SPOILERS LTD Remake — It's like New Coke except ... no, it's exactly like New Coke


Pro Adventurer
My meaning was since Ultimania basically confirmed Aerith's "confession" to want to be with the real Cloud (I have heard she says differently in Japanese, but can't confirm), the date scene cannot be dismissed as merely using him as a Zack stand in anymore. She clearly voices a desire to move on.


Ultimania confirms her feelings for Cloud but never said anything about getting over Zack, There's also nothing about wanting to be in a relationship with Cloud or he have to reciprocate those feelings. All of this just merely confirms that she's attracted to Cloud and wanting to see 'real him' ( this is outside of the story too remember)

again conclusion here is if Aerith will really like the real cloud. Remember the one he present is different ( ZACK ) --> which for me I think the conclusion here is on her last date "like and liking"
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Pro Adventurer
Btw guys the lipsync Aerith did in Chapter 9 when Tifa returns from lifestream is confirmed by ultimania "I'm so relieve"

( Sorry btw have to post it here this seems to be most active)

Seems nojima was intrigued with idea of just lip moving ( no subtitles) hence he proposed it ( i told you he's a cad) hahah
Stupid decision imo, makes it feel like the message is intensely important for some reason. Saying you're glad someones not dead isn't exactly mind blowing.


Pro Adventurer
View attachment 15574

Ultimania confirms her feelings for Cloud but never said anything about getting over Zack, There's also nothing about wanting to be in a relationship with Cloud or he have to reciprocate those feelings. All of this just merely confirms that she's attracted to Cloud and wanting to see 'real him' ( this is outside of the story too remember)

again conclusion here is if Aerith will really like the real cloud. Remember the one he present is different ( ZACK ) --> which for me I think the conclusion here is on her last date "like and liking"
And as always, the thing she's confessing to isn't Cloud, it's a Cloud pretending to be Zack.
People too often conflate "using Cloud as a Zack stand-in" with "Cloud still literally being a Zack stand in".


Pro Adventurer
And as always, the thing she's confessing to isn't Cloud, it's a Cloud pretending to be Zack.
People too often conflate "using Cloud as a Zack stand-in" with "Cloud still literally being a Zack stand in".
well yeah sort of but I'm gonna give it to ultimania since it was also mentioned there that she have seen Zack through cloud at first but liking him and trying to see real him. ( but again the JP term is 'affection' unlike with Zack whose 'love')

Meaning she like him ( Cloud) ~ its like being attracted to similar person of those with your first love ~ is it a healthy one? its not bad but way she did is not healthy~ she' basically repeating all the things Zack and her did back in the day.

We have a term for that ohh yeaah sadly rebound - i dont want to put this negative on Aerith Zack did died after all holding on to someone who died isnt healthy but she never got closure ~ didnt know what happened ~ and in the end she didnt wanna let it go~

I agree with @insanehobbit here its more like she's trying to convinced herself yeaah this can be happened that she will see the 'real him' and move on through Zack but we all know she got her answer on that last date though.
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Remember everyone thought, many of us thought it was ltd drama/fuel and Aerith was saying good luck, how lucky or some variation of xD Turns out she's just happy to see Tifa is ok, she's relieved 💜

Apparently there are other scenes like this with the words muted and you have to guess/lip read with the lip sync, one of them is the "Words drowned by Fireworks" with the words muted by the fireworks, it seems Toriyama doesn't want to spoil this and people are to have fun trying to work it out I guess.


Pro Adventurer
Remember everyone thought, many of us thought it was ltd drama/fuel and Aerith was saying good luck, how lucky or some variation of xD Turns out she's just happy to see Tifa is ok, she's relieved 💜

Nojima was intrigued with people dont know what it means hahahaha :D :D :mon:and debating ~ he's a cad! I told you he is~ kidding he really knows how to trigger intrugue to fandom hahahahaha


Pro Adventurer
The scene where theres a muted lip read that i remember is when Tifa is seeing Cloud walk away with Sephiroth in the lifestream and she speaks but since shes in the water we cant hear what she says. Sephiroth then follows it up saying "your words cant reach him now"


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Team Barret all the way. To me, his character is head and shoulders above anyone else
But enough about his height, what do you think of his character?

As I have said for many many years now, the reading of Aerith's date on her end that makes the most sense is that she KNOWS she has to move on. It's been five years and she's admitting to herself that Zack is dead. Problem is - especially in Retrilogy- is that wanting to move on and being able to move on are two different things, and she's still very much hung up on Zack, including the Zack in Cloud, even as she is attempting to see the real him.


