Things that piss you off

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buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
I already paid the fucking price for trusting him. Why the hell are you attacking me the victim the one who admitted to making a mistake in dating him?

Why the hell don't you all hate him? What's he gotta do, rape someone?

I'm not meaning to attack you. I just don't know the full story and why you're being so crazy about us having a joke. They're not befriending words. No one is.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Seriously, I'm not trying to start drama or anything but you're really avoiding it every time Gary says that he knows Words isn't an awesome guy, we all know he's an utter dickhead, he isn't friends with him and isn't going to become friends with him in the future. He's said over and over again that he is solely a Facebook contact, and as I've been saying over and over Facebook contacts don't equal being friends.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I can't Gary, not until me and my family are safe. Not until those photos are down. Not until he stops attacking TLS to get to me. Not until I can finally feel free to do as I want without fearing his attacking me again!


buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
Then why are people mad at me? Why are people befriending him? Why are people saying they want to know the story?

Please I just fucking want to know!

I want to know because I care and i've been so out of the loop since the last time this shit happened back on FCF.


~The Other Side of Fear~
If he ain't a friend why is it called "friend" on facebook?

The point is that you willingly communicated with him. That's your right, but be aware that I'll let anyone I know of that and I intend to stay the hell away from anyone who is his not-friend "friend" on facebook.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Holy shit, this is getting waaaay too personal. Please take this off the forum or something please. Things are getting heated and this shouldn't be the place to discuss this personal business.


~The Other Side of Fear~
You want to know what happened? I thought everyone was fucking SICK of the story?!

I'm being blackmailed by Words to leave my boyfriend. He's blackmailing me with my nude photos he took without my premission and with personal information I gave him or he took through use of abusing his ACP access on TGV. Ever since I left him, Words has been hounding on me to "fix things with him" and I've being dodging his attacks ever since. All I wanted was to be left alone, but to this day he attacks TLS and my emails to get me to do as he demands.

There's more stuff but honestly if you want it it's probably better in a PM.

I'm fucking sorry for ever even speaking to the man, you have no fucking idea how sorry I am. I'd like to think that the abuse of my privacy over and over and over would be punishment enough but I guess that's not enough for some people. So fucking be it. I don't care.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I don't even have Facebook, I'm so anti-establishment


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Holy shit, this is getting waaaay too personal. Please take this off the forum or something please. Things are getting heated and this shouldn't be the place to discuss this personal business.

omg shut up Mako


But no I actually completely agree. There's rly no need for the huge gush of personal information, the argument could have been resolved without it.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Seriously, stop talking about this. This is only gonna end in tears and rage.

Take this personal crap elsewhere, please.




buried but breathing
CK, 2D, wanker
You want to know what happened? I thought everyone was fucking SICK of the story?!

I'm being blackmailed by Words to leave my boyfriend. He's blackmailing me with my nude photos he took without my premission and with personal information I gave him or he took through use of abusing his ACP access on TGV. Ever since I left him, Words has been hounding on me to "fix things with him" and I've being dodging his attacks ever since. All I wanted was to be left alone, but to this day he attacks TLS and my emails to get me to do as he demands.

There's more stuff but honestly if you want it it's probably better in a PM.

I'm fucking sorry for ever even speaking to the man, you have no fucking idea how sorry I am. I'd like to think that the abuse of my privacy over and over and over would be punishment enough but I guess that's not enough for some people. So fucking be it. I don't care.

kk I haven't been keeping up with this shit so sorry I asked but now I know and i'll leave it at that. I just didn't see what the problem was with ist and channy joking round on facebook. And I still don't but I don't want to get into anymore of this shit.

Mr. Flibble

Mr. Flibble is very cross
Psycho Paul, Ace Rimmer
I only add friends to my 'friendslist', thank you. Why are you adding him if not for that? Just answer that question.

for the last time...Because Iw ant to drag out any more possible drama that Ic an between me and him because I have shit all else to do with my time at the moment. Not because he's my friend. because he most certainly is fucking not


~The Other Side of Fear~
@Alex: I was fucking ASKED! Don't ask what you don't want to know!

What the hell is wrong with you people?!

@Chem: I understand. If you only knew the months of being attacked on FB, LJ, emails, IM, phone, texts, etc. you'd know why this is a big deal to me. Knowing that two people I rather liked are now "not"friending him is distressing to me, because the last thing I need right now is another reason for that fuckface to drag up who knows what other photos over my head.

I'm so fucking sorry for trusting him, I'm fucking sorry more times than I can count. Please believe me, I've been punished fucking enough!

@Gary: That's yours and Channy's right. Just don't expect to hear from me. I've got enough of his attacks to deal with. I don't need anymore. And I will pity you when you finally realize that getting entertainment by attacking a hornet's nest is a really poor waste of both of your time.

Simple as, if he's on your list, your not on me. End story.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Jesus, this is getting way too heated here. I'm gonna close the thread temporarily if this personal stuff keeps being posted.

Dawn, I understand how stressed out you are over this shit with Words, and how you want people to understand it. I totally agree with you and can see how irritating such behavior regarding "friending" and all would be. But please take this off the forum and take it to either PM, user note, or something else. This thread isn't the place to discuss it.

Now let's drop this shit.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
@Alex: I was fucking ASKED! Don't ask what you don't want to know!

What the hell is wrong with you people?!
I didn't ask you anything! stop getting after me D:


~The Other Side of Fear~
It's finished with Mako, and thank you.

If anyone has anyone other questions or comments for me, take it to my PMs.
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