Characters you want in Dissidia


I have to agree with Balthier, with pre/post battle quotes would no doubt be priceless. His Ex-Mode would "Change of Wardrobe".


The Minish Elf
Balthier would be a great choice. He could use his Limits from XII as his Ex-mode and Ex-Burst. :lol:

Maybe his alt attire could be without a shirt??


Voss da boss bitch
Nightmare,race driver,steel tormenter
How about Ondore. He could use his cane for Ex mode and his lies for his EX-burst.


Nothing would make the game as awesome as Cthulhu though. In fact, He wouldn't even have to be physically represented in the game in order to affect the game itself. The existing characters would just get random bouts of blithering insanity and whatnot at random times, :monster:.

And carve out His image. In the corpses of their freshly defeated ones. With their teeth. nom.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I've decided this topic has lasted long enough without new content.

Rosa Farrell- Her playstyle, I've decided, is like a bizarre mish mash of Ultimecia's fusileering Brave attacks, Firi's Straightarrow (and quite possibly his Shield bash mechanic, only instead of basing it on distance it bases it on magic attack vs physical), and perhaps just a smidge of Terra's magic. She will have access to Tornado and Holy, at least, and maybe one or two other magic attacks, but she will largely be based around her arrows. As the first character to really use Teleport, ever, I feel this should be incorporated into an attack somehow. That and Pray, but you got me how that works offensively. Perhaps as a windup tech to sap enemy brave and add to her pool the longer you hold in her EX mode?
That said, her EX Mode will be "Purity" and has the effect of adding additional hits to all her bow attacks and making all of her magic guard breaking. It will also grant her glide. Her EX burst will either be one of her TA techs, Twinspell, or something mixing her magic and her archery. I may have to consider this.
EDIT: definitely archery, and along the lines of Play Rough, either with different elemental arrows- in a different arrangement than Shanty's, or with escalating strength arrows, with the cap for a failed being to fire Perseus arrows for two final hits, and the finish for a success to be to fire the Perseus and then form Holy into arrows for 'Holy Ray' for four final hits.
Still needs a name, though. Soul of the Archer? 'of Archery?

Rosa's EX mode causes her clothing and hair to glow, her float wings (which appear when fusileering in midair) to appear at all times, and her longbow to transform into a greatbow.
Her alt Costume is her appearance Re: The After Years. This versions's EX mode gives much the same spiffy effects as her regular.
Mannikin is 'Spurious Fletcher', mayhaps?

Also, thought on Tifa's Alt EX name "The gloves are off!" Visual effects are missing gloves, duh, plus Mako glow on fists.
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That Guy With The Midgar Model
NoenGaruth, Stolz, Blitzwing, Ryoko Asakura, Judge Magister Gabranth, Col. Hans Landa, Itsuki Koizumi, Treize Khushrenada
Also, thought on Tifa's Alt EX name "The gloves are off!" Visual effects are missing gloves, duh, plus Mako glow on fists.

On the subject of Tifa, think if she was in a squeal she'd be the Amano version with the Red skirt?

And for characters I want in the game - Judge Drace. We all know she'd kick ass. Actually I'd want all the Judges in this, then I can beat up Bergan to my heart's content. :awesome:

Also I'd like to see Aerith simply to see her actually fight, since she does pretty much jack all in the compilation. Only thing being is they'd need to give her new attacks that do something this time, all her limit breaks in FF7 were stat based and wouldnt really work save for healing wind or great gospel to boost herself as something she can do while in Ex-mode in the same sense that Sephy has that move which reduces your Brave to 0.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
No, she was Nomura's design. Amano just happened to do a picture of her for marketing purposes.

I'd want to see Rinoa, and I'd want her to fight as she does in "Dead Fantasy." Gunblade and all.

I gotta disagree there. For one, there are just not enough mages on the side of Cosmos, so wouldn't it be better if she were more magic oriented and suited for long range combat, as her original game dictates...rather than her copying her boyfriend? :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, she was Nomura's design. Amano just happened to do a picture of her for marketing purposes.

