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  1. Odysseus

    FFVII Shinra Archaeology Cut Mod

    Version 1.151 IRO Download About the Mod This mod for Final Fantasy VII has been created to accomplish two things: First, it offers a full retranslation of the game's text that fixes mistakes in the original English translation; improves tonal accuracy using idiomatic language; and conforms...
  2. Odysseus

    Ody's Scanlations

    As some of you are aware, for like a year now I've been hard at work doing scanlations of the various FF7 guide books with the help of @TurquoiseHammer. I never made a thread for it before, but as the latest section I'm doing uses TLS' own translations, so I figured I finally should. All of my...
  3. Odysseus

    Ody need your help getting pictures!

    Okay, as some of you may know, I've been working with @TurquoiseHammer to scanlate a bunch of FF7 books over on Twitter. One of those books is the 2020 Remake Ultimania. The current section I'm doing from that book is the "77 Secrets" pages, which supposedly highlights obscure stuff in the game...
  4. Odysseus

    I know What's Beneath the Snow Fields, a ridiculously long FF7 fic from 1999

    So, I was doing a lot of digging around old FF7 fan sites from the late 90's, when I stumbled upon this story. The original site for it is long dead, but an archive for it exists hosted here. The story is a sequel to FF7 that seemingly centers around Vincent and a clone of Aeris, though I don't...
  5. Odysseus

    Do we have a translation for the text at the beginning of this video anywhere?

    I'm working on a project, and the text here would be very useful for it. I feel like I've seen a translation before but I can't remember where.
  6. Odysseus

    What can Tifa do as party leader?

    As the title says, I need to know everything she can do while she's the party head, and also where the various NPCs who point you to Mideel are. I know she can go a lot of places, but the plot doesn't really move until you find Cloud. I'm asking for a friend and having the info in one place...
  7. Odysseus

    What order should a newcomer go through the compilation?

    Since we have a new friend on the forum playing the original for the first time, it got me thinking about how they might approach the compilation and Remake afterwards. Kinda like those "what order to watch Star Wars" discussions. My first order was CC -> OTWTAS -> AC:C -> TKAA -> DoC ->...
  8. Odysseus

    FFVII Iceberg

    Hey kids, I know I'm late to the meme, but I thought it could be fun to make an FF7 Iceberg list like the famous Super Mario 64 one. I know people here know quite a bit about deep FF7 lore, in game and out, so I figured it could be a group project. This is mostly based on the original game...
  9. Odysseus

    FFVII previews in gaming magazines before release

    This is something I've had floating around in my head for a while now. As a former victim of the mental scourge that is the Sonic franchise, I know there's extensive documentation of previews of the classic sonic games in magazines and such from before their launch available on places like Sonic...
  10. Odysseus

    SPOILERS Avalanche Appreciation Thread

    So as a lot of you know, the discourse surrounding these three characters, ESPECIALLY Jessie, has been pretty toxic and horrible around the forum due to a certain someone. I was thinking that we could all use a place on the forum where we could discuss them without having to worry about that...
  11. Odysseus

    SPOILERS Ways to ruin part 2 and beyond

    So you guys thought the whispers were hot shit, right? Well it can get worse. So. Much. Worse. Speculate on what wacky tricks daddy Nomura will pull next time below.
  12. Odysseus

    CULT OF THE POTATO (Girls' Last Tour Club)

    Here we welcome the blessed root Child of the Earth Gift to all mankind The spud The POTATO This morn did I receive a vision, that our brothers @JBedford and @Lulcielid did take on the visage of the divine potato, merely a day after I arose to the mantle. This was no happenstance, or some...
  13. Odysseus

    Why does Cloud have a higher quality character model in the final battle?

    I don't think this is worth its own thread but I didn't really see one to jump into so here we are. Most of you probably know this by now, but in the iconic scene where Cloud unleashes Omnislash on Sephiroth, he has a noticably higher quality character model: Normal Final Battle I'm just...
  14. Odysseus

    aries revival scene discovered!!1!

    hey guyz, so i waz playing ff7 on my brothers ps1, and i found a new secret 4 realz! Cheq it ouuhbt:
  15. Odysseus

    " The Maiden who travels the Planet" collaborative book

    Heyo. So this is just an idea I've had bouncing around in my head for a while. I'm a big FF7 collector, and one thing I've considered a missing piece to that is the short story "The Maiden who travels the planet." If you're unfamiliar, this is a dubiously canon short story from the Ultimania...
  16. Odysseus

    Odysseus' art dumping ground

    I figure it might actually be better if there was just a "community art thread" where anyone could post their stuff, but I'm not bold enough to make one myself, so I shall comply to precedent. So I draw stuff semi-infrequently, and I thought it could be nice to share. I dunno. Not gonna dump my...
  17. Odysseus

    Final Fantasy VII: AVALANCHE [fan comic]

    I have too many damn threads in this sub-forum, don't I? Oh well. Some of you may have seen my "How did Barret and Tifa meet" thread, well the reason I asked that was for this FFVII fan comic I wanted to work on: FFVII: AVALANCHE. This isn't going to be an adaptation of the game itself, there's...
  18. Odysseus

    How do you think Tifa and Barret met?

    Yo, I'm conceptualizing a little FF7 prequel thing I've wanted to make for a while now, and this question is pretty relevant to it. How Tifa met Barret is one of the bits of FF7 lore that has been strangely glossed over up to now. Do you think it was after he formed AVALANCHE? Before? Seventh...
  19. Odysseus

    Square charging for 1st class edition preorders early

    Heyo, I just got this email and figured I should inform everyone: This is a pretty strange move for them to make, and I know a lot of people who were going to save up money for it are about to be caught off guard. Strange.
  20. Odysseus

    I'm Making a book out of Obstinate Melon's FF7 comic

    Hey all, I know many folks around here have read Obstinate Melon's hilarious and brilliant FF7 adaptation/parody web comic at some point. With the remake coming, its an exciting time to look towards the future of FF7, but its also a time to look back on the past. Melon is someone who grew up...
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