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  1. wander

    Last Film You've Seen

    Ghostbusters (2016) So... honestly, I went in expecting garbage. I never intended to watch it, because the trailer made it look like a train wreck and I didn't really like the whole "only white people can be professors" thing that was going on (and Kristen Wiig/Kate McKinnon can be really...
  2. wander

    What games are you currently playing?

    Fire Emblem 6 & Fire Emblem Heroes.
  3. wander

    General Anime Thread

    do they make good anime any more
  4. wander

    Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

    TLJ was probably the worst Star Wars movie to date, or at least tied with Phantom Menace & Attack of the Clones.
  5. wander

    What games are you currently playing?

    Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 The flawed masterpiece, one of the more challenging Fire Emblem games, and my personal favourite, despite the fact that it has never been properly localised.
  6. wander

    What are you listening to?

    Q4CCWWOoC1M Zyq0VdJij68
  7. wander

    What are you listening to?

  8. wander

    Fate/Grand Order

    Yeah rerolling
  9. wander

    Fate/Grand Order

    I would play this but I'd spend too long rerolling
  10. wander

    Fate/Grand Order

    are you having a laff m8
  11. wander

    I'll be gone for a bit everyone.

    Yeah, right, 'the army' Just shoot me a PM if Sachiel is likely to blow up the UK.
  12. wander

    What games are you currently playing?

    I wish I had realised that this was released in February, would have saved me a lot of time spent on Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links which itself prompted me to watch like 200 episodes of fucking Yu-Gi-Oh to know what was going on. I'll never get that time back.
  13. wander

    What games are you currently playing?

    It's really great isn't it? I think orbs are a little on the scarce side, but completing the story mode three times sets you up with over a hundred orbs so as long as you reroll your initial summons to make sure you set yourself up with at least one dancer and a decent mage, it's pretty easy to...
  14. wander

    What games are you currently playing?

    I'm playing Fire Emblem Heroes I've played FE from Genealogy up to Fates, I haven't played Echoes of Valentia yet. It's actually very good. I didn't expect much from a mobile cash-grab game but it's actually a lot of fun even without paying Nintendo. The artwork is simply majestic. The...
  15. wander

    What are you listening to?

    UZMjRxqbXIA new album in a month... I hope it's as good as Slowdive's comeback
  16. wander

    What are you listening to?

    egyX0J5pQ-k Op5aTvRY6JQ hehWmivkQpM
  17. wander

    TLS Family Portrait Thread

    team foundation server is meme of the centry
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