Who is your favourite Final Fantasy 7 character that you want to be your best friend?


fresh to death
Mine's Yuffie, we could have lots of fun hunting materia and stuff! Also due to her experience of growing up during the Wutai war, she'd be strong and mature enough to offer advice on all my problems. I also really like her outfit and think that we share a similar fashion sense, so we could have good days out window shopping on Wall Market. Plus she is under appreciated by her other friends, and I can totally relate to that.

Who would be your FF7 best friend?

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Cid, so he can curse at me at the drop of a hat, emotionally abuse me, and blow cigarette smoke in my face.

But seriously this topic is pretty dumb.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I think Cloud. All ym social interactions seem to be built on a rock steady foundation of taking the piss out of one another in a good natured way. For once I'd like to be friends with someone so emotionally volatile that they'd take everything I said seriously and become a big sack of emo at the drop of a hat. It would be a nice change.

Alternatively Barret, because a massive black, baby-snatching terrorist with one arm and a mouth like a sailor (i.e full of the crew's cum) is bound to be good for a laugh. Plus we'd be able to talk at length about our similar political views and the rape of the natural world by big corportations. Anyone knows that between that and dictorships there's nothing that rattles my cage more.
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We have come to terms
Mine's Cid, we could have lots of fun flying around and going into space and stuff! He's a bit older, and has been through a lot of hard times, so he'd be a good sounding board for things and give me advice - really, he'd be like my best friend and a father figure of sorts. And he could teach me how to repair things, which I've always wanted to learn but never cba. He's also a good fighter with that spear, and I've been dying to learn to use one for ages.

And for the same reasons as Moogle - that actually sums up my old best friend, down to the blowing the smoke in my face.


Obvious troll is obvious, :monster:.

What a more important question is, what's the character that you want to be your best friend's favorite food?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think the more important question is, Which of your favorite Final Fantasy 7 best friends is an atheist?

Okay but seriously, if I had a choice, I'd say....Cloud or Yuffie. Cloud seems like the type of guy who you could really trust as a good friend and would be able to joke around and have some fun with, especially over a few drinks. Plus, being best friends with one of the strongest guys in the world would definitely have its perks.

Yuffie would be my second choice, considering how fun and spirited she is. And then one day I could cross over from "best friend" territory into "fuck friend" and..

*cough* Nevermind. :monster:


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Which of your favorite Final Fantasy 7 best friends is an atheist?

Very valid point. Mako it's your turn, you go make that topic.


he are sick
I choose Random Shinra Guard #288. We would both work at the Shinra HQ and play office pranks on each other.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Ifalna or Elmyra because I like baking cookies and sewing quilts, I'm sure we'd have some stuff in common.


Not Sure - guess the movie.
Red XII or Yuffie. The best characters from the game, of course :>
Red XII because he's cool and smart, I like smart people...things lol
Yuffie because I'd need someone to steal things for me, like PS3s or WIIs :rabite:


Tifa, just because i can learn a few moves so the next time someone ticks me off in a church i can do what she did to loz ^^ (only not get pierced through the chest and thrown into a flower garden) and then i can just learn more moves so i can be a one woman tank for the military (start my own assault team of ninjas! *yuffie excluded*)

Celes Chere

Definitely Tifa or Aerith. Tifa for being incredibly mature and love-struck. She's someone you could really trust, especially to keep your secrets. She's also someone that would never stab you in the back or make you feel unappreciated or insecure.

Aerith just because she's so outgoing and fun and a total flirt. Well, same with Zack too then. xD


reality is a prison
^I agree with everything you said there. Tifa would be a good secret keeping friend most likely with good advice. And Aerith is just so fun, how could you not love her?

And yes add the Zack in there because he is a fun guy and is a very loyal friend. :3


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
Definitely Tifa or Aerith. Tifa for being incredibly mature and love-struck. She's someone you could really trust, especially to keep your secrets. She's also someone that would never stab you in the back or make you feel unappreciated or insecure.


^I agree with everything you said there. Tifa would be a good secret keeping friend most likely with good advice. And Aerith is just so fun, how could you not love her?

And yes add the Zack in there because he is a fun guy and is a very loyal friend. :3

And this.

I'd basically want both Aerith and Tifa as my best friends. It'd be Aerith for being stupidly fun, giggly and gossipy and then Tifa for advice, hugs, tissues for tears and having a happy laugh.


Mine would have to be Cloud. To me he seems like a trustworthy friend who would always lend a hand and be there whenever I needed him. I think we could relate to a lot of things because we seem to listen to things more and seldom talk. He seems to think things through but also, depending on the situation, make a plan as things go along. Great minds think alike? And also our love of fast motorcycles.

Two other people I think I would get long with out Tifa and Zack. Tifa because she's caring and very considerate. Zack because he's just playing outgoing and probably fun to be around.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Trolls trolling trolls? :O

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.


Not Sure - guess the movie.
What are you two talking about?
I wasn't trolling, I was replying....if you're talking to me.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
What are you two talking about?
I wasn't trolling, I was replying....if you're talking to me.
I was clrly referring to Mako, who is obviously a troll trolling a troll who's trolling the troll who made the thread.

Also, not everyone is talking about you just because you posted. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Either Yuffie or Tifa just so that I could you know like.. be near them XD Yuffie would probably be more fun though and we can visit the others sometime. And Yuffie can steal from me anyday.

On the other hand Sephiorth would be a good best friend. If anyone pissed me off he'd kill them... that might be kind of neat.
.. no wait, Loz! That would be so fun! We could play pranks on Yazoo. And when he's crying I could give him a hug. Plus he'd beat up anyone who would piss me off... yeah I think I'd like Loz as a best friend ^_^.. but wait this is just FFVII right?... so no Loz around...

then Sephiroth ^_^


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
What are you two talking about?
I wasn't trolling, I was replying....if you're talking to me.

Replying to a troll topic makes you a troll. Sorry kid.
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