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  1. KnightInHeaven

    T&A; Tifa and Aerith

    Admittedly I have one oneshot romance fic for these two. :3 I ship them more than I do with Clack. I'm into yuri/yaoi and loosely ship the het couples. Tifa and Aerith are truly amazing, so meant for one another. I guiltily imagined them having lovekids at some point. ^_^ :D anything is...
  2. KnightInHeaven

    cute animals appreciation club

  3. KnightInHeaven

    Final Fantasy: Terra (Fan Film)

    My all-time favourite FF game getting its own fan-made movie?! HELL F'ING YES! Trailer was epic by the way! :D awesome effects. Holy sh...I'm excited. Gonna save some gil up to see this! :D Amazing cast and costume department too. The actresses playing my OTP couple Celes and Terra (yep there's...
  4. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    xD haha. Thanks anyway. Maybe next time ;)
  5. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Ah I understand it now. xD you know as much as I would love to participate in this, I'm sadly going to have to say no. This Magitek Knight is mildly busy. Job and family stuff. I really appreciate the invite but also hope y'all aren't upset about it. I do apologize. :) Hope you all enjoy it...
  6. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Ah I understand now. xD you know I would love to, but this Magitek Knight may not have the time for it. Job and family stuff in the way. I really appreciate the invite. I hope I haven't offended any eager souls here. lol I do apologize however. Sounds like a lot of fun. :3 I wish you all the...
  7. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Thanks Rory! That's awesome. It was the first one I've ever played and absolutely loved it. The others are wonderful but FFVI pwns. Just saying. :D
  8. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Thank you all! :D Oh a community playthrough for FFVIII? :D is that where we set some time to join in together and play the game and make comments about our progress? :) or am I thinking something entirely different?
  9. KnightInHeaven

    Happy birthday, Lex!

    I'm very new here but can I still wish Prince Lex a happy birthday? :) Ah nevermind. Happy birthday, Lex! Hope you've been enjoying a good one! :3
  10. KnightInHeaven

    *makes a shy approach, but gives in anyway* Hello y'all!

    Uh yes this would be my introduction post. ^_^ Hey everyone! First timer here! How are you all this adventurous day? *offers all kuponuts...rumour has it they're irresistible*'s as it says (but anyone may already guess who my two favourite FF ladies are by it)and I'm quite fond...
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