Search results

  1. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Have I been discovered so soon? D: I already talked about this, so I won't go back into it. Navi sucked. Tatl was annoying at first but yeah, at least she had a back story. And after a while, her moments with Link were all the more touching because she didn't care in the beginning. It made...
  2. Marle

    Non-FF Clubs

    Is this true? D: If so, I shall delete. Don't wanna break any rulez. D: Ya know what, I'm such a fucking idiot; it's called Final Fantasy Clubs... Epic fail on my part. Apologies to mods! Do delete. :(
  3. Marle

    Non-FF Clubs

    Would love it if fanclubs for other games/anime/etc. could be created, please? :awesome:
  4. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Tetra was fucking awesome. :D Although I never played WW myself (watched a friend beat it quite a while ago), I loved her. Maybe it's cause she was a pirate. Also, best mask of MM anyone? I VOTE OMNILINK. Nothing tops.
  5. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    YOU GAIZ ALL THIS MUZIK IS SO AWESOME MY BRAINS JUST BLEW UP ALL OVER MY COMPUTER SCREEN. Oh, does anyone know the music that plays at night in TP? Holy shit, I wanted it to be nighttime forever just so I could keep hearing it. Zee, I am seriously obsessed with the remixes you find (love how...
  6. Marle

    Merged Inuyasha bullshit.

    This thread is still alive? :no::eeyoresigh:
  7. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    inorite? Me being srs is just no fun. D: I apologize for that. Back to interesting stuffs! AYPgxgbOL3Y I adored this song my first time playing through the game. :D Anyone got other faves to share?
  8. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Woah, misunderstanding x10. I never said she doesn't interact with them. D: WTF, that's so insane. I said she doesn't interfere with them. As in, from my previous claim that she got in the way of my OTP. It was a joke. D: As for whether it had romance or not, I also said it had none, if...
  9. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Twas in jest, my friend. :glomp:I don't hate Midna, actually. She isn't my fave character but it actually has little to do with her interference with Zelda and Link(which she really doesn't do). :\ I just found her annoying at times. Honestly, TP had no, if little romance at all. The...
  10. Marle

    Merged Inuyasha bullshit.

    Isn't this incest? :monster:
  11. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Lifestream girls got nothing on this one. Headless?! Indeed, you are a new breed of man. :awesome:
  12. Marle

    Merged Inuyasha bullshit.

    Rin x Sesshoumaru is canon, herp derp. :monster: But srsly...: ...
  13. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Zee fixed it for me. :)
  14. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    No it didn't. PROOFZ. I DEMAND THEE OF IT. D< Then, poor Link. That's what I meant. :P
  15. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    no u :catfight:
  16. Marle

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    I don't really ship it, either. But pretty fanart is pretty fanart. :D Sadly, Tseng x Aerith art is pretty damn rare. :(
  17. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    Don't. :awesome:
  18. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    I knew that. :monster: He looks like Dracula! :O The 1931 version. I would know; doing a study on the movie. :D
  19. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Aya <3 Thank you for understanding that Midna is a useless creature. :D Ryu, if you are implying that Link goes with this nasty thing growing off of Epona's ass: Poor, poor Link. Even though I don't like Midna, even I can admit Ilia pales in comparison to her. D: Yech. Just about her only...
  20. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Fixed. :awesome:
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