally unprepared.

I know he's optional but at the time I wanted to get Vincent and a new summon materia so I kept trying, didn't even think of going outside and levelling up and going back so I kept getting killed and then got put off playing FFVII for almost an entire year! Serioulsly I only went back to it after completing FFVIII inspired me to have another crack at it the game and start all over again.

I seem to recall having a lot of trouble with Adel my first playthrough of FFVIII, mainly because Rinoa kept dying on me, low levels, I didn't understand the junction system very well and had no weapon upgrades. I also remember not so much having trouble but just getting aggrivated with how long the Ruby Dragon boss that Laguna and co face took to defeat. It just seems like a very long boss battle compared to some of the others.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
You know who gave me a lot of trouble in FF9 my first time through was the Earth fiend. All you've got is Zidane and freaking Quina, who I hated and so never used. I was stuck there for SO LONG trying desperately to do that tent thing on him. I don't remember how i finally beat him, but considering how easy he is if you go in even a little prepared (Float protects you from Quake, and if Quina has L4 Holy, just forget it) I always remember how much trouble I had. I wanted desperately to be able to fight the Steiner/Vivi one instead since those two were plenty leveled and Magic Sword rules.

I've always seen forcing you to do their fight with Lich as a missed opportunity -- either make you fight all four of the elemental guardian bosses or give you the option of which you get to fight.


We have come to terms


Cloud of Darkness in III was hellish. If you don't have a high enough defense, those stupid snakes will absolutely rape you, and not only will they leave the character with like 200 HP left they also have a high chance of inflicting Petrify.
Even with Luneth at level 99 and the other three in 80s-90s it was awful.

The optional bosses in VII that show up after you defeat Ultimate Weapon are giving me problems too. >>

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
In my first FFVII playthrough, Demon Wall was a royal pain in the ass. It took me several days to beat it.

And the first time I played FFXII, I rushed a bit through the game, so when i reached Tiamat, he was kind enough to kick my ass every single time I tried to beat him. I was serious underleveled and the only solution I came up with was to restart the game from the beginning. D:

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Celia, Lettie, and Elmdore on the motherfucking roof of motherfucking Riovanes. When you're giving yourself the challenge of trying to steal Celia and Lettie's barrette and cachusha, teach Luso Ultima and on top of everything else, keep Rapha alive, things get ugly very fast.

Unless you decide to end it all on the first turn with a teleporting ninja and have her swing her katanas down on Elmdore's stinking face. Not so much of a challenge there. :monster:


We have come to terms
FF1 had only one enemy of any real note, and we all know who and what it is: Warmech. Warmech is the closest thing to a superboss the game has. Superbosses are nice - my favorite encounters in a game, as they're the ultimate test of how awesome you are, how prepared you are, how able you are to learn and adapt. Warmech...is a random encounter.

He is rape incarnate in FF1. No other boss comes close, including the second Tiamat encounter, which is probably the hardest boss fight in the game. He's not INVINCIBLE, but show me two people who have beaten him consistently with a strategy that does not involve luck and I'll eat my hat. He can waste even a well-prepared party, what with him being resistant to all forms of magic not named Holy, having half as many HP as the game's final boss (LOL), and that annoying Nuclear attack, which deals a crapton of damage to the entire party, and can, in fact, kill some characters in a single hit. Sooooooo...yeah.

The fight against Shrieker can be a bit difficult, what with it casting level 8 (!) spells on you, and absorbing all forms of magic, including debuffs (hoshit). On the other hand, once it runs out of MP, you're going to steamroll it, but before that, you've got a rooooough fight on your hands.

