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  1. Cloudtail4ever

    Oh, hai thar.

    You'll learn. I asked the same in my introduction topic xD Soon got it answered :monster:
  2. Cloudtail4ever

    Oh, hai thar.

    Now there's the understatement of the month! :whistle:
  3. Cloudtail4ever

    Oh, hai thar.

    Howdy, stranger! I think you'll enjoy it here ^^ And if you're ever bored, check out the smilies :awesome: :awesomonster:
  4. Cloudtail4ever

    Least favourite Final Fantasy character(s)

    I can't stand Damsels in Distress >.< Especially Rinoa, she bothers me more than most. Heck, I don't even like ANY of the FFVIII characters. Rinoa was too...bubbly is a way to say it, and Squall was just over-emo, so much that it got annoying. Yuna in X also bothers me. I mean, I can stand soft...
  5. Cloudtail4ever

    In need of suggestions for games to buy

    Thanks for the suggestions! To answer what Ninira asked, I like rpgs best, but I also occasionally enjoy shooters and puzzle solvers.
  6. Cloudtail4ever

    In need of suggestions for games to buy

    As the title says, I need some suggestions for games! I'm going to the game store tomorrow, but I have no idea what's out right now that's worth buying, so I thought I'd ask. I'll play just about any type of game, as long as it has a decent plot and good gameplay. I prefer rpgs, though ^^...
  7. Cloudtail4ever

    Chit Chat Thread

    O.o Holy crud, this is probably the longest topic I've ever seen on any forum! But I gotta say, I like :demands:the best :awesomonster: Edit: Beat me to the post, A
  8. Cloudtail4ever

    #1 on amazon in Anime and Manga topic, but that's rigged! A few weeks ago, I preordered mine at the marked price, $30, and now they drop it $10? That's awesome, though 8D
  9. Cloudtail4ever

    Little tidbit on the compilation future

    *facepalm* Crap, sorry, didn't see that. I'll just go hide under a rock now or something...
  10. Cloudtail4ever

    Little tidbit on the compilation future That article is an interview, mainly on Dissidia, but at the end they discuss the future of the Compilation. Nothing new, really, just the same old, same old. Thought I'd put this here, though, for anyone who may be interested ^^
  11. Cloudtail4ever

    Partial translation of interview with Sakurai in Ultimania

    Thanks for the translations! 8D I always wonder about the battle sounds. Seems like it would be awkward to make random grunts and such to me. Even the voicers ask for remakes, how can Square NOT!? xD
  12. Cloudtail4ever

    Safe and Sound?

    Not sure if this needs to go in the spoiler thread, but I put it here anyways, just to be safe. So, has anyone been able to get the lyrics to Safe and Sound, now that the song itself is out, along with the movie? I know SilentTweak made an attempt at the song, but now that you can hear it...
  13. Cloudtail4ever

    Sephiroth: What the fuck happened?

    I don't recall Sephiroth ever calling Cloud by name; he only talked directly to him a few times. And in the reactor, when Cloud stabbed him with Zack's sword, didn't Sephiroth ask "Who are you?" to Cloud? I think he does, but I'll have to go back and watch the scenes again on my laptop.
  14. Cloudtail4ever

    Your best renames?

    I'm with you on the Mako thing. I always pronounced it may-ko, and still do unless I catch myself. I still pronounce it Kate Sith, despite trying not to. And it took a while to convert from Red XIII to Nanaki, and Aeris to Aerith. Dang names >.<
  15. Cloudtail4ever

    Where are these from?

    ForceStealer already got the first, and judging by the background of the second, and the way Tifa's standing, it's from the same place/scene.
  16. Cloudtail4ever

    Your best renames?

    This is off topic, but I MUST say, your avatar is EPIC WIN. Other than that one time I played (posted earlier), I usually just keep their names, with the exceptions of changing Red XIII to Nanaki, and Aeris to Aerith. I also renamed Cait Sith to Kett Shee, I was working on getting the...
  17. Cloudtail4ever

    Is Cloud really 5’8 in AC?

    Looking at the characters, I always found their heights hard to believe, too. I mean, Tifa sure looks taller than I am, and I'm 5'7. (going off of feet, inches, etc. I'm not that great with the metric scale :P) And in AC, Cloud looks at LEAST 6 something to me. I pegged Zack at around 6'5-6'6...
  18. Cloudtail4ever

    What do you wanna see next in the Complication?

    I'd like a remake above all. Preferable PS3 exclusive *ducks and hides* Secondly, a new game, continuing from the (secret) ending of DoC. But this time, I'd like an rpg like the original, with Cloud as the main character, and a similar, if not the same, battle system from the original. Also PS3...
  19. Cloudtail4ever

    AC Complete: Soundtrack...complete.

    I sure hope they make an ACC soundtrack. I have the AC soundtrack, but I'd sure buy the ACC one! And they'd better. SE can't just forget about us Americans! Or the Europeans, for that matter. We want stuffz too! D8
  20. Cloudtail4ever

    Pretend DoC NEVER happened.

    DoC could've been a good game...if it didn't have anything to do with FFVII, had completely new characters, and all that stuff. It just doesn't flow with FFVII, in my opinion. It seemed like SE was stretching FFVII TOO FAR. Crisis Core was great, Advent Children was great, but Dirge of Cerberus...
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