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  1. Catherine

    Happy Birthday, Alex!

    Dunno who you are but happy birthday! :awesome: we have the same name.
  2. Catherine

    TES V: Skyrim

    The Greybeards were such bitches to find, omg. I had to check out a walkthrough to find the right way ;_;
  3. Catherine

    Square Enix Wants To Release A Major Final Fantasy Game Every 1-2 Years

    Just because they want to do it doesn't mean they're going to do it. If I recall correctly they also want to do a VII remake but they aren't going to because it would be 'way too much work'. Who knows though, now that they've mastered the new engines and stuff, maybe they'll be capable of this.
  4. Catherine

    Jak & Daxter (HD Collection)

    fC1nkw4JrO4 SHAKING AND CRYING ALL OVER THE PLACE RIGHT NOW. Getting this on day one. I freaking love these games.
  5. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    You can sample some of the OST tracks here I LOVE THEM ALL.
  6. Catherine

    TES V: Skyrim

    I have no idea honestly. I didn't even bother with that...I just wanted to finish the quest quickly lol. Speaking of which, I finally finished the college today :awesome: focusing on the main story now. On my way to see the greybeards!
  7. Catherine

    What makes your day

    My eye is FINALLY cured. Well, almost, but it looks normal now. Oh my god, I've never been so happy to look in the mirror.
  8. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I just don't think I will ever get used to Snow's new look...oh whale. Saving Hope's WP though :awesome:
  9. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I just wonder if the alternate costume for Noel's still happening too. I don't think we've heard about it anymore since it was first mentioned...
  10. Catherine

    TES V: Skyrim

    Currently at Labyrinthian. I hate this place. Actually, I hate all the dungeons I've had to explore for the College quests, ugh. The final reward better be worth it.
  11. Catherine


    Personally, I think it looks amazing. Beautiful environments and character designs, I CAN'T WAIT <3 I think I'm going to love Merida.
  12. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I think her armor is awesome but her hairstyle doesn't look too good with it. It's too...'simple' for it, idk.
  13. Catherine

    Kitase: FFXV could be an action RPG

    People will complain no matter what it ends up being anywayz. I've liked all the latest titles and I trust them. I think change is good and necessary once in a while, so I'm excited for how this might turn out.
  14. Catherine

    What makes your day

    JELLY. We need to do this soon!
  15. Catherine

    Things that piss you off

    I swear conjunctivitis is the worst thing that's happened to me in a LONG time. I'm having constant headaches and my right eye looks simply awful. Someone put me out of my misery omg.
  16. Catherine

    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    The new Sunleth is so beautiful! while the one in XIII had kind of an enchanted forest/spring feel, this one looks so much like autumn. Loves it. I also really like the new track, although it's pretty similar to the original one. Chocolina's outfit, I just can't.
  17. Catherine

    The Secret World of Arrietty

    I watched this film a couple months ago when it came out here and I loved it A LOT. It's one of the sweetest movies Studio Ghibli's ever done imo. I'm also really thankful because the OST made me discover Cécile Corbel, who's now one of my favourite artists <3 Definitely getting this in blu-ray...
  18. Catherine

    Things that piss you off

    I've been sick for three days now, which didn't even bother me. But now I have conjunctivitis, which means I can't be on the PC or play videogames for too long. I just got Skyrim yesterday. Why.
  19. Catherine

    What makes your day

    No, I simply can't. (Tumblr lingo and stuff) But yes. Like I said I haven't played much yet but it really is amazing so far. The openness of the world is great and you can literally do whatever you want.
  20. Catherine

    TES V: Skyrim

    I just finished the Bleak Falls Barrow quest as well. I was supposed to get a trophy for it but for some reason I didn't...oh well lol I've been exploring and the environments are just amazing. You can definitely tell they've put lots of work into this game.
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