Characters you want in Dissidia

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
That could potentially work. Personally, I like Seymour Omnis as an EX Mode more because, well, it's the epitome of his magical abilities.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
This might've already been brought up, but whatever form Seymour takes for his Ex-Mode should have the auto-ability to dismiss summons and reset his opponent's playing field with regards to how they've been influenced by such/prevent the effects from taking place if a summon occurs while he is in Ex-Mode.


The Wanderer of Time
That could potentially work. Personally, I like Seymour Omnis as an EX Mode more because, well, it's the epitome of his magical abilities.

That's his EX Burst. The four disks from Omnis appear surrounding Seymour and rotate randomly (speed is fair). The player presses Square, Triangle, Circle and X to stop the disk that's spinning at that location (Triangle to stop the top disk, etc), and for a Perfect they have to stop all four disks in a time limit, lining up one each of the four different colored circles on the disks at the center around Seymour. Do it right, Seymour attacks with Firaga, Blizzaga, Waterga and Thundaga, finishing the burst with Ultima.

This might've already been brought up, but whatever form Seymour takes for his Ex-Mode should have the auto-ability to dismiss summons and reset his opponent's playing field with regards to how they've been influenced by such/prevent the effects from taking place if a summon occurs while he is in Ex-Mode.

That'd be a bit-unfair I think. Innovative but a bit unfair, to instantly negate the opponent's summon just by being in EX Mode.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
I did say "some variant of his Banish" ability, but that's it. Maybe something that charges up to negate the summon for a lengthy period of time?

I still think his EX Burst should be Requiem (especially since your suggestion is similar to what I went for with Chaos), but I like that method of triggering it. Also, Omnis could have some really interesting graphical effects when he moves, like Golbez.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Maybe his "Banish" effect wouldn't completely fuck up the summon system when in play all at once, now that you mention it that does sound unbalanced as fuck. Maybe it begins by nullifying the effect of the summon on himself, while the enemy still gets the benefits?

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
I still like the idea of doing something similar to Heartless Angel, Black Fang, or Time Stop.

I do have to note that I find summon-stopping extremely unreliable, though. If you don't know what summon the enemy has, how do you know when to stop it?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Upon further reflection, I now introduce an interesting new mechanical variant to Rosa-

Put another way- Rosa only has a single set of moves, but all of her moves have two sets of possible moves based on either her or her foe's position is in air or on ground.
I have yet to decide how her Float in Ex Mode affects this, or how the button affect works, but hey, I want to introduce new mechanics, and I can, so I will, so there.

T260, Red, and the Magician Brothers will be along shortly. Riki might take a little longer.

NB- That makes sense, yes, but as I mentioned, Terra is 'just' a doublecaster too, so giving him a second ability or a variant might work- He gets double HP cast- he casts his HP attacks twice for two hits before his brave drops all the way to 0?
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Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
Both spells drain his Trance guage, so maybe in Dissidia, both attacks drain his EX Guage for added power? Or, alternatively, all attacks that hit refill his guage a bit? If that counts for the EX Burst as well, theoretically, you could juggle a couple of EX Bursts, which would require weakening the Burst, but meh.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I'm not liking the multiple Ex-Burst thing so much, but otherwise that sounds kinda cool.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
That one's sort of a "maybe," but it wouldn't necessarily be a gamebreaker. Jecht's EX Burst is shit, for example.

Although, coupled with doublecast, even a weak EX Burst performed multiple times would probably be overpowered.

This is somewhat off-topic, but does the idea of Gestahl in Dissidia remind anyone else of Yamamoto, from Bleach?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
i would say Tifa just because (in my personal opinion) they need more women for the cosmos side. or even Yuna. But i do wanna see Vincent partially cause i wanna see Vincent vs Squall

FINALLY! It only took you how long to join?

Anyway, Vincent would be cool, but Auron would be better. And if we need more Female characters then we need Beatrix.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
I don't want Auron, really. Don't get me wrong, he's cool & all, but I envision his fighting style basically being what Cloud's was. It kind of bores me, really.


