Who is your fav. character in AC?


Green Mage
If anything, Aerith is the "anti-whine", in essence trying to get Cloud to quit moping about. I laughed when I saw the subtitles for "dilly dally shilly shally" in the Japanese voiced version- "oh boo hoo, poor little [Cloud]".

Favorite? Vincent [/fangirl] :lol:

I also gotta give it to Rufus, he gets the badass lines like, "a good son would've known." What a jerk. XD

The Darkest Light

Avid Gamer coming through!!!!!
Cloud Strife all the waaaayyy!!! I like Yuffie too, I was kinda mad when they didn't show much scenes of her. >_>


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
Cid, because of his accent. His voice pleasantly surprised me, that's how I imagined he'd sound.

I've got to say that Cid's VA was a good choice. Vincent's too. I know some people have issues with Aerith's as well but most of the other's seemed slightly off how I imagined them in the English dub.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Never imagined Cid sounded like white trash from the original game.

Funny how many of you did.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Dacon's on a bastard streak today! Let's give him a round of applause :monster:


Green Mage
Never imagined Cid sounded like white trash from the original game.

Funny how many of you did.
I agree. I like where Square was going with it, but I think they went too far with the accent. I've grown to like it a bit more, but the first time I heard his voice I wanted to shut the video off. :lol:

His voice isn't too bad in AC/C... but in DOC it's worse.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
First off: When is Dacon not on a bastard streak? I always found his most endearing quality, he's kinda like Cartman from South Park, just consistently rude, foul mouthed, and kinda misogynistic all in one. And frankly I find that hilarious until someone takes real offense from it. After that, yeah it starts to get iffy. But, I agree, applause you fools!

Now, on to the topic at hand. This is a tough one. Despite splitting it up into three categories, I found least fave character much easier. But, I think I can make myself pick.

Fave Heroe: A three way tie, Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie. Cloud and Tifa cause they gave me, especially in ACC, exactly what I expected and indeed demanded of them. Story-wise and just plain tough-as-shit-hand-you-your-ass-wise. Yuffie because while I always liked her more than any of my friends did playing FFVII, in this movie she dropped my jaw with two things: How much more badass and believably deadly she became, and because frankly that girl is growing up mighty nice. Loved her new outfit. Oh, and as an aside, loved her still being airsick as she parachutes in.

Fave Villain: Sephiroth. Obvious, I know, but as I stated in another thread in the core FFVII part of the forum, he IS my favorite villain, partly because he's just very cool, and partly because he inspired me to hate him as no evil fictional character ever has before. And that hate made it soooo much more satisfying when, after mostly getting stomped on the entire fight and barely holding his own, Cloud suddenly pulls a Rocky Balboa (He ain't gettin hurt, he's gettin MAD!) and knocked him flat with the awesome new Omnislash, be it 5 or 6.

Favorite Tweener: Note, tweener is someone between hero and villain, and not really either. I buy that Reno's boss is reformed and on the side of the Planet now, and that seems to be fine by him. But, let's face it if Rufus wanted to try and rebuild his power base and go right back to business as usual (or as close as possible after the clusterfuck Shinra got into in the original story) I doubt he'd quit. Reno just loves being a Turk, period. So, he is without a doubt my fav tweener, zoto.

Fave Unimportant Character: Moogle Girl. I mean, come on, cute little dying and diseased girl, carrying her poor dead brother... I could be evil as hell and that'd get me where it hurts. Plus, she had kind of that thing that made me love the slums, she was unhappy about it but she seemed from the tiny bit we see of her (even with her extra scenes in Complete) to be mostly a combination of "just try to deal and survive" and
"I am so pissed off right now" during the knock down scene. Props to Moogle Girl.

Ghost X

Loz would have to be mine. Him, Cloud, and Yazoo had the best battle scenes in the game, imo. Motorcycle battle scenes were my favourite.


Vaijera Sudakrin
I would Have to say that yazoo is my fav. just because he uses an awesome weapon plus he has the best hair in my opinion. ( gives him the who BA kinda look)


Double Growth
Never imagined Cid sounded like white trash from the original game.

Funny how many of you did.

I dunno why not. He's a white mechanic living in some Podunk town in the middle of nowhere, treats the woman that lives with him like shit, it does kinda work out.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I like the mog. He was my favorite character.

Besides that, I hate to be generic but I would have to say Cloud. He had a lot of character development and what is all this "he was emo" shit? Wouldn't you people be sad if your girlfriend was killed by your enemy right in front of you? Or if you had came down with a disease that was killing thousands? Or if the girl you were living with had breast reduction surgery? I think we all would.

Fantasy Of Darkness

Another Reminant of Sephiroth
Elstan Shadow
I have loads of fave characters buuut if I was to scale it down to just three it would have to be Kadaj, Yazoo and Sephiroth...I love evil....
Haha, the mog. Does he even count?

Cloud and Vincent tie. I know Vincent wasn't in it much, but, him and Cloud are two all-time favorites of mine.

Cloud is not emo. He just has problems. (Didn't we have this topic about Cloud being emo before, long ago?)


I like the mog. He was my favorite character.

Besides that, I hate to be generic but I would have to say Cloud. He had a lot of character development and what is all this "he was emo" shit? Wouldn't you people be sad if your girlfriend was killed by your enemy right in front of you? Or if you had came down with a disease that was killing thousands? Or if the girl you were living with had breast reduction surgery? I think we all would.

Wait.Aerith was Cloud's girlfriend?


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
I really didn't have a fave character but if I had to pick one,I would pick Barret.

FantasyofDarkness said:
Cloud can go and die for all I care. I hate him. LONG LIVE SEPHIROTH!!!!!!!
Too bad he only had 15 minutes of fame and wound up having his ass kicked by Cloud anyway. Again. :ego:
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