Characters you want in Dissidia


Seven strong, seven wise.
In all honesty, I think Tifa would make a great character for Dissidia, outside of Cid Highwind simply for some spear-fighting action. Fighting style, of course, would be up close and personal fisticuffs, with throws here and there and maybe an attack like Cloud's Sword Beam, but focused around the force thrown from her fist's connection to the air, like a Mach Punch kind of deal?

Her EX-Mode would give her enhanced Critical, would make every hit count as two punches (Think Squall's Lionheart gunblade, every hit is triggered as double), and would allow her to combo from throws more readily.

EX-Burst...The only thing I can think of would be similar to Rush Assault, the "Angeal" DMW spin from Crisis Core, where she goes berserk and pummels the opponent relentlessly until she finishes with either a Meteodrive or a Final Heaven, the former if she fails to finish the input sequence, and the latter if she successfully completes it.

Alt-outfit would be her outfit from AC, if there was a third outfit, I'd choose her cowgirl outfit for the lulz factor. I really feel as if Dissidia is missing a single up close and in your face fighter. Jecht for me doesn't cut it - He deals too much with rushing up to the opponent, while Tifa would focus more on the opponent coming up to her and she'd dodge and counter quickly.


Final Fantasy Freak
Cetra, cetra1, Cetra29, Sephiroth
That's pretty easy.

Luneth & Zande (EX-Burst: Crystal Sword & Meteo)
Kain & Zemus (EX-Burst: Spear Rain & Big Bang)
Aerith (perfect style of X-Death)/Zack & Genesis (EX-Burst: Great Gospel/Omnislash Version Z. & Purgatory Wave)
Seifer & Edea (EX-Burst: Finishing Blade & Ice Rage)
Vivi & Black Waltz #III/Beatrice (EX-Burst: W-whatever & Firaga, Blizzaga or Thundaga/Shocker)
Yuna & Seymour (EX-Burst: Master Summon: Solaris Beam, Mega Flare or Chaos Dimension & Requiem)
Ashelia & Vayne (King's Swordslash & Tera Flare)


Waiting for something
I'd quite like to see Yuna in Dissidia she could have like a switch of forms: Sphere mode I guess you'd call it similar as to how Cecil can change forms from light to dark, so you could switch her from her summoner form in X to her Gunner form in X-2. Her Alternate outfit I guess for fun would be her wedding outfit in X for and her songstress sphere outfit in X-2.

Her summoner form would be comprised mainly of magic attacks and long range moves from the ground, named after some of the special attacks her summons had i.e impulse whereas her gunner form would be the close up physical and Aerial attacks contain the names of moves from her gunner form, i.e trigger happy.

Her Ex-Mode would probably be named Floral Fallal as a nod towards her most powerful dress sphere and the outfit would take elements from the dress sphere I.E she'd be dressed in white and maybe have like tiny flowers on either side of her or something, she'd also have her most powerful staff, Nirvana.

As for her Ex-Burst it'd probably be called The Sending and would be a nod towards said dance inputing diffferent commands in, if its correct then there'd be like an energy burst of pyreflies or something to that degree and she'd do the prayer sign of Yevon, something along those lines if the commands aren't put in properly then she doesn;t do the prayer sign and the pyreflies cause less damage.

I like the idea of combining both elements and moves from FFX and X-2 for Yuna because it would make her quite a versatile character to use with the balance of using both magic and physical attacks.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
That's pretty easy.

Luneth & Zande (EX-Burst: Crystal Sword & Meteo)
Kain & Zemus (EX-Burst: Spear Rain & Big Bang)
Aerith (perfect style of X-Death)/Zack & Genesis (EX-Burst: Great Gospel/Omnislash Version Z. & Purgatory Wave)
Seifer & Edea (EX-Burst: Finishing Blade & Ice Rage)
Vivi & Black Waltz #III/Beatrice (EX-Burst: W-whatever & Firaga, Blizzaga or Thundaga/Shocker)
Yuna & Seymour (EX-Burst: Master Summon: Solaris Beam, Mega Flare or Chaos Dimension & Requiem)
Ashelia & Vayne (King's Swordslash & Tera Flare)

You've got pretty much a cast for an entire Dissidia sequel there. Go EX bursts or their general playstyle thought out?

I'd quite like to see Yuna in Dissidia she could have like a switch of forms: Sphere mode I guess you'd call it similar as to how Cecil can change forms from light to dark, so you could switch her from her summoner form in X to her Gunner form in X-2. Her Alternate outfit I guess for fun would be her wedding outfit in X for and her songstress sphere outfit in X-2.

