Final Fantasy XIII-2


unsavory tart
Lightning's new armor is okay. I don't mind batshit clothes in my games. Although I really dislike this "gaps of human flesh in my armor" thing. For some reason, more than all the impracticality of half the things in jrpgs, this one just annoys me.


Why does this seem to be a trend? It just looks dumb.

Ghost X

@Arianna: Her pointy elbows could easily cause herself some injury too, eg: disembowelment, but hey, like I said, I don't mind. I may have minded long ago, but its grown on me :P.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I think her armor is awesome but her hairstyle doesn't look too good with it. It's too...'simple' for it, idk.


Lightning's new armor is okay. I don't mind batshit clothes in my games. Although I really dislike this "gaps of human flesh in my armor" thing. For some reason, more than all the impracticality of half the things in jrpgs, this one just annoys me.


Why does this seem to be a trend? It just looks dumb.
Not to mention that he could only bend over so much without it digging into his fucking body. lol

@ Lightning's armor:
I'd be fine if something like that was ceremonial or if she took it off later (:awesome:), but I just don't like nonsensically convoluted clothing/armor that serves no purpose and doesn't really reflect the time/climate etc anyway.

Plus, I'd be a whole lot more impressed if it was actually useful. WTF is the feather duster for?


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I think her armor is awesome

Alex stop going against my thinking!!!!! <333 JK JK

IDK maybe I don't like Lightning anymore so that's my way of saying that I don't really mind her pressence...even though she'll be extremely present in the game. IDK I just....I don't like her anymore....

They should just keep throwing Serah beautiful pics instead. :awesome:


unsavory tart
New weapon or weapon skin? That seems kinda lazy. Omega still is the best deal imo, but since I always go Gamestop and have access to powerup *shrugs*


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
New weapon or weapon skin? That seems kinda lazy. Omega still is the best deal imo, but since I always go Gamestop and have access to powerup *shrugs*

I agree, and also have access to GameStop and PowerUp; but, still, I'm going with Amazon and their Omega boss battle freebie.

Personally, putting out all these extra 'goodies' with the game really irks me! Too many to chose from!


unsavory tart
All these preorder bonuses from different places is a completionist's nightmare. Although I had a harder time chosing when preordering Dissidia 012, I wanted both Tifa's enforcer outfit and Cloud's KH outfit.

I got Cloud's KH but it turns out it didn't matter since I lost the code. /storyofmylife


AI Researcher
I missed Vaan's pirate outfit (magazine sold out) and Cecil's original game outfits (never got the PSP FFIV) for promo 012 outfits :sadpanda:

So what's this Omega thing all about? That's the shitty thing about importing online, it's pretty difficult to get preorder stuff unless it's just bundled with the game itself.


unsavory tart
Preodering from Amazon means you get a new side mission and the chance to get Omega Weapon in your party. Someone pointed out though that the only reason you would need Omega Weapon is to defeat Omega Weapon. But still, awesome.


AI Researcher
and that isn't in the game normally why

It's stuff like that that makes me hate DLC so very much :sadpanda:

Anyways, that TV (Regza) which they're using to show the opening of FFXIII-2 in shops and is supposed to be super awesome for playing the game on is also having a campaign where you can win either a copy of the game or a special FFXIII-2 remote control!!!1

ngl i do kind of want the remote for the colour scheme :sadpanda:


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
I would've loved the Omega Side-Mission. Sadly for new release games, I never make it a rule to buy them online. So now I'll have both of Gamestop's Bonuses. That's a good one. TBH I am really looking forward to Serah's costume.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I just wonder if the alternate costume for Noel's still happening too. I don't think we've heard about it anymore since it was first mentioned...


unsavory tart
Oh shi- Sazh!

Why don't they show a proper part with him in the story yet? Like they did with Hope and Snow? It's getting depressing and we're only two months away. YOU ARE WORRYING ME SQUEENIX.

But still it's nice to see that they didn't just forget him (two more to go DDD: )


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
SAZH! *clings* He better have more than just a cameo role ;.;


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I never noticed the bottom of Snow's coat was all frayed and junk. What a bum.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Oh shi- Sazh!

Why don't they show a proper part with him in the story yet? Like they did with Hope and Snow? It's getting depressing and we're only two months away. YOU ARE WORRYING ME SQUEENIX.

Less than that even -- 25 days.

As others have said, there's a lot of pre-order bonuses and different editions out there, so it's almost a chore picking which pre-order to go with or even which region's copy of the game; though I think the PAL Crystal Edition and pre-order sound best. But, then, I have doubts the PAL downloadables would be usable over here in the States.

Anyone know for sure?


AI Researcher
I think as long as you're using the PAL copy of the game, and possibly have an account for the region to download it, it shouldn't be a problem?

Useless information: my main account is for the Japanese side of the PSN, but has no trouble with DLC from either its store or other regions (Bioshock 2 and Dead Space DLC both worked fine for me despite not being bought from my account).

But that's with the PS3 version. I don't know if it would work like that with the 360, since I don't know how online accounts work with that or if you can make them for different regions.

In summary, I might not be helping at all :awesome:


Great Old One
I just realized something - is there a chance we might se Oerba as it was back in the days when it was inhabited? I really loved the feel of that place and I hope we get to see that :)


Great Old One
really? piece of info I missed there. damn.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I knew this. Just having a Sunday brain fart moment there. But I was quite sad when I remembered - I would love to see crowded Oerba with all of the lived-in families with kids running around playing with whatever crap they could find, flowers blossoming, and the workers taking a break in the large shed. Oh well. It's a nice place in my head <3
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unsavory tart
I never noticed the bottom of Snow's coat was all frayed and junk. What a bum.
Snow's a ridiculous character, but for some reason these announcements have been making me almost become fond of the character.

Just for some reason, I feel that being a hobo living in the forest alone is so right for him. I approve of bum!Snow.


coquettish cat
Itsuki, Vanille, Meruru, Catherine.
I just don't think I will ever get used to Snow's new look...oh whale.
Saving Hope's WP though :awesome:
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