Yeah, but Nomura 'Amano-ized' all the designs anyways, even his own. So who knows. We might get a Crimson Tifa.

I'd want to see Rinoa, and I'd want her to fight as she does in "Dead Fantasy." Gunblade and all.

I'm with Mako. A fighting style based on her original abilities would actually be more interesting and likely more unique than Gunblade #2.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Also I'd like to see Aerith simply to see her actually fight, since she does pretty much jack all in the compilation.
We... didn't know how to tell you this, Gabby, but... Aerith's dead. :( She's been dead for a while now.

Ryu, I had a thought for Laguna's moveset that you were compiling:

Moomba Moomba - Brave Attack - a moomba leaps to Laguna's defence, flailing about itself wildly with its claws. (Additional effect: chance of Wall Rush.)

I haff ein further idea regarding introducing a The World Ends With You character to Dissidia (XD I won't quit!), but that would be more in a "Distant Glory" setting, so I'm still working on title, moveset, alt costume, dialogue, manikin, etc.

But for WEWY fans...
it's Mr. H :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
We... didn't know how to tell you this, Gabby, but... Aerith's dead. :( She's been dead for a while now.


Let's just use someone alive like say... Tifa? :pics:

I want Galuf for The Sequel and the ability to keep fighting after the HP reaches 0. Naturally after 4-5 HP attacks would do to keep Galuf dead.


That Guy With The Midgar Model
NoenGaruth, Stolz, Blitzwing, Ryoko Asakura, Judge Magister Gabranth, Col. Hans Landa, Itsuki Koizumi, Treize Khushrenada
We... didn't know how to tell you this, Gabby, but... Aerith's dead. :( She's been dead for a while now.

Don't make me bring the Judgment down on you.

I mean when she's alive, Crisis Core and BC, she doesn't do anything in either and her fighting style wasn't that impressive in FF7, I wanna see Aerith swinging around the Guardstick in the proper way you'd fight with polearms and really kick some ass!

...tho Tifa should be in there too, just to keep the Pinkers irritated. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aerith's a lover not a fighter :awesome:

in terms of melee power, the best she does is raise her staff and jump while bringing it down on someone's head for paltry damage.

She's great with materia but then all you've got is another mage. She'd be like an inferior Terra.

We've already got a sexy, half-breed, magical girl who's the last of her kind. :monster:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm sure she'll be able to Pray herself out of a fight. She is a good healer afterall. But Tifa can literally knock your world down, more so than Garland. I ask you people of earth, Tifa or aerith? I go for Tifa.... And Galuf.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I gotta disagree there. For one, there are just not enough mages on the side of Cosmos, so wouldn't it be better if she were more magic oriented and suited for long range combat, as her original game dictates...rather than her copying her boyfriend? :monster:

Ryushkaze said:
I'm with Mako. A fighting style based on her original abilities would actually be more interesting and likely more unique than Gunblade #2.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys have seen her in DF, right? "More magic oriented" is an understatement of her presentation there!

As for how she used her gunblade, flying in and slashing is quite different from just mimicking Squall. Having a similar weapon wouldn't automatically lead to that.

She had two weapons, plus wings and a ridiculus array of magical demonstration in DF, after all.

And, honestly, given the fanwankery that abounded in Dissidia, I wouldn't be surprised at all if its developers incorporated some stuff from DF in a sequel. You know those guys have seen it by now and probably wet themselves along with the rest of us.

That said, I doubt they'd give Rinoa a gunblade anyway.

Yeah, but Nomura 'Amano-ized' all the designs anyways, even his own. So who knows. We might get a Crimson Tifa.

Fair enough.

We... didn't know how to tell you this, Gabby, but... Aerith's dead. :( She's been dead for a while now.

In fairness, so were
Emperor Mateus, Cloud of Darkness, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, Ultimecia, Kuja and Jecht
. They still got to be in Dissidia, though. XD


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Beatrix would be a great addition, but I don't really see her as an anti-hero. More like a hero who was tricked and put on the wrong side. She saw herself as doing the right thing.