Fire and Blood
The scene where theres a muted lip read that i remember is when Tifa is seeing Cloud walk away with Sephiroth in the lifestream and she speaks but since shes in the water we cant hear what she says. Sephiroth then follows it up saying "your words cant reach him now"
There's also the one at the end when Cloud buries Aerith.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
Stupid decision imo, makes it feel like the message is intensely important for some reason. Saying you're glad someone’s not dead isn't exactly mind blowing.
I can’t help but think it’s stupid too. When I watched my husband play that scene he said his game was glitched when Aerith did that.

When I saw it I thought it was just another moment between Aerith and Tifa that we don’t get to hear. We don’t hear the rest of the conversation they have that night in the room at Kalm, how Cloud remembers Zack, or what Tifa says to her outside of Zack’s parents house.

Which some of these I guess we can use context clues to assume the remainder of what they say. It’s just that it happens often in the game. Maybe that’s just to let us know that both of them are discussing Cloud’s condition I don’t know.


Pro Adventurer
I read that (I think it's in FR) she mouths "Everything will be alright" which sounds right to me as that's what she literally says in Advent Children. So I took is as she is relieved Tifa is alive of course, but also that Cloud and Tifa seem to be repairing damage done to their bond when he basically went nuts and almost killed her.

But also that he is communicating and actively patching things up too. (I see the parallel with Advent Children ending here. It may not be there for real but it's interesting)

It would also I think align with Aerith's frustration about the flower earlier how Cloud is so casual with it (just regifting) and frustration at how he is oblivious to girl's feelings in both Costa to her and pointing it out with Jessie too and with her also her telling him he should cherish Tifa.

She's relieved in probably more than one way I think.
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Pro Adventurer
idk if its just me who can't stand that whole flower talk they had. Imo it didnt convey to me whatever the devs were wanting (which I'm not even sure ) and just made me annoyed at how shallow the whole interaction was


Pro Adventurer
I wanted to highlight this excerpt from the Rebirth Ultimania translated by HayashiNagisa on X/Twitter. Echoing what HayashiNagisa wrote about the devs and their hesitations around “player’s choice,” it reminds me of a post someone made a while back about Cloud and Aerith’s final church date and a possible metaphor that the devs/writing team were trying to make about player choice.
Regardless of what the player choose as Cloud (which gift to give Aerith, what candy to eat, or what pose to make), ultimately Cloud and the story dictate how he acts in certain situations or how events are going to play out.


Fire and Blood
I think the flower conversation sounds harsher in EN than in FR, but even in FR it's a bit cold. I think to get across the message, it's lacking something like Tifa's name for example "you should think about it next time you want to gift something to Tifa" because even to people who like Aerith, this scene sounds weird at best.


Pro Adventurer
I read that (I think it's in FR) she mouths "Everything will be alright" which sounds right to me as that's what she literally says in Advent Children. So I took is as she is relieved Tifa is alive of course, but also that Cloud and Tifa seem to be repairing damage done to their bond when he basically went nuts and almost killed her.

But also that he is communicating and actively patching things up too. (I see the parallel with Advent Children ending here. It may not be there for real but it's interesting)

It would also I think align with Aerith's frustration about the flower earlier how Cloud is so casual with it (just regifting) and frustration at how he is oblivious to girl's feelings in both Costa to her and pointing it out with Jessie too and with her also her telling him he should cherish Tifa.

She's relieved in probably more than one way I think.

Can confirm this is the FR sub. And I think you nailed it.

idk if its just me who can't stand that whole flower talk they had. Imo it didnt convey to me whatever the devs were wanting (which I'm not even sure ) and just made me annoyed at how shallow the whole interaction was

Dialogue is really weird yes. @LunarTarotGirl may be onto something but I think they kinda failed to show what they wanted to say. I think it has multiple purposes. Show how Cloud is pretty dumb with romance and that Aerith is different from Remake. But in the end it paints her in a bad way. They could have done much better.


Pro Adventurer
But enough about his height, what do you think of his character?
Lol do do chu.

There's so much to him imo. Someone who really loved his partner, Dyne and village. Thought he was doing the right thing by them w/initially working with Shinra. After losing everything he loved, dedicated his life to taking them down. Took in Marlene. Became a leader of an Avalanche cell. He's like a big teddy bear. I enjoy the times when he's brass/rough and when he's a softy. As the trilogy goes forward, the layers get peeled back. The flashbacks in Cosmo Canyon has been my favorite. We get all of him during those scenes. I've been through alot of the same things he has, just on a smaller scale. Maybe that's why I like him so much, idk.