Pro Adventurer

  • One of the four elements, maybe the one that looked like the Grim Reaper, think his name was Linch ?
  • The Dark knight Leon
  • Xande
  • Rubicante
  • Gilgamesh
  • Emperor Gesthal
  • Professor Hojo
  • Seifer Almasy
  • Queen Brahne
  • Seymour
  • Vayne Solidor
  • Jihl Nabaat

  • Red Mage, he was the coolest of the original classes.
  • Maria
  • Luneth
  • Edge
  • Fairs or Galuf, they are both pretty cool.
  • Locke or Celes, either of them could work.
  • Vincent Valentine, he is pretty poplaur.
  • Zell Dincit, or however you spell his last name
  • Princess Garnet, Mother versus Daughter
  • Summoner Yuna, her EX could be her X-2 Gunner form.
  • Vaan, he seemed like the main character of XII.
  • Lighting of course
Secret characters

  • Notics and Stella from FF XIII VS.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
Kimahri'd be okay, but I kind of wanted Yuna to begin with. Tidus is great & all, but I think Yuna & Seymour would have made a better Destiny Oddyssey X.


1. How did I forget Leon?
2. The Fiends are interesting, but I figure they could have a minor role next to Zemus.
3. The weird thing is that Squall in Dissidia was basically half-Seifer. I basically just want Adel because she sounds like she could really be expanded upon. Same with Gestahl, really. I have no clue what Adel would really do, though.


Pro Adventurer
3. The weird thing is that Squall in Dissidia was basically half-Seifer. I basically just want Adel because she sounds like she could really be expanded upon. Same with Gestahl, really. I have no clue what Adel would really do, though.

Adel Versus Laguna could work out alright,Adel was important to Laguna's story because of his Father like love for Ellone. And it would be very impressive to see one of Laguna's EX modes. [:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yoshi, on the subject of Laguna, see earlier in this topic for my take.

On the subject of Zemus v Fiends- Rubicante or Barbiccia might make for more interesting combat fair than Zemus.

As for Adel, something between Jecht and Shantotto combat wise? Short range magical chain HP combos?

Additionally, as for how Rosa's EX float affects her new attack mode, it lets her choose between the two moves freely with the distinction of button press and hold, like I had thought to have in her playstyle originally (a la Ultimecia), but I need to decide if the totalilty of her moves are only dual mode in EX mode, or if certain ones play both ways in normal mode as well. I know her HP and btoHP attacks will be divided sharply.
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Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
What would Laguna do, anyway?

I just think that the lead antagonists should be considered before the Archfiends. And Zemus IS pretty badass.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Demyx and Plucky Duck.

I missed the point of the thread didn't I?


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Neku from The World Ends With You and Vincent Valentine movesets. Cos I was bored. :awesome:



Psych Proxy - fights with all his Soul and Imagination.

Shockwave - close - Neku strikes out! Added effect: chase.
Pyrokinesis - long - a slow moving path of flame burns the enemy!
Cure Drink - self - Bravery is restored to normal!

Force Rounds - mid - fire a bullet of psychic energy at the foe!
Thunderbolt - long - strike the enemy with lightning! Added effect: wall rush.
Psychokinesis - mid - hurl destructible stage elements at the enemy!

Piercing Pillar - mid - an icicle forms at the opponent’s feet!
Entanglement - long - a chain impedes the enemy!
Earthquake - close - a tremor knocks the foe off their feet!

Sweeper - long - a black hole draws the enemy in!
Thunderstorm - mid - multiple lightning bolts strike your opponent! Added effect: wall rush.
Flame Blast - close - a pillar of fire engulfs the foe! Added effect: HP Drain.

EX-Mode: Twister
Enjoy each moment with all ya got! The stage’s background music is replaced with Crowning Music of Awesome, “Twister”:

EX-Mode effects:

Dash - as long as he is moving across the ground, Neku automatically dodges all attacks.

Regen - HP and Bravery recover quicker.


Trust Your Partner - Shiki, Joshua and Beat add their strength. Timed button combo, success triggers audio cue.

SHIKI - “C’mon Neku!” Success “Right behind you!”
JOSHUA - “Work for you?” Success “What do you think?”
BEAT - “The heat is on!” Success “Bring it!”



Wrought Soul - a former Turk, whose body was warped by ShinRa’s experiments.

Claw - close - Vincent attacks with his gauntlet. Added effect: chase.
Pistol Whip - close - Vincent brings his gun down on top the opponent’s head hard.
Quake - mid - the ground trembles.

Kick - close - Vincent lashes out with his pointy toe caps. Added effect: chase.
Cape - mid - that thing may be alive, as it grabs the enemy.
Blizzard - long - ice fragments impact with the enemy. Added effect: wall rush.

Ceberus - mid - Vincent fires his gun.
Nightmare - mid - additional effect: poison.
Beast Flare - long - orbs of flame explode around the enemy. Added effect: wall rush.

Quick Shot - mