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  1. Kratos

    The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

    Still, a pretty decent end to Shadowbringers - far better than Stormblood's 4.3 ball of blech, but not quite up to the conclusion of Heavensward, imo.
  2. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    While Coil is certainly the most somber and lore important (since none of the others attempt to answer such immediate, pressing questions about such an enormous event as the Calamity), I really like most of the others. The Heavensward 8-man does some genuinely creative stuff with its big bad...
  3. Kratos

    The Mandalorian: Star Wars Live Action Series

    That's one of my least favourite things about Star Wars media too. Yeah, all the weakest episodes had that. The worst (the carbonite) was gotten out of the way quickly, but way too much of the Tatooine episode was that sort of lazy, Rogue One, "Things Your Remember" fanservice. Luckily, most...
  4. Kratos

    The Mandalorian: Star Wars Live Action Series

    I'm slowly discovering all my fandoms and stuff I love on this site (keep an eye out for me in any Shin Godzilla and Gundam threads that might exist). I love The Mandalorian. It's the most Star Wars thing since Star Wars - it really is the first thing to really feel like the Star Wars I fell in...
  5. Kratos

    Ff7 Racism & Ethnicity: if the effects of unintentional racial nuances or diversity appreciation offends you, dont read this

    I don't particularly care for Jo's aggressively mediocre (at best) expansions of HP mythology and lore, but Dumbledore's sexuality was definitely not framed as some big reveal; it was a simple response to a simple question. There are so many reasons to take her to task, but this was never one...
  6. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    Everybody has a bad first time through those dungeons if done with randoms - I vividly remember mine. It's why I go so hard out of my way to organize the min ilvl thing for friends who join; it totally kills whatever mood is built up by the story to that point. The dev team tried to band-aid...
  7. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    This is it! This is the Trial that you should totally get some friends together and do at minimum item level! Or just totally smash his face into the ground, you do you.
  8. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    It took me a while to get properly invested in ARR when I started - a lot of it came in fits and starts. Initially, I was far more entranced by the wider world and setting; the first quests I remember grabbing my intrigue are the Coerthas ones you're at now (small wonder - they're written by...
  9. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    Ah, my bad! All the talk of the Sylphlands had me figure you'd been. It's been a while since I did the ARR MSQ ^^;
  10. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    The Sylphlands are a Beast tribe area :desucait: Beast Tribe zones remain fairly threatening places to go into (while leveling) right through Heavensward, but I found the Stormblood and Shadowbringers ones to be a lot less harrowing. I think they took out the Heavy effect from enemy mobs a...
  11. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    I might be in the minority, but I liked the Beast tribe areas because they're tricky and dangerous (like an enemy stronghold should be). I don't think the whole overworld should be Eureka-style punishing, but it would be nice to have more areas that require you to do a bit more than walk across...
  12. Kratos

    My First MMO: Tet's Eorzean Adventures [FFXIV]

    This has been such a cool thread to read. It's always neat to read peoples' first time through the game - I just had a couple friends join, so New Player Adventures is a real mood right now (they BLASTED through the MSQ, and just hit lv50 endgame. After a week. We're all in awe). What server is...
  13. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    Part of the problem with the Cait Sith bit is that the game doesn't introduce him in any way prior to the scene, and he doesn't even show up later on, making the whole big focus on him seem like a bizarre non-sequitur in the middle of a serious moment. A little background easter egg of Cait...
  14. Kratos

    The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

    Welcome welcome! Given that a number of us play, it might be useful to see where people are at, server-wise. For newer people: you can play with anyone on any server that's in your Data Center, which are these Japanese, North American, and European groups. I'm on Excalibur server, so if anyone...
  15. Kratos

    Is Final Fantasy VII Remake GOTY-worthy? (*Open Spoilers*)

    I agree with the rest of your post, but I think it could be argued that the battle system is fairly innovative - it's easily the most successful attempt at combining turn-based and real-time gameplay, and it's not just merely functional, but has a solid amount of depth to it without being...
  16. Kratos

    Is Final Fantasy VII Remake GOTY-worthy? (*Open Spoilers*)

    It'll get nominated for sure. It's a big game that has generated a ton of discussion and was reviewed very well. I don't think it will win GotY. It's up against some pretty steep competition in Last of Us 2 and Cyberpunk alone; LoU is a sequel to a critical darling, and Cyberpunk has all the...
  17. Kratos

    Remake Interviews: Catch-all Thread

    Y'know, Nomura has a lot of really good thoughts about storytelling and the creative process - it's a shame that he's essentially become a meme in so many corners of the internet and people won't take what he says on its own merits.
  18. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Open Spoiler Discussion Thread

    I would caution against getting too hung up on what is and is not canon. Too often, fandom takes that word as meaning "the one true depiction of How Things Happened," but when it comes to fictional works, "canon" is a word that simply means "in continuity with a set of other stories"; as such...
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