Why don't you have a shoutbox?


Or just don't post large things, fhtagn :monster:

^. I can ban people from the shoutbox if they're abusing it, :monster:. There's some simple rules in there too (from back when), one of which is don't post large shit. Cookie monster is about the largest.


Pro Adventurer
Is there a way to disable the shoutbox? It stretches the screen on the mobile layout. A minor inconvenience for sure, but since I don't intend to use it, I'd be happy if there was a way to hide it. :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
^Flint has a point, I haven't noticed it stretching stuff on my mobile but different browsers are different innit?

Can we just put a thingy (very technical term) in to collapse it, like you can with the individual forum sections and stuff?

Or, if you want Flint, you could just be banned from the shoutbox? :monster:


Great Old One
User CP > Settings & Options > Edit Optios > Chatbox options : General options (at the very bottom), "Show the chatbox:" --> "No"


Pro Adventurer
I use safari browser on my iPad and it doesn't stretch my screen; but it's nice to know of a way to disable it just in case.


Pro Adventurer
I feel like I must have a different mobile browsing experience from everyone else, since I think it's a total pain in the backside but I see other people saying they have no problems with it.

I took a screenshot. I closed all my tabs and then opened TLS via a shortcut, and this is what it looked like after it finished loading (I haven't zoomed in or out):


This is with the "mobile narrow" theme. Broken images everywhere, a stretched page, and text that's too tiny to read. I guess it's like Octo said - different browsers produce different results.

Anyway, thanks to Fangu's post, I switched the shoutbox off. I visited that page before making my post and did a ctrl-f search for "shout", but of course it's called a "chatbox" there, so I didn't find anything. :monster:


Hm yeah, the mobile skin tries to load images from a /mobile subfolder. Does the mobile skin have any images at all? Shall I just remove the /mobile thing so it loads the regular images? IIRC they're small enough and our caching headers are set properly so they shouldn't be too heavy.


Mobile browsing is horrendous no matter what IMO. Unfortunately a lot of people have made the sacrifice of a proper keyboard for a mobile browsing experience so we do have to consider it when we go through the upgrades on the forums and the site, but life is unfair.

I'm talking generally, not just about TLS. I think mobile browsing in general is terrible. Even sites which tick all the developer and design checkboxes of "yes, this is an excellent mobile site" are still really fucking shitty. People who like it are broken on the inside.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I'm not sure what this is worth but I use Lifestream Narrow Green and on my iPhone have no issues with stretched shout box or broken images.


Mobile browsing is horrendous no matter what IMO. Unfortunately a lot of people have made the sacrifice of a proper keyboard for a mobile browsing experience so we do have to consider it when we go through the upgrades on the forums and the site, but life is unfair.

I'm talking generally, not just about TLS. I think mobile browsing in general is terrible. Even sites which tick all the developer and design checkboxes of "yes, this is an excellent mobile site" are still really fucking shitty. People who like it are broken on the inside.


(source: I make smartphone apps and have made smartphone-specific web apps. The native apps are a bit better though, but it really depends on good UI. Shit like large buttons and making the most of the available space)

Ghost X

Shoutbox is proving a hit, but today we made a disturbing discovery:

Why is the bot named Summoner Yuna? :P.


Pro Adventurer
I can list some colour codes I've tried out once I get my laptop back, which is where I noted some down.


I'd have to hax the code for the editor window, but it should be possible in theory. Alternatively, you can use [color=#<code here>] for custom colors, I believe.


Pro Adventurer
That's how I tried out the custom colour codes I mentioned. It's still a pain to constantly have to copy paste it whenever I want to use them though., hence adding some of them.



Oh, the shoutbox, sorry didn't know what thread this was in :monster:. Adding colors there is probably easier, I'll just have to find the relevant bit of code. Gief the color codes, I'll see what I can do.
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