The other boss fights of note in this game are the Green, White, Blue, and Red Dragons. Yeah, they're all basically the same, but that's the point - they
are much harder than most of the other boss battles, since there's no real strategy to follow other than buff, debuff, and attack as best you can. Unlike some of the other fights, where you need to avoid casting magic, or Blind the boss to survive, and stuff like that, these are ALL capable of KO'ing party members in a single hit, and if memory serves, the White Dragon becomes a regular random encounter enemy later on. And towards the end of the game, you fight Blue, then Red shortly after. They all have weaknesses, yeah, but they hit SO HARD that it's kind of ridiculous, especially since this game's got no leveling system, and you have to increase the power of your spells by spamming them in crap random encounters - these bosses are definitely the type that can force you to reload an earlier save for leveling, which takes hoooooours in this game. HNNNNNGH

Okay, let's just start off with the obvious - Evil/Demon Wall. There's really nothing to say, other than FFFFFFFFFFFFF.

On the other hand, at least you don't have to worry about healing your characters...

Similarly, Odin was a real bastard, except for the whole "I only have 20k HP" thing. Then again, you only get three turns to kill him, so it's somewhat similar. Except you fight the Wall first, which had more HP. Hmm.

The other bosses weren't SO bad, though, to be honest. I guess there's just something about bosses that can instantly and repeatedly kill characters in a single turn, huh?

The Plague boss is ALMOST worth pointing out, except you can gimmick around the countdown by killing and reviving your own characters.

Atomos can be a rough SOB, as it has an attack that can waste a character instantly (sensing a theme here?). The real problem isn't that on its own - you can always revive them - but rather, the fact that it can suck downed characters into that fucking wormhole thing and ten you lose them UNTIL THE END OF THE FIGHT. Fights like that are NEVER good (LOL SEE LATER ON HAW HAW HAW).

Another rough fight happens a short while later, against the seal guardians at the Elder Tree. Simply put, you fight elemental bosses - no big deal, right? Wrong. The problem here is that you're fighting ALL FOUR of them at once, and not only do they have attacks that can waste a character in one hit, they pound you with ALL of their attacks AT ONCE when they near death. Gulp. Yes, you can spam Titan after casting Float to try and kill all but the Earth boss, but if you don't kill them reeeeeally quickly, you're probably going to die.

Continuing the theme of brutal punishment, the Odin fight in this game, too, is a MOTHER. This time around, though, you have a one minute time limit before he KILLS YOUR ENTIRE PARTY INSTANTLY AND UNAVOIDABLY. Did I mention that he also attacks you during this time, and with spells that hit the entire party? Fortunately, Odin is an *OPTIONAL* boss, because ugggggh...this one took me about five tries to get through.

ANOTHER boss later on, during the endgame (Alte Roit) is a two-part fight, meaning the first part is usually weaker. The only issue with this assumption is this nifty little attack called Encircle is has. Encircle erases (permanently removes) a party member from the battle. As you can imagine...this spells trouble. Big trouble. And it's only the first form of the boss, too! The second form isn't nearly as bad, but still...damn, man.

Maybe it's just me, but I have always had a BEAST of a time getting through Phantom Train in this game. I don't actually use the cheap "lolphoenixdown" strategies, and legitimately try to beat bosses, so the train's Acid Rain would always just WRECK my party. DOES NOT WANT.

The only other boss I found all that difficult was Atma Weapon, as mentioned. Even MagiMaster wasn't SO bad, after the first time you neglected to use Life3 before killing him.

In FFVII, the tougher bosses have been mentioned already - Rapps (O GOD), Dyne, Godo, Schizo (lolvincent, though I didn't find Schizo hard at all, myself).

Personally, I found Gi Nattak to be an absolute bastard, because HERP DERP I didn't equip the Fire Ring beforehand, and didn't know about the Phoenix Down thing (and wouldn't use it anyway). At this point in my life, I didn't even have a memory card. So you can imagine my frustration when he raped the living shit out of my party with those goddamned Soul Fires. POSESS THEM OVER AND OVER LOLOLOLOLOLOL SCREAM OF RAGE

The Materia Keeper killed me once, ever (again when I didn't have a memory card ;.;), but then I came back and whooped his ass. Lost Number, too, didn't seem so bad to me - if you pound away with physical attacks first, when he transforms he is much easier to manage, on account of only attacking one character at a time for easily deal-with-able damage. Then swap to magic, boom.