Her summoner form would be comprised mainly of magic attacks and long range moves from the ground, named after some of the special attacks her summons had i.e impulse whereas her gunner form would be the close up physical and Aerial attacks contain the names of moves from her gunner form, i.e trigger happy.

Her Ex-Mode would probably be named Floral Fallal as a nod towards her most powerful dress sphere and the outfit would take elements from the dress sphere I.E she'd be dressed in white and maybe have like tiny flowers on either side of her or something, she'd also have her most powerful staff, Nirvana.

As for her Ex-Burst it'd probably be called The Sending and would be a nod towards said dance inputing diffferent commands in, if its correct then there'd be like an energy burst of pyreflies or something to that degree and she'd do the prayer sign of Yevon, something along those lines if the commands aren't put in properly then she doesn;t do the prayer sign and the pyreflies cause less damage.

I like the idea of combining both elements and moves from FFX and X-2 for Yuna because it would make her quite a versatile character to use with the balance of using both magic and physical attacks.

Not sure how 'the sending' quite works for an EX burst, since it calms the souls of the departed, instead of having an offensive component. Her megaattack from the Floral Fallal would probably work best.

On my end, I've been thinking about Rosa and how I'd like her as a character, but I haven't figured out her EX mode and Burst yet.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
FF4. That's FF4.

But again, do try and post more thought out ideas. For example, what in the name of five and 3/7th hells is Spoony's EX mode and Burst?
Final Fantasy 2 SNES edition for the US. :geek: Picky Picky :P Well in that case he would fire out his harp and the musical notes would change in size as the more power he gets. Then as a final insult throw a bass drum at the opponents head or something out there like that. Perhaps he could be used as comic relief for the game.

I can picture it though. Sephiroth yelling in his demise YOU SPOONY BARD!
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Final Fantasy 2 SNES edition for the US. :geek: Picky Picky :P

Which has now been rereleased three times in the Western world under its proper name.
And the real FFII has also been released thrice here as well.

Well in that case he would fire out his harp and the musical notes would change in size as the more power he gets. Then as a final insult throw a bass drum at the opponents head or something out there like that. Perhaps he could be used as comic relief for the game.

I can picture it though. Sephiroth yelling in his demise YOU SPOONY BARD!

Nah. He wouldn't get the 'Bard' out entirely.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah true. Just reliving times of old.

Fair enough. But in a series in which character from both games are appearing, it only seems appropriate.

So, a few attacks for Laguna
Brave attacks
Staccato burst-ground- Long- Laguna readies his machine gun, then fires off a quick burst of machinegun fire. Repeated button presses extend the attack. Hard to dodge, very low Brave damage
From the hip- Aerial- Long- Inaccurate, but tracks well, and fires a lot of shots.
Bionic chain-ground-mid- fires a grapple chain at the enemy. Depending on timing, it either wall rushes the enemy at Laguna's feet, and pops him in the air, putting Laguna in the enemy's position, or launches them forward as he launches into the air and kicks them. With additional presses, forward can initiate chase instead of wall rush
Bionic Chain- Aerial- As the ground version, but aerial, and wall rushes behind Laguna instead of at his feet. Both can launch chase.
Duck and cover!- Short, evade- drops a grenade, then jumps away. Either explodes on contact or after three seconds.
Special Delivery!- Long, aerial, evade- Throws a grenade far, ballistic trajectory. Explodes on contact or after three seconds.

Pray and Spray- Short absorb ground- Spins around and hits with his cord, then fires a burst into the enemy.
CRAMP!- short aerial absorb- Grabs his leg and spins in the air, firing madly. Pure AOE. Has priority over most attacks.

Heavy Load- Chains from Bionic chain Air- Heavy Anchor (Ward's Limit) except Laguna is the anchor. (maybe also chain from SD!)
Menstrual Pain- Chains from Bionic chain Ground- Blood Pain, but with big ole Moomba paws instead of katar (may also chain from DaC!, name may also change)

I think I need some more HP attacks. Ideas?


The Minish Elf
Hm...I would like to see either Edgar, Irvine or Tifa/Red XIII. '

He would have to go with short range attacks and long range. For short, he could either use a sword or spear (like in game) and for long range, he could use various tools from FFVI.

Ex-Mode: Not sure...I'll edit it later :P

Ex-Burst: He teams up with his twin brother, Sabin. Edgar could use a tool to stun the enemy or knock him down (something close to that, so Sabin may jump in) and then Sabin hurries toward the enemy and uses a Blitz that you input into the game, again, exactly like FFVI :D

He could equip spears, swords, guns (It would be a nice thing, because I thought of his "tools" thing as a gun, daggers, armor, clothing, helms and relics.


Ex-Mode: ?

