And I would think Zack would be pretty freaked out. He was shocked about Angeal's wings (yes, with an 's'), and methinks wings were viewed rather negatively in the FFVII world. DDD;
If I remember correctly, Zack was shocked but didn't view the wings as a negative sign (until the convo with Cissnei, where he is likely referring to a certain batshit crazy silver-haired dud or even red-leather dud), unlike Angeal. Instead of thinking of them as demon wings
coughlikeSephiroth'scough, he went and said they were angel wings instead, being white/pure. I'd think he'd rather like 'em.
I did always wonder if the color and location of the wings were there to represent the path the user had chosen.
Maybe he'll enjoy it.
"Those wings... I want them too." is what he always says in CC, right? Even though at the middle of the game(his conversation with Cissnei to be exact) he says that if you had wings you'd be a monster, I think he'll still like it. Having wings kinda looks like one of his dreams.
Adding to that, wings represent freedom, which is what he wants while running from Shinra together with vegetable!Cloud.
Because Zack makes me happy...
<3 1, 3!,7,8, and 9! AWW!
GUYZ! Has any of you EVAH seen a good Zack cosplayer?
One has yet to cross my path.