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  1. Phantom

    FFVII Fanfiction

    @TooManyFandoms 'Stay' was an great fanfic! It was written in a interesting perspective, and just overall style. It had a nice voice that I felt fit Zack's character. I also enjoyed it because I felt I could relate with the whole kick in the butt Zack was giving Cloud. :)
  2. Phantom

    FFVII Fanfiction

    I just saw this thread and I had to make some recommendations, most, if not all, are somewhat Cloti fanfics but mostly from the point of Cloud: Anchor - - I haven't read this one in a while, but I always remember the title. The story left a good...
  3. Phantom

    Tetsuya Nomura Concept Art/Sketches

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for a collection/library of sorts that has all/or most of Tetsuya Nomura's concept art/artwork. I have searched various sites and such, but I really would like if his artwork was just all in spot. I'm usually this mainly for reference and also to examine how his...
  4. Phantom

    New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)

    I think this is an audio clip of Cloud saying a quote from FFVII; I think he's saying exactly what the screenshots say (in the blog post). I kinda brings the reality of the remake to life a little more hearing an actual voice say it.
  5. Phantom

    How would you re-write AC/C?

    Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this something that has been discussed...but how would you re-write Advent Children/Complete? You have all the same additions to work with ie.,Kadaj and the brothers, Denzel, Sephiroth's return...How would you rearrange them? Just curious to see what some ideas...
  6. Phantom

    FFVII: For All Gaia’s Children – Tribute to Abandoned Fangame Project *SPOILERS*

    All I gotta say about this project Okay, maybe not just that, but really it's impressive how much effort was put into this, and I really appreciate that ya'll decided to share this. I haven't had time to read the plot, but I'm deifinitely gonna read it between classes at school. I...
  7. Phantom

    What makes Final Fantasy VII special to YOU?

    For me, it's the character development (especially in Cloud, I'm biased haha) and the story. It's really engaging, as it has to be FFVII being a game and all. When I first played the game, I had already grown used to having better graphics to see; I actually put FFVII aside for a while before I...
  8. Phantom

    The Jenova Project (Book I Printing)

    Awesome! I'm glad to hear. And thank you! Yeah, that could be arranged somehow. :) Thanks to Channy as well for helping you move along with the project. :D
  9. Phantom

    The Jenova Project (Book I Printing)

    Hello, Mr.Ite! I know this is insanely late when it comes to the request of the printing of the book, but would it be possible to still ask for a printing of it? I'd pay for the book and shipping; it'd be the US. Please let know how much it would cost. I'm really interested! Thanks!
  10. Phantom

    Tetsuya Nomura FFVII Artwork

    Thanks, Strarling! I didn't even think of the Wiki page...It has a lot of what I'm looking for.
  11. Phantom

    Tetsuya Nomura FFVII Artwork

    Hey everyone, I was wondering is there a compilation of Nomura's artwork, preferably FFVII (obviously haha) somewhere on the internet? I mean, I've looked and found a few sites that have quite a few images, but I'm looking for almost everything that's been released to this point. I know that's...
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