Other people have mentioned Demon's Gate already - and they're right, of course. It's not a HARD boss fight, so much as the bastard is resistant to all forms of damage, and causes an annoyingly high amount of damage on his own. Basically, he damages you quicker than you can hurt him, and it just draws the fight out for aaaaaages.

The only other boss in the game that has ever given me trouble is...Hojo. Dunno what it is, but Hojo always finds a way to cause me trouble, particularly his superfast final form. I still remember the first time I fought him - LOL I GOT MY ASS BEAT BY A SNIVELING LITTLE BITCH. Seriously, he always manages to piss me off royally.

Let's start off with the obvious - the onyl actually CHALLENGING fight in this game is Omega. Due to the ability to coast through the entire game spamming the shit out of Limit Breaks, it's pitifully easy to just destroy things with physical attacks and Limit Breaks - I attack my party members to get them into critical health for this purpose. As a result, the bosses in this game REALLY aren't too bad. The hardest fights are, like, the Seifer fight at the end of Disc 3, and a couple of the bosses in Ultimecia's Castle (Tri-Point, Krysta, and one of the others - I forget which).

Adel can be a little tougher then average, since you have to keep Rinoa alive, but Zell easily saves the day here with the old Armageddon Fist loop (Punch Rush -> Booya -> Punch Rush -> Booya -> repeat), which causes obscene amounts of damage, given the ease of inputting the commands.

The fight against Ultimecia WOULD be hard...except for Holy Wars. Use them and you literally CANNOT lose. Unless you run out, anyway. But you made sure to bring enough so that wouldn't happen, right? RIGHT?

Beyond that, there are three (yes, THREE) other fights of note in this game. One is the Tonberry King, who is fast, causes loads of damage, and has a LOT of HP. On the other hand, it has Full-life and Curaga for you to draw.

Next is the Propagator bosses aboard the Ragnarok. If you don't know how to solve the puzzle, you will never - EVER - finish this game. EVER. I can't tell you how many times I died on this fucking ship because I didn't know how to kill the sons of bitches, and didn't find the note in the one room saying HURR DURR KILL THE ONES THAT MATCH COLORS. Spent SO MANY HOURS OF MY LIFE wandering around this abandoned ship trying to get through here. FUCK THIS.

Last, but certainly not least - Diablos. Need I say more?

This game didn't have any noteworthy bosses, imo. Not one.

On the other hand, it DID have an annoying little fucktard of an enemy, the Yan. Yes, one was friendly and useful. All of the others were little sheepthing bastards that really just need to be stabbed in teh eyes and slowly roasted alive while being sodomized with a pointy stick. Prepare for many, many games overs when dealing with these.

Evrae can be really, REALLY irritating due to its Poison Breath attack - for the uninitiated, Poison RAPES your party in FFX, dealing 25% of their MAXIMUM HP in damage every turn. THey die very, VERY quickly when poisoned. The boss can also cast Haste on itself and is resistant to magic, making Lulu pretty useless. Sadly, this means you're relying on WAKKA of all people to deal damage, as opposed to Auron's overall hoss-ness. Wakka's not bad, but Auron typically hits nearly TWICE as hard. Sad face. Unfortunately, you're going to be using Wakka a lot, since the airsip moving away will let you cause a lot more damage to the boss due to them missles that somehow only work at long range. Sigh...

Geosgaeno is a nasty piece of work when you go for Lulu's Onion Knight/Anima, as it is capable of sucking a character up into its belly (wherre they are vulnerable and take damage, a la Adel), and also possessing instant KO and Stone + shatter attacks. And you can only use Wakka, Rikku, and Tidus for the fight. JOY!

