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  1. clowd

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Im very curious whether or not they will keep all the language from the original game. There was alot of that in it, more then any T rated game I can remember.
  2. clowd

    Fan Reactions

  3. clowd


    Good. Whoever has rebooted or remade something and did it exactly the same? Whether it be movies or music, theres no point in doing something exactly the same. The more it feels like I'm playing a new game without deviating too far from the original story, the better.
  4. clowd


    E3 Trailer views on Playstation's youtube account 4.1M - Final Fantasy 7 Remake 1.2M - The Last Guardian 1.0M - Uncharted 4 0.9M - Arkham Knight 0.8M - Horizon Zero Dawn 0.7M - Star Wars Battlefront
  5. clowd

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (gameplay/combat)

    I'd be fine with doing the world map like FFXII. That felt open enough for me. A linear game like FFX/FFXIII will absolutely not work. FFVII was not linear at all. OK maybe it a general sense it was, but you had more then a 5 foot wide path to follow to the next area/town. It had a very...
  6. clowd

    Hopes for Remake & Rebirth (story/content)

    Simple. Make it better then the original. In terms of details: - Scaled down open world (FFXV style) instead of a massively scaled down world map. Limited loading. - new side quests, some very, very hard. - new and old weapons - revamped battle mechanics, no loading screen - Vincent and...
  7. clowd


    I should see it that way but I cant stop thinking about the possibilities with next gen tech. I honeslty think it will be open world in some way. Square's recent RPGs Lightning Returns and XV both are more open world then anything they've made in years. After the first 10 hours in the...
  8. clowd


    Think about this for 1 second. Final Fantasy VII with Final Fantasy XV's open world gameplay. Walking from Midgar to Kalm done at 1/100 scale instead of 1/10,000 scale like the original game. My word they could make it better then the original. Seeing Hojo, Biggs, Wedge, Jessie...
  9. clowd

    PC Gamer: 'Why I love FFVII's Midgar' Just something I have to say after reading the article and some of the comments, Im tired of people diminishing their experience with FFVII because apparently 'they were young and wide eyed'. It kind of falls in line with the 'you...
  10. clowd

    Final Fantasy XV (was Versus XIII)

    Looks like another story driven Final Fantasy. Why cant we get a character driven Final Fantasy? Final Fantasy has basically become the Michael Bay Transformers of gaming. Huge spectacle with alot of special effects, but very little else.
  11. clowd

    FFVII Remaster instead of Full Remake?

    Maybe FFVII should just get a remaster instead of a full remake? A remaster could include - 1080p / 60fps - Leaderboards - Possible Multiplayer - zoomed in 16:9 aspect ratio. The same way a 2.40:1 film gets converted to 16:9 for television. The camera tracks the player as he moves. - Higher...
  12. clowd

    Best FFVII song?

    For me personally, the Main Theme is the essence of Final Fantasy VII. The unique part about the song is that it has two different tones, but both end up with powerful triumphant finish. It doesnt suffer from the somewhat repetitive nature of One Winged Angel. It has highs, lows, and never...
  13. clowd

    Is Sephiroth Really Overated As People Say He Is

    The thing is, I never rated him highly to begin with. So its impossible for me to overrate him. Jenova is the more interesting villain, but Sephiroth does intimidate you and of course theres the part where he kills Aeris. Overall I'd say hes probably the 6th or 7th most interesting...
  14. clowd

    Favorite FFVII Cosplays (other FF's welcome)

    Really good Tifa
  15. clowd

    Favorite FFVII Cosplays (other FF's welcome)

    A very awesome Lightning
  16. clowd

    Idea - Square should ask another Studio to remake FF7

    Hideo Kojima has recently asked for another studio to remake Metal Gear Solid (1998) for next gen using the Fox Engine. How about Square asking another studio to remake Final Fantasy VII using the Luminous Engine? This way we not only get a fresh take on the game, as it will feel more like a...
  17. clowd

    Feelings on FFVII characters looking Asian?

    I was messing around on youtube and ran across this 2:30 - 3:10 in this video He makes a good point. Why in a fantasy setting are the characters starting to look Japanese? Its even odder that in the anime like Last Order or in official Dissidia...
  18. clowd

    When you first played through you thought...

    For the longest time I thought Red XIII meant Red 8 and thats what we called him. The CG image of Barret holding Marlene in front of the flowers at Aerith's church. I remember seeing this alot because the first copy of FFVII I had was a scratched up rental that could not load up the first CG...
  19. clowd

    Remake or Reboot of FFVII

    Remake - Copy the original game as much as possible, the only real changes are graphics and sound fidelity. Reboot - Mimic the original but the new director etc switches things up. Maybe this scene doesnt happen. Maybe this scene happens differently. Major plot points like Aeris dying stay...
  20. clowd

    "You Only like FFVII so much because it was your first RPG"

    How are you suppose to counter this argument?
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