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  1. Kratos

    The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

    Interesting - while I've seen them address the problems with the SB approach, I've never heard them say that the Anima quest interrupted the endgame foundation in HW. In fact, in my experience, people still did all that other stuff and more because of all the various currencies that you could...
  2. Kratos

    The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

    Some good little tidbits! Shame it may be delayed, but it is what it is. Something I was looking forward to hearing about which wasn't addressed: reportedly, there will be no Deep Dungeon this expansion because of some new sort of content. Given that the Deep Dungeons have typically...
  3. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 2 Spoiler Discussion

    I know this is probably tongue-in-cheek, but they do allow other changes, so clearly there are things they (or Sephiroth, since he certainly seems to be behind their fuckery on more than one occasions) care more about than others.
  4. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    I think it's important to emphasize, as always, that it may not actually be a sequel, and in all likelihood ISN'T a sequel, at least not in the narrative sense. That said, I'd probably think pretty hard before I recommended it to a newcomer - in terms of narrative transmission to a new...
  5. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    Yeah, I'm on team Not Future Sephiroth. Sometimes a difference in the story is just a difference in the story, even when it pertains to Sephiroth.
  6. Kratos

    Your Favorite Tifa Dress?

    Sporty. I really like the OG dress, which looks modern and clubby, like something you'd really wear out for a night on the town. The most obvious expy of the OG (Something Mature) is more like tacky lingerie, and I'm nowhere near as big a fan. Sporty is the best compromise. I assume the idea...
  7. Kratos

    SPOILERS Character Deaths in Future FF7:R (*Open Spoilers*)

    Oh, come on now. I didn't love every narrative decision that they made in Remake, but so much of what this game is wouldn't be possible if they didn't have a deep respect for the characters and the world that they created.
  8. Kratos

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    Almost all of those carry the same nuance - the only one that’s different is Barrett’s “girlfriend” line. Even his follow-up line to that is the same...although ironically, it actually doesn’t make a ton of sense as a response without the girlfriend bit to get Cloud flustered. Unless...
  9. Kratos

    Significant Differences Between English and Japanese

    Maybe she's not yamato nadeshiko, but English Tifa never came off as bitchy to me - I feel like that's a bit of an extreme characterization of her lines.
  10. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    I didn’t mind chapter 16 as much, although I miss all the little puzzle elements. And the fitness center, for whatever reason. Chapter 17 is probably the weakest so far, though. I’ll do a more in-depth write up eventually, but structurally it’s all over the place (why not do the drum BEFORE the...
  11. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    "Canon" is a term that means "in continuity with a set of stories", and a sequel is a story that follows from the events of an earlier story; therefore, a sequel has to be in canon with what it follows by definition. Unless the (as of now baseless) hypothesis that Remake Sephiroth is Advent...
  12. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    I actually fully expect to get the dolphin, and Red XIII in a sailor suit will at least get a reference. Remake really wasn't afraid to go wacky when it needed to, and jumping off a jumping dolphin's back to climb scaffolding is exactly the sort of wacky thing I could see it embracing.
  13. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    There's that fear, but it's not, imo, a legitimate one. There's nothing that even kind of implies that Aerith will survive, and sure enough, I have yet to see any good reasoning behind the idea that she will. Usually, it's more "well I don't like the decisions they've made and that's a decision...
  14. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    Man, what the fuck did I just miss?
  15. Kratos

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    The argument was more about whether or not Square, as a company, actually applied passion and care to their projects. FFXIV was an example that they totally do, and have been for like 7 continuous years now (more, if you count Yoshida's time on 1.0). Then again, I also think the love and...
  16. Kratos

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    (My reply was mostly redundant, but I do wanna keep this last part, even if it is a little off-topic) The Remake team and FFXIV team are totally different, but 99% of the "recycled" stuff is actually painstakingly recontextualized and written into the lore of XIV's world, the unique elements...
  17. Kratos

    SPOILERS Predictions for Part 2? (*Open Spoilers for Part 1*)

    So how did you feel about Part 1, Scribe?
  18. Kratos

    FF7 Remake Review Megathread

    It’s not - he genuinely seems to have enjoyed the game.
  19. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII Remake Frustration Expression Thread (*Open Spoilers*)

    Not only that, it's also less linear than both FFX and FFXIII. Remake certainly has linear section, but it also has areas with chests off the beaten path and/or ones that require solving a puzzle of some kind to obtain. It does have a fair amount of real exploration.
  20. Kratos

    SPOILERS FFVII:R Chapter 18 Spoiler Discussion

    In fairness, I think it's pretty clear we're not supposed to be able to decipher this cryptic bullshit just yet.
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