As everyone has already mentioned, Seymour Flux is a NASTY piece of work. He can cast Dispel to make all non-innate buffs useless. His Cross Cleave deals a LOT of damage to your entire party. He also has Total Annihilation (lolattacknames), which causes huge damage to your party. But he is, and will always be known for, Lance of Atrophy, which inflicts Zombie status on a single character, followed immediately by Full-Life, instantly killing the character in question. I really hope you saved beforehand, because he can give even well-leveled parties a hell of a fight. Seriously.

The boss immediately AFTER Seymour is no walk in the park, either - Sanctuary Keeper has a pattern, but its still pretty tough. It will use an attack called Photon Wings (which causes a ton of status effects), then some physical attacks, and then an attack called Mana Breath. Mana Breath will instantly kill an Aeon that's hit by it - that's how powerful it is. And the fucker also casts Curaga on itself. Big fun.

Almost as though Seymour Flux was a warmup, Yunalesca blows his ridiculousness out of the water, being another three-form boss that infilcts status effects (HI HOJO!). Her first form counters ANY action with Darkness (physical attacks), Silence (magic), or Sleep (special). Her second form uses Hellbiter, a full-party zombification attack, and then "heals" you for massive damage. And to top it off, you have to *KEEP* the Zombie status, because if you don't, your party will be instantly killed when she uses Mega-Death. HNNNNNGH BUT SHE'S SO HOT MAN

The only other bosses of note are the Arena bosses, but a couple TECHNICALLY could count as superbosses. Of particular interest are Malboro Menace, Cactuar King, Don Tonberry, Jumbo Flan (LOL), Earth Eater, Greater Sphere, Catastrophe, Neslug, Shinryu, and, the one I personally hate the most, Th'uban (a souped-up Sanctuary Keeper).

X-2 is considered a footnote, since it had only a couple of difficult battles - mostly in the Bevelle Undeground, which were just stronger monsters as a whole. However, if you soup up the Experiment boss at Djose, it can be tough, and the fight against Angra Mainyu at Bikanel will likely last for at LEAST an hour.

I haven't FINISHED this game yet, but I can tell you that easily the greatest boss fight that I have ever gotten into in the entire series is in this game - the Gilgamesh hunt, second fight. Took me over an hour, and I almost died SO many times - and against a boss that only attacks one character at a time! Hard as FUCK, but well worth it, because he's not a cheap bastard of a boss; it's just a lot of FUN, even though it's pretty hard.

That snake hunt boss Dacon mentioned was a BITCH, too.

The fights against some of the Espers are actually REALLY difficult as well, like Cu Chulainn, Zalera, and Ultima.

Hi I am a Megaochu/Adamananything and what is this /nonboss

Tactics had a number of very difficult fights, most particularly Wiegraf/Velius, the battle outside of the castle gates with dear Gafgarion (what is it about Ramza and fighting alone, or at the very least isolated from everyone?), the execution site, the battle against the very first Lucavi (Draclau, I think his name is?), and a couple of miscellaneous others, like the battle on top of the castle, after meeting Rafa and Malik. What the shit is with Rafa and her suicidal tendencies?

Also, one of the levels of Deep Dungeons is particularly nasty, but I don't really remember which one.

Superbosses are another story, as every game has at least one...sort of. I'd say, though, that the hardest in the SERIES is Ozma, since it is literally impossible to beaet him constistently. A strategy that works one time may not work for another ten tries (believe me, I've tested this theory). Omega Weapon failed miserably in FFVIII, and so did Nemesis in FFX (thought the Dark Aeons do an AMAZING job of making you feel pathetically weak in the International version 8D). The WEAPONs of FFVII were actually really hard, until you learned their gimmicks (Ruby was weak to Stop, and Emerald would be trolled with having two Materia on each character, making Aire Tam Storm suicide on its part). The FFXII boss isn't HARD, per se, just has millions of HP, making killing it an excersise in patience - the same goes for FFXIII. FFT's superboss, Serpentarius, wasn't too bad, either - the hardest part of the fight was trolling him to get Zodiac for all five of your characters at once (and then using another Deep Dungeon level to teach it to the rest of your party, which is a veeeeery slow process).

