Which FF boss is your nemesis?


Double Growth
And that save point right after the Dragon battle before him made it so I couldn't level up. I was so frustrated I just started the entire game over, and since them have become a habitual grinder.

Well, not to piss you off at your childhood self, but you can level in the mural room...:awesome:


The End
Yonathin3155, Ultros, Ultros3155, CECIL3155

Also Zeromus from Final Fantasy IV. Whenever I got close to beating him he'll Big Bang me and murder everybody expect Kain, and would be left with Kain just jumping, then Kain would die and my hopes of seeing the game's ending would be crushed.

I actually soloed Zeromus with Kain. Because he's that badass.


Joe, Arcana
But after getting a grasp on the system, I think the hardest summon battle was Vanille's, after my second play through no other summon gave me a hard time except Hecatoncheir. Timed battles+strange objectives+ I don't like switching paragims unless I'm out of ATB had me dying a few times.

And I thought I was the only one. All the other Summon's I did first time. This took me, no word of lie, two weeks to beat. I would just keep getting frustrated by the weird way you had to approach fighting it compared to the other summons which seemed simpler in comparison. Twas the only thing I struggled with through all of what I played of that game.


We have come to terms
It's funny, because Angra Mainyu only has 333,333 HP. XD But that's what happened to me, too - killed me twice before I finally got mine. It's pretty damn satisfying when you finally beat him. I often mention this fight when talking about the Gilgamesh hint - both are long, difficult battles, but where the desert titan Angra Mainyu is a frustrating, cheap bastard, Gilgamesh is an enjoyably intense and fun fight, so much so that I've made a separate save file JUST to replay it as I please.

And I didn't have the money for a memory card, but I really liked the game ;.;


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I remember having particular issues with the Diablos until I realized you were suppose to blind him. That sunofabitch.

got to say in ff8 i beat diablos straight out of garden when cid gives you the lamp :lol:.... my compulsiveness stopped me from going anywhere till i owned his ass ..... damn just thinking of that memory is making me tired my young school going self staying up till about 5 in the morning and destroying various objects in my room as my frustration increased until i beat him and promptly passed out

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I played up through Cloud's story in Kalm six times before I got a memory card myself. The kind of wacky shit you were pulling, though, Omega, is just crazy.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
also on my first play through of ff7 emerald weapon prtty much raped my party as i was using vincent and stupidly turned him into chaos and he was set up as my main healer ...... well you guess the rest .......:(


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I played up through Cloud's story in Kalm six times before I got a memory card myself.

i actually paid a friend to button bash through the cloud/kalm flashback for me as after the third playthrough of this game it was the only thing i ever hated about it ..... still do .... so i guess here i mean to say VIVA MEMORY CARDS !!!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Seriously. I've probably played the Midgar section of FFVII more than anyone else on this forum.

Doh ho ho. You would lose that bet friend.

FF7 was the only psone game I had, and I didn't get a memory card until three months after I got the game for christmas.

I played the hell out of that game every chance I got.


Harbinger O Great Justice
A Challenger Appears!

I remember playing some games with no memory card, but I'm amazed how far you got in FFVII. That's some serious game time. Either way, you both deserve medals.

X :neo:

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
basically every one because I was so busy trying to draw 300 of whatever they had that every fight took three hours and had at least five minutes of me desperately reviving/healing my party while the boss slapped me around.

Refine cards. Never draw anything, except for summons.


We have come to terms
Dunno, Dacon...I didn't get a memory card until nearly a year after I got my PS1.

I managed to get almost to the end of Blood Omen before the game froze at one of the damn Blood Fountains, and then I died in FFVII:

-During the first Reno fight (Pyramid)
-The Shinra elevator fight
-Midgar Zolom
-Gi Nattak
-Materia Keeper
-Rapps (TWICE)
-Demon's Gate

And then the last time was right outside of Icicle Inn - left it running while at school (as usual, HAW), came back home, and the credits/title were looping.

Not to mention the four times I've played the game SINCE getting a memory card.

So yeah, I've definitely logged AT LEAST a thousand hours, if not more, in FFVII.

(and FFX, but who's counting?)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I logged more son.

You wanna fight about it, come at me bro.


Save your valediction (she/her)
35 full playthroughs, every one the timer stopped at 99:99 so that's what, 3500 hours?

Should we get out the dick-measuring-tape now?


Pro Adventurer
Any challenge or super boss from FF X and X-2, especially the ones that break the rules of the game. Whats that its petrify overrides my status protection, and it breaks the damage limit 10 times over in 3 turns... what a load of bull. I've beaten every other games super bosses, some were a challenge and required advanced planing and strategy, others were way to easy, X and X-2 were just unfair. What kills me the most about these bosses, is that we in the US didn't get the international versions. If I could fight Penance I would not even care, I'd bust my ass to beat it, instead I get to fight a whole lot of challenge bosses in what feels like a prototype for the glorious international version. I mean think about it, in X-2 international I can replace Paine with Tidus, hell yeah why couldn't I play that version.


We have come to terms
I have X International.

You're soooooo missing out.

Also, Ozma is the most difficult superboss ever, since he is an unpredictable bastard that can easily kill your entire party at any time with one of two spells. Discuss.

Celes Chere

Scarmiglione in Final Fantasy IV DS kicked my ass several times over on my first playthrough.


Elder Wyrm (FFXII)

This too. I actually took a break from the game for awhile. xD All those damn status effects... I can't remember how I finally beat that thing. O_o I think it's because I like to forget the bad memories... xD

Prepare for many, many games overs when dealing with these.

I was fooled by their cuteness. :C
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Mitch Connor

Its All Good Enough
My first time playing ff7 when i was a dumb little 8 year old who was oblivious to how under-leveled he was, it took me over 5 months to kill the goddamn Materia Keeper.....good times

Dunno, Dacon...I didn't get a memory card until nearly a year after I got my PS1.

I managed to get almost to the end of Blood Omen before the game froze at one of the damn Blood Fountains, and then I died in FFVII:

-During the first Reno fight (Pyramid)
-The Shinra elevator fight
-Midgar Zolom
-Gi Nattak
-Materia Keeper
-Rapps (TWICE)
-Demon's Gate

And then the last time was right outside of Icicle Inn - left it running while at school (as usual, HAW), came back home, and the credits/title were looping.

Not to mention the four times I've played the game SINCE getting a memory card.

So yeah, I've definitely logged AT LEAST a thousand hours, if not more, in FFVII.

(and FFX, but who's counting?)

Wow, all before you even got a memory card? You sir a fucking trooper :monster:
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Pro Adventurer
I have X International.

You're soooooo missing out.

Also, Ozma is the most difficult superboss ever, since he is an unpredictable bastard that can easily kill your entire party at any time with one of two spells. Discuss.
Ozma's a breeze if you use Thievery, Frog Drop, and Dragon Crest.

Speaking of X International though, is their a way to get it with english menus. I heard if you get it and a Jap PS2 you can set the menus to english.


We have come to terms
SHIIIIIIIIIIT. And then he starts casting Meteor and Doomsday, of which you can protect against ONE, and you die. fffffffffff ;.;

Yessir. When you start a new game (and, later, in the option menu), you can select the subtitle and voiceover languages to either Japanese of English. It's sad and pathetic, but I seriously bought a Jap PS2 solely for the purpose of importing this one game. HNNNNNGH I LOVE FFX
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