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  1. Hisako

    Metal Gear Solid 5 (+ General Series Thread)

    Throughout MGS3 and Peace Walker, the bandanna seems to be basically a representation of Big Boss' emotional connection to The Boss. After Peace Walker he straight up emotionally cuts himself off from The Boss because he fundamentally disagreed with her ideology, so he ditches it (one of his...
  2. Hisako

    Guardians of the Galaxy

  3. Hisako

    The Dark Tower (Film/TV adaptation)

    Fuuuuuuck Yeah sure, why not
  4. Hisako


    eh last one has even more narm for my taste, even with the whole supersoldier cliché going on Every other short had a whole ton of character building but there's very little internally happening with Soldier 76 that it feels like they didn't really know what to do with him? idk
  5. Hisako


    Dialogue was a bit narmy imo and the whole narration thing didn't feel as smooth as I thought it could be, but it was still a decent animated short! Kind of preferred the tone of 'Alive'
  6. Hisako

    PlayStation 4

    My main genres are shootybangs, sportsball and drivecar :monster: Rocket League covers the latter 2 for me.
  7. Hisako

    Mass Effect Series

    I've been reposting this in some of my other social circles because I think it's actually a really fairly-balanced critique of all three games. The dude probably deserves more subscribers because he puts in the time and effort to highlight things in videogames that don't get as much light of day...
  8. Hisako

    PlayStation 4

    I remember having a good deal of fun with the regular shootybang combat (since shootybangs are generally my thing) but the thing that irks me is that the QTE patterns for the QTE werewolf "boss" fights are exactly the same, all the way up to the end of the game, which smacks of a lack of...
  9. Hisako


    M I C K G O R D O N B O Y S eKKIy3Npjd8
  10. Hisako

    Warcraft movie

    "The Beginning" is the fucking lamest subtitle for any movie, let alone a film that already struggles to set itself apart from the swords-and-sorcery fantasy genre at first glance
  11. Hisako

    Eurovision Song Contest 2016

    Politicking aside, I think Ukraine's entry was really novel and interesting vocally, which set itself apart from the varying amounts of 220% electric boogaloo. Also felt like a much more raw performance compared to some of the other entries, which were still fun to listen to but sounded more...
  12. Hisako

    General Anime Thread

    A little bit perturbed that none of yall muhfuckas picked up on Production I.G. bankrolling two sequel seasons for FLCL (with extra dollars from Adult Swim/Toonami)
  13. Hisako

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided ANNOUNCED

    Well if he's a person with a fucking cannon instead of a head I don't think it's surprising that he'd be the last of his kind :monster: OT: I'm glad they changed the PEPs gun to be implemented elsewhere. Did anyone here ever actually use it in any major capacity?
  14. Hisako

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Apparently Saldana is getting ass-blasted for her portrayal of Nina Simone in some new biopic - people didn't take very kindly to neither her performance nor the amount of makeup used to "blacken" her face. 'Whitewashing' concerns aside, good direction is probably a big factor as to whether or...
  15. Hisako

    Tomb Raider [film reboot]

    Angelina Jolie was one of those casting choices that, like Daisy Ridley was rumoured for now, was used to roll in the ticket sales. I don't think casting her in this would tonally fit the reboot script, and plus (as purely a comparison to the new Lara Croft) she's fuckin' old :monster:
  16. Hisako

    Voting Results: Welcome your new mods!

    These are some skilled-ass muhfuckas gonna smoke some fools like shieeeet But for real though fucken top choices :cthulhu:
  17. Hisako

    Dragon Age: Inquisition

    That's a shitty price, but tbf they're still pretty great and I wouldn't say no if I had to really make a choice :monster:
  18. Hisako

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Still, both had pretty cool roles in the first film! :(
  19. Hisako

    Channy's Trip to the Americas (or How I Saw a Pop Idol and Met a Pretty Princess)

    Fuck damn you motherfuckers and your whole "I'm having a great time hanging out and having fun in general like a regular human being" shtick, you nerds
  20. Hisako

    New Mod Voting Thread

    If I get negative feedback I wanna know about it! Anonymously with consent, of course :awesome: I'd be curious to see if it's something I could work on as a human being on the internet :monster:
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