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  1. Farron

    cute animals appreciation club

  2. Farron

    Disney's Frozen

    Frozen Easter Eggs Flynn and Rapunzel Hidden Mickey Mouse doll Wreck- It- Ralph candies
  3. Farron

    cute animals appreciation club

    Kitty i believe i can fly i sleeps with you bah humbug ! duck what duck ? Christmas Doge ? no doggy treats today
  4. Farron

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    I thought that they did it because people kept on trying to deprecate Hope about him being a whiny emo kid, so they aged him up, and yes, people did treat him better. as soon as they dropped down his age again, the bashing started again.
  5. Farron

    FFVIII Community Playthrough

    Going to start tomorrow, will try and catch up :monster: Sorry been busy trying to juggle between Pokemon XY, Zelda Link Between Worlds, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Zelda OoT the 3DS suddenly got good like crazy, wow.
  6. Farron

    Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]

    Not to be rude or anything lex but was this directed at me, because I'm not American :monster: But now that you mention the slowdown
  7. Farron

    FFVIII coming to PC with some resolution upgrade

    ooh Squall ! I love you, but you're so Drama Queen sometimes :desu:
  8. Farron

    Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster [PS3/PS4/Vita]

    I feel like I'm the only FF X fan that doesn't want this or isn't looking forward to it, it just feels like the same game but with a different shade of paint. i negative i know still fine and okay with the old PS2 game I just don't feel that FF X needed a upgrade this damn fast, FF5- FF9...
  9. Farron

    Akihiko Yoshida leaves SquareEnix

    This is tragic, but we'll be seeing his artwork in the future no doubt, hopefully. I wish him tons of luck for his future.
  10. Farron

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    Terra's theme is in the game as well wonder if there's a guy pumping out a tune of One- Winged- Angel somewheres.
  11. Farron

    TLS Awards 2013: Discussion

    agree with this sorry guys I like Fangu Ironman and Danseru- Kun, but I feel like I don't know everybody as well yet though next year, for sure :monster: I have disappointed you all in the year of Luigi, i'm sorry.
  12. Farron

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    Sorry if already posted
  13. Farron

    What Disney or Don Bluth songs would fit the FF7 characters?

    Oh my gosh, this made me lol so hard :desu:
  14. Farron

    Just for fun: what music genre would FF7 characters listen to?

    Cloud- Crisis Core- Secret hardcore Disney fanboy Final Fantasy VII- Enjoys whatever is Top 5 Advent Children- Chemical Romance, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, The Frey Tifa- Katy Perry, Beyonce, Pussycat Dolls, Rihanna, Kelly Clarkson Aerith- Sugababes...
  15. Farron

    What Disney or Don Bluth songs would fit the FF7 characters?

    Cloud Strife- Go The Distance Hercules- I have often dreamt of a far off place, where's there's a great warm welcome, waiting for me, where the crowds will cheer where they see my face, and a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be Tifa Lockhart- When You Wish Upon a Star- When you...
  16. Farron

    The Love Triangle Debate: Another Turn in the Cycle

    > goes into thread > realize debate is still going on It's going to 2079, world war 4 the world is in chaos. Most homes and countries are destroyed by the newest dictator ruler, most people are looking for food and shelter to survive, there's a group of people looking for aid, however the...
  17. Farron

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Spoiler Thread

    Caius still gives me a lady-boner, it's going to get worse with the NA release and that Kain Highwind voice. uuuuuuuuuugh my body is ready 2 much information i know :monster: If they put Caius in future Dissidia I would explode from too much sexy voice. Kain and Caius in the same room.
  18. Farron

    RIP ******* Griffin (Family Guy spoilers ahoy!)

    Sorry not sorry
  19. Farron

    what the fuck is this

    This is scary as shit. Not Creepypasta scary, but still on the creepy side of things. Then again it was yonks ago, so hopefully they're grown up and realized that they're not really Cloud or Sephiroth.
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