Lv. 1 Adventurer
- Xd00206
Long time listener, first time caller. As I completed normal mode I decided to visit my one of favorite chapters, chapter 3. I ran into our good friend Chadley and he seemed to recall our previous conversations and who we were while everyone else was seeing Cloud for the first time. My question is:
Maybe I am overthinking this but is Chadley only recognizing Cloud for the sake of the replayability or is it something else. Seeing as we are dealing with alternate timelines and such. This could be a fun conspiracy.
I apologize if this is discussed elsewhere, I gave a quick look.
Maybe I am overthinking this but is Chadley only recognizing Cloud for the sake of the replayability or is it something else. Seeing as we are dealing with alternate timelines and such. This could be a fun conspiracy.
I apologize if this is discussed elsewhere, I gave a quick look.