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  1. Mr. Flibble

    Legitimate complaint

    And a complaint about probably one of your most active, well contributing members being banned for a completely ridiculous reason doesn't count as a legitimate complaint. nevermind ACF. Moar liek words of fucking ivory
  2. Mr. Flibble

    Legitimate complaint

    She told you, jokingly (which was MOAR than clear) to shut up. that doesn't warrant a ban despite whether or not she's been banned in the past. I beg to differ Maybe you all should come to a general concensus between you all as...
  3. Mr. Flibble

    Legitimate complaint

    Dunno why it can't be addressed in the thread already dedicated to it, but whatever.
  4. Mr. Flibble


    Yeah I have to agree with you there, the latest season is just going a bit too far. I actually class seasons 6 and 7 as works of fanfiction. They should have ended it with season 5. Bringing Jacks father and brother into it as terrorist/criminal masterminds just made no sense whatsoever. Season...
  5. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    I don't rly care either way. I'm sure someone on staff will take a random dislike to me and ban me for no reason at some point eventually anyway. If it's gonna happen it might aswell happen for a good reason at least once beforehand :awesome:
  6. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    norly shut up :awesome:
  7. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    shut up!
  8. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    shut up unfair bans
  9. Mr. Flibble

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    actually she brought up nothing of the sort with mumble as far as I am aware. He even wished her a happy canada day today, so I think the stuff between them is pretty much over.
  10. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    shut up
  11. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    shut up @ Mako
  12. Mr. Flibble

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    The drama with mumble was over a week ago, so that's complete and utter horseshit. And telling someone to shut up is never a good reason to ban someone. Seriously, is anyone supposed to take this place seriously when shit like this gets pulled?
  13. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    for the last time...Because Iw ant to drag out any more possible drama that Ic an between me and him because I have shit all else to do with my time at the moment. Not because he's my friend. because he most certainly is fucking not
  14. Mr. Flibble

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    Shut up and yes, it is. Look at teh reason for channy being banned for a start. It's the same thing, except noone starts tl;dr dramarific rants over the abuses of power like they used to.
  15. Mr. Flibble

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    ffor two ro three years iirc
  16. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    If I were to accept a friend request from someone I work with, someone I absolutely despise, would that make them my friend?
  17. Mr. Flibble

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    Yeah that shit is fucking ridiculous. It just proves that this rly is ACF 2.0 imo
  18. Mr. Flibble

    Things that piss you off

    Since when did anyone say he's an awesome guy? You might have some pretty serious issues with the guy, and that's fair enough, but even so you're taking this shit way, WAY out of proportion so chill the fuck out a bit.
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