Ex-Burst: I would really like to see a few of her limit breaks if she were to be in the game or sequel. Meteor Strike would be my fav, so I'll go with that.
When she uses Meteor Strike and while the enemy is in the air, you input the button commands for Final Heaven. After the limits are done, it leaves the enemy stunned and you get to run up to them and beat the living heck out of them.

She could equip gloves, spiked objects to her knuckles I guess, maybe daggers, clothing, and accessories.

It would be cool if we had more of the side characters than the main ones. I don't know about anyone else, but I usually end up liking the characters that aren't given enough story or rarely seen.

But, anywayz, it would be so awesome if they had the characters I listed :D;)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Just to note, there is actually a set of equipment in Dissidia called 'Machine' based on Edgar's equipment. Drill is the helmet.

Tifa, much like Cloud, Squall, and Zidane, is lucky in that she has a lot of named attacks already, so several of them can be her HP and BtoHP attacks and one her EX burst.

Like Cloud, she also has a built in EX mode explanation 'Equipped X', though naturally, her alt outfit will need a different explanation. Possibly 'The power of Mako' again, or power of family, mebbe?


Double Growth
Yeah I'm not sure what it would say when Tifa switches to EX mode ("Double Ds"?:monster:) But her burst is easy, just rip the slots right out of 7, don't need to do all seven, maybe three or four.


I really feel as if Dissidia is missing a single up close and in your face fighter. Jecht for me doesn't cut it - He deals too much with rushing up to the opponent, while Tifa would focus more on the opponent coming up to her and she'd dodge and counter quickly.

Well we're going to get Vayne anyway, who despite all the other Imperial specialising in dualwielding swords, has monk techs like "Pummel". I was like :huh: when he first used it on me.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I know, not strictly Final Fantasy characters, but I'd like to see some of The World Ends With You characters appearing...

Neku Sakuraba Psych Proxy

Neku would use a mixture of close range attacks and long range moves, based on the generic psychs (e.g. shockwave for close range, pyrokinesis at long range). These would be pretty much distributed between HP and Bravery attacks. At higher levels, he gets back up from Mr Mew and

EX-Mode: Enjoy each moment - Neku's generic attacks are replaced with named Pins with those psychs and are slightly boosted. No ideas yet for the graphic change.

EX-Burst: Fusion - Neku unleashes a joint fusion attack with his partners. The strength is based on how many light pucks he collects with button pushes.

SHIKI: "Neku, c'mon!"
[success] NEKU: "Right behind you!"

JOSHUA: "Work for you?"
[success] NEKU: "What do you think?"

BEAT: "The beat is on!"
[success] NEKU: "Bring it!"

Sho Minamimoto Mad Mathetician

OK, admittedly, no idea how Sho would fight. Probably would cheat and summon up Taboo Noise to fight you, and teleport around the arena. Cheap bastard.

EX-Mode: Taboo - Sho turns into his Taboo form. Any summoned Taboo Noise on the field can be reabsorbed for HP.

EX-Burst: Level i Flare - boom.


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
How about going out on a limb and saying Vossler from FF12 and Auron from FF10. Both have big two handed swords. Auron could use the shooting star and Vossler could use enrage.


Dude they had to give Cecil a lance because we were swimming in swordsmen already. No way bleeding Vossler is getting in.


The Minish Elf
Just to note, there is actually a set of equipment in Dissidia called 'Machine' based on Edgar's equipment. Drill is the helmet.

Really? I haven't played it much. I beat it with Terra, but my PSP died on my. Its pretty old. I'm having it fixed, but its taking a long time :P
That's neat that they would add something like that :D

But her burst is easy, just rip the slots right out of 7, don't need to do all seven, maybe three or four.
I'd like to see a few, maybe not all of them. Meteor Strike and Final Heaven would be nice.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Really? I haven't played it much. I beat it with Terra, but my PSP died on my. Its pretty old. I'm having it fixed, but its taking a long time :P
That's neat that they would add something like that :D

You won't see the equipment set until you unlock the 'mallet' item in inward chaos, so it's not surprising you've not seen it.

I'd like to see a few, maybe not all of them. Meteor Strike and Final Heaven would be nice.

A Meteor to Final Heaven is probably the best EX burst.

As for Tifa's Alt EX Mode, why not 'Always with us,' as a reference to Aerith? She can get ribbony effects or some such, and additional life-streamy or flowery effects or somethin',


Yeah:P I thought he was good enough to be different.
Well I think Edward from FF2 should come in. It would be hilarious watching him kick Sephiroth's ass with his harp. I can picture it. The musical notes coming out and just wiping him out.



~The Other Side of Fear~
Kain Highwind would have been fun to play. Sadly he got axed. :( Though there's talk of putting him into the sequel. ^_^
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