Well she is quite the arrogant bitch to start off with and she didn't say anything when everyone in Cleyra got nuked.
She's a knight who followed her monarch no matter what depravity said monarch perpetrated.

Of course she did see the light but you know what I mean.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Don't make me bring the Judgment down on you.

I mean when she's alive, Crisis Core and BC, she doesn't do anything in either and her fighting style wasn't that impressive in FF7, I wanna see Aerith swinging around the Guardstick in the proper way you'd fight with polearms and really kick some ass!
I do not fear the Archadian Empire's might, for they have inferior faux-British accents. Mine accent is true, and shall prevail. :awesome:

She was a NPC in those games, though... But, yeah, it'd be cool to see her using it like a real quarterstaff. XD
In fairness, so were
Emperor Mateus, Cloud of Darkness, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, Ultimecia, Kuja and Jecht
. They still got to be in Dissidia, though. XD
Noen had said about the lack of fighting activity of Aerith in the Compilation. XD I felt someone should tell him.

Anyway... here's Sanae Hanekoma's profile for Dissidia:

Psych Producer: Attacks foes from afar, using his unparalleled Imagination.

NOTE: all of these attacks have a “duration” - this is how often Hanekoma can use this attack before it needs to “recharge”, which takes time. While recharging, Hanekoma is unable to use this attack! (This mimics the use of psychs in The World Ends With You.)

Pyrokinesis - Bravery (ground) - flames roll across the ground towards the foe. Added effect: chase. Duration: seven uses. Recharge time: five seconds.
Lightning Bolt (ground) - Bravery - calls lightning from the heavens. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: six uses. Recharge time: ten seconds.
Piercing Pillar - Bravery (ground) - a pillar of ice pierces the foe from below. Duration: three uses. Recharge time: fifteen seconds.

Lightning Bolt (air) - Bravery - lightning arcs towards the foe. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: eight uses. Recharge time: ten seconds.
Force Rounds - Bravery (air) - bolts of pure energy impact against the foe. Duration: eight uses. Recharge time: five seconds.
Splash Core - Bravery (air) - blobs of water fall upon the foe. Duration: five uses. Recharge time: thirty seconds.

Shockwave (ground) - HP - is it a sword, or is he thrashing you with thin air? Added effect: chase. Duration: ten uses. Recharge time: seven seconds.
Apport - HP (ground) - a rain of asteroids. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: three uses. Recharge time: fifteen seconds.
Dark Barrier - HP (ground) - Hanekoma remains stationary and regains HP. Any who try to attack him during this time receive HP damage as normal. Duration: ten seconds. Recharge time: two minutes.

Shockwave (air) - HP - Hanekoma slashes at the foe. Added effect: chase. Duration: ten uses. Recharge time: seven seconds.
Grave Marker - HP (air) - Hanekoma falls upon the enemy. Good against foes below. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: twice. Recharge time: thirty seconds.
Irregular Note - HP (air) - a shrill blast of sound harries the foe. Added effect: chase. Duration: two uses. Recharge time: fifty seconds.

EX-Mode: A Higher Plane.
Hanekoma’s true nature emerges slightly, and his wings appear.

EX-Mode effects:

Eden’s Door - Hanekoma is invincible for as long as he is in EX-Mode, with neither HP or Bravery attacks damaging him. NB - Hanekoma will still suffer additional effects, and his EX-gauge is depleted an extra tenth for each attack he suffers.

Darklit Planets - Pyrokinesis, Lightning Bolt, Piercing Pillar, Force Rounds, Splash Core and Dark Barrier increase in their effectiveness.

Over The Top - all recharge times are halved. If Hanekoma enters EX-Mode additional times in the same battle, they are quartered.

EX-Burst: Big Bang/Big Crunch.

Drawing from the multiverse, Hanekoma harnesses the power of a newly created universe and a newly dead universe to unleash a Nexus Ray. (Press Circle to fill gauge.)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I get where you're going, but he's extremely unbalanced.

Hell, I thought 'Galuf can't die in EX mode, he just goes into negative HP' might have been broken when I was considering adding him in, and the EX effect there is just damn mean.
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