Now about these uses for Yuffie
A certain link comes to mind that our new host would allow me to share.
To the topic:
I actually like both characters, so I call bullshit on the whole damn thread idea.
Anyway, I never held a grudge against Yuffie for swiping the materia, and I found her personality to be a very enjoyable part of the game. I also thoroughly enjoyed her entire sidequest in Wutai. That's one of my favorite parts of the game.
In addition, she's of my permanent party members for gameplay, the other being Cid (a third not mentioned for obvious reasons: you're stuck with Cloud). Love her limits and just enjoy using her.
Cait Sith, on the other hand, has terrible limits and I never used him in gameplay more than I had to.
That said, approaching this subject with Reeve in Cait Sith's place -- which I tend to do -- he ranks very high for story purposes. He's one of my favorite characters.
I also loved how they utilized his "death" to desensitize the player to party members dying -- right before permanently killing off Aerith.
In the end, I chose Caith Sith in the poll for the above reasons.