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  1. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Where the fuck is the thanks x100000 button?! I loved the music. It was so amazing, for midi styled sound. Srsly reminds me I need to download the music for both TP and OoT! Thanks for the clarification, gaiz. Too bad I don't own a damn gamecube. :\ That game with the bird! I must have...
  2. Marle

    Discreet Affections - TsengxAerith

    Popular demand AND GO.
  3. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    My bad. O, so I will spam that fan club nao.
  4. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Yeah, I never bothered with the Gamecube. Because I was young, jobless and it was expensive. D: In what way is it better? Just curious. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SKYWARD SWORD. ITS MIDNA-LESS. :D Better than TP already. :P Oh and Zee, don't worry; my first playthrough of OoT, I named Link "Zelda". XD
  5. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    I'd do my civic duty and all but I think I'd get banned for making this even more off topic than it already is. D: On topic: CLOTI OWNZ UR SOULLLLLL. >D Come at me bro
  6. Marle

    The Elite Order of Cloud

    ^ Pretty damn awesome. Thanks! :D
  7. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    It's funny cause, ya know, she's older than Cloud. :awesome: I love her Amano dress (even though his artwork sux); it makes her look so princess-y. Her CC outfit is my second fave. But I love everything she wears, tbh. Unlike Tifa; I wanted to burn her AC clothes. :doh: I'm probably alone on...
  8. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

  9. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    Yeah, these days I frequent pixiv. But a lot of the fanart I have came from back in the good ole days when I'd visit fanart websites and dig them up. Which may be why a few of them are new to some people. :D @Cloud/Terra: :griffinsvomit:
  10. Marle

    Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith

    All Clerith fanart is cute. And so I bring more. Because I have too many. :| And then Aerith's date became canon. :awesome: Don't really like this one but...Dissidia Clerith is rare. ^Posted it in LTD thread but, it's too hawt not to double post. :awesome:
  11. Marle

    The Elite Order of Cloud

    I have a love/hate relationship with this man. Played FF7 and loved him, especially post LS. :D Then they came out with AC and let's just say I cheered when he got shot. I sort of wanted him to just die because he was so emo and such a mess of a character when compared to his moseying self in...
  12. Marle

    Faith v. 3.0 (Cloti Club)

    I remember that picture! Yeah, I loved it, but that massive panty shot took away a lot of it's artistic value. :( Thanks for that awesome tumblr! :D Fanart I actually DON'T have; that's a very rare thing, ya know. I noticed Tifa's hand in that piccie, too. I just cropped it out. It's such a...
  13. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    I need to replay FF9. I haven't touched it since...I was in high school. And that, my friends, was a long time ago. D: I also need to get myself a new copy of FF6 because I lost the old one. :'( But the shit is so rare, I keep postponing it.
  14. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    CloTi? Gross?! BORING?! HOW DARE THEE?! D< Seriously though, gross is Cloud/Red XIII. Now THAT is just naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty. As for boring, I opt Squall/Rinoa. :monster: I have Tseng/Aerith fanart where her hair doesn't look like poop! :awesome:
  15. Marle

    30 days of FF meme (Spoilers)

    "You look like a bear wearing a marshmellow" Admit it, it was EPIC. :D
  16. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    Wow gaiz, we are so on topic. :awesome: Can I spam AerTi fanart nao? In celebration of it being canon. :D
  17. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    ^ That deserves an epic thanks. :D
  18. Marle

    The Legend of Zelda (General)

    Fuck this, I'm reviving it. No LoZ thread dies. It gets resurrected as Zombie!Zelda. And we all know what an evil bitch she was in TP. :awesome: So. LoZ: OoT was my very first videogame. EVAR. At least, that I beat alone. Street Fighter as Chun-Li kicking my brother's ass on his SNES when I...
  19. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    W3 ar3 all tr0lls. D:
  20. Marle

    New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

    O ya, I went tharr.
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