I wish I could describe him better. I don't think what I'm saying actually does him justice haha


One of some things that stood out to me while reading Ultimania stuffs is that apparently it's not normal to get Cait Sith date with Cid and Vincent, if you play normal that won't happen, so I guess I'm not normal for playing straight through the story lol, the other thing is that if there is a tie for the date the last characters in your party dictate the tie breaker. If it's still a tie the character to the left takes priority.


Pro Adventurer
I think the flower conversation sounds harsher in EN than in FR, but even in FR it's a bit cold. I think to get across the message, it's lacking something like Tifa's name for example "you should think about it next time you want to gift something to Tifa" because even to people who like Aerith, this scene sounds weird at best.
The thing is I think it's supposed to sound weird. Because we are supposed to compare it to her original reaction which is giggling when he tells her he gave it away. Aerith doesn't remember this interaction and I think they made it jarring so we pick up on that. If it sounded nicer that discrepancy probably wouldn't be caught easily.

And since she doesn't remember she thinks he gave away the flower to Tifa without being thoughtful or she can be hurt he gave her gift to him away. Either way I think the point is to show frustration but basically that she has some serious amnesia going on. I think what would have helped this scene is Cloud reminding her she was happy he gave the flower away and her saying she doesn't remember that.

Can confirm this is the FR sub. And I think you nailed it.

Thank you. ^^ I really am not sure if that's the intent of course, I'm just trying to puzzle together the pieces we've been given.


Fire and Blood
And since she doesn't remember she thinks he gave away the flower to Tifa without being thoughtful or she can be hurt he gave her gift to him away. Either way I think the point is to show frustration but basically that she has some serious amnesia going on. I think what would have helped this scene is Cloud reminding her she was happy he gave the flower away and her saying she doesn't remember that.
Nowhere in game is it stated that it's her past memories that got taken away though, only her future memories. Whispers only took away the memories of the future from the Lifestream. Tifa thinks they could take away their past memories, but Red confirms it's their memories on the future they took away, things they knew and now don't, and they don't know what's missing. So yeah it's a bit bizarre I think.


🎵 I am so, so bored 🎶
I wanted to highlight this excerpt from the Rebirth Ultimania translated by HayashiNagisa on X/Twitter. Echoing what HayashiNagisa wrote about the devs and their hesitations around “player’s choice,” it reminds me of a post someone made a while back about Cloud and Aerith’s final church date and a possible metaphor that the devs/writing team were trying to make about player choice.
Regardless of what the player choose as Cloud (which gift to give Aerith, what candy to eat, or what pose to make), ultimately Cloud and the story dictate how he acts in certain situations or how events are going to play out.
I really hope there is no affinity system in the next game. Just want it to be the conclusion, show me exactly what you want me to see in the narrative. I don’t want a say in it lol.


Pro Adventurer
Nowhere in game is it stated that it's her past memories that got taken away though, only her future memories. Whispers only took away the memories of the future from the Lifestream. Tifa thinks they could take away their past memories, but Red confirms it's their memories on the future they took away, things they knew and now don't, and they don't know what's missing. So yeah it's a bit bizarre I think.
Really? Huh.

Then there has to be some alternative explanation for the line to be there because it really does stand out. Aerith's personality isn't one to be bothered by such things in the first place. She seemed fine when she saw the flower but with future memories gone maybe the context is gone for her. Maybe Aerith found out Cloud gave the flower without saying where it's from? But I don't think that would upset her that much either.

I still think it's supposed to juxtapose what we already know it can't just be there for no reason so maybe since she got her memories of Cloud and Tifa in the future taken away so she thinks in the moment that Cloud is being unthoughtful? Basically the stuff she knew in Remake is why she was acting differently then.

But she did giggle before about oooo who did you give it to? So maybe him not being forthcoming about the flower's origin to Tifa or in general "hmm I thought you didn't like lying" is what has her react that way. And give him advice.
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I really hope there is no affinity system in the next game. Just want it to be the conclusion, show me exactly what you want me to see in the narrative. I don’t want a say in it lol.
I agree, and I think importantly it doesn't make sense to have an affinity system in the next one (at least not in the same vein as Rebirth). It would be shitty if they started you again with characters you've built up in Rebirth, or had you start at 50% if you import a save or something.

For the story beats they have left I don't think an affinity system makes narrative sense.
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