I'd type more but I'm getting tired of writing this. HAW HAW HAW
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This thread is bringing up old feelings of repressed anger and frustration...

all I have to say for now is this...



Save your valediction (she/her)
FFII this isn't so much about a boss fight as it is about the fact that at the beginning of the game you can accidentally walk up from safe low-level Fynn to the heart of the empire where you suddenly, after a while of no random battles get in a fight with six ogre mages and now you've saved in the middle of deathsville and you can't take a step towards home without getting obliterated. So I guess the world map.
FFIV Magus sisters were infuriating. It took me so long to figure out which one I had to kill first.
FFVII Rapps was a whore. But we've been over this.
FFVIII basically every one because I was so busy trying to draw 300 of whatever they had that every fight took three hours and had at least five minutes of me desperately reviving/healing my party while the boss slapped me around. Never died, though. Just got real pissed off all the time.
FFIX For some reason, Gizamaluke just destroyed me my first playthrough. I didn't have Quina and was maybe underlevelled? I must have run around that bell room for six hours fighting skeletons and that snake girl before I barely scraped by that fight.
FFX Yunalesca. And I see I'm not alone. Also, the version of Sin who kills you when he gets too close. He's basically a flying demon wall.
FFXII Marilith the snake hunt. The walkthrough said level 25 was high enough. It lied. It lied.
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We have come to terms
Bless your heart, brotha.
Seriously. I've probably played the Midgar section of FFVII more than anyone else on this forum.

I still remember every single boss I ever died against.

And I didn't get a memory card until after making it to Icicle Inn.

For the second time.


The Wanderer of Time
How did we get three pages on this thread without a mention yet of CHADARNOOK!? God, that bastard would always swap in long enough for me to call up a round of Firas, then switch back out right after leaving the woman to take the brunt of it, what a frickin' pussy.

The first time I played FF6, before I wizened up and equipped Running Shoes/Hermes Sandals, the Tentacles were annoying too.
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The End
Yonathin3155, Ultros, Ultros3155, CECIL3155
Scarmiglione in Final Fantasy IV DS kicked my ass several times over on my first playthrough.


Pro Adventurer
Carry armour. I want to say that it look six months to a year for me to defeat the ass.

Carry Armor wasn’t too difficult to defeat, once I’d made a strategy. Specially with the Lighting and Ramuh materia it was even easier. But I remember messing it up one time. Forgetting that it was immune to statuses like slow. That was the first thing I did when I entered the fight, which was a BIG mistake. it’s critical to set up Big Guard, Regen haste etc and start pummeling it with the Ramuh and Bolt spells on either its left or right arms. Once you’ve got them out of the way it’s considerably easier.
I found that if a character gets grabbed by one of the arms the best thing to do is kill the character and then resurrect them. Which is easy considering that you can damage Armor and the victim together.

And where were you when I needed you in '00 when I was trying to get passed that thing !? :@

Also Zeromus from Final Fantasy IV. Whenever I got close to beating him he'll Big Bang me and murder everybody expect Kain, and would be left with Kain just jumping, then Kain would die and my hopes of seeing the game's ending would be crushed.



Pro Adventurer
Yoshi said:
And where were you when I needed you in '00 when I was trying to get passed that thing !? :@

It took me a few playthroughs to actually get passed it with no difficulty. :monster:


Double Growth
and the fight against Angra Mainyu at Bikanel will likely last for at LEAST an hour.

Ugh I hate that boss, I can't believe I forgot about him. It only killed me twice, but it certainly felt like more. The first time he killed me quickly, the second time I fought for 45 freaking minutes before dying, and I was livid. I ended up killing him by playing it as safe as possible - meaning it took forever.

And how the hell did you have the patience to keep restarting, Omega? I never would've been able to do that...why didn't you just get a memory card? Or at least wait until you did? :P

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
It doesn't help that the mission object is to protect an NPC that rushes after them in a suicidal attack. Given how fast the assassins are it's not unheard of that you may lose the game without even getting a turn. I think they toned down the NPC's suicidal tendencies in War of Lions

And to make it even more interesting is that both the assassins and the Marquis have one-of-a-kind items (accessories and the Marquis' weapon, IIRC) that you really want to steal, and you know it's going to be so much harder if you waste time doing that but you just gotta have 'em.

This isn't really a boss fight, but another FFT fight that always kicked my ass is that place right after the beginning of the game (Gariland?), because unless you grind up beforehand there is no way you're going to win it, and when I first played it I didn't really understand the concept of grinding levels. Must have smashed my face against that place a dozen times.

I have to say I never had issues with the Demon Wall or Carry Armor, but amen that Rapps was a bitch and a half. I think that was the only fight in the entire game I actually used all those items that cast offensive spells.

I always had trouble with Lost Number until I discovered that he could be paralyzed by Cloud's limit break (Cross-Slash? I think) at which point it became significantly easier.


unsavory tart
A lot of the bosses that frustrated me was because I just didn't know how to work the system.

for me it was FFVII's the demon wall. FFVII wasn't just my first FF, it was my first RPG/game I played that was not an arcade game. So when Demon Wall came around I had no idea how to beat him. I just kept throwing all kinds of magic at him and he WOULDN'T DIE (because in my mind, hard boss= spam magic). And that save point right after the Dragon battle before him made it so I couldn't level up. I was so frustrated I just started the entire game over, and since them have become a habitual grinder.

Ah, childhood traumas.

The Yuffie battle was a bitch too, What kind of asshole would take away all my magic including cure, and then make me fight a fucker with an attack like Aero 3?

And idc what people say, Ruby Weapon will forever give me a hard time.

It's been forever since I played the other Final Fantasies, so I can't recall most of them.

I remember having particular issues with the Diablos until I realized you were suppose to blind him. That sunofabitch. I also had a problem with Ultima weapon. And I know that's lame because Omega Weapon is suppose to be the hard one, but if you didn't exploit the game mechanics and totally weren't ready for the shit he was dishing out, then he was fucking hard. I also made the mistake of picking Zell to come down with me, and if he does you've got to fight EVERY THREE STEPS RAGE.

For IX,

I don't remember, Tantarian wasn't an issue because I never fought him. I did, once, by accident, encounter him. I was just searching around as my weak, underleved self, not expecting and oh! I'm fighting a book, that's kind of cut-HOLYSHIT WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO TO ME? Fuck, I haven't saved for hours, auughhhhh. Never attempted to fight the bastard again.

XII I never had an issue, but that was because I had a strategy guide. Well, that's not true, there's this one boss that casts a status effect, maybe virus? It's the one that you've got to cure with Bubble. For some reason I was determined not to bother with using a bubble gambit, but after failing miserably twice, I just made sure Bubble was permanently cast on my characters and the battle was a breeze.

Oh, and there was this other battle I wasn't prepared for. I don't remember if I accepted a high level hunt, or I just accidentally walked into this place, but I ran into a sandstorm with A HUGE T-REX FUCK, and I had no idea what it was or how to beat it, only I was at a too low a level and I couldn't leave the sand storm. Luckily, 12 allows you to customize attack plans in battle, so I managed to defeat him after forever, but I had used ALL my high level potions (and well, low level too) and I was kind of pissed. Even if they were only potions.

XIII, I always have an issue with the summon battles. Snow's was the easiest, but it was also the first Summon battle and at that time, the player didn't understand the ultimately convoluted summon battle objective, and was only loosely introduced to the battle system. But after getting a grasp on the system, I think the hardest summon battle was Vanille's, after my second play through no other summon gave me a hard time except Hecatoncheir. Timed battles+strange objectives+ I don't like switching paragims unless I'm out of ATB had me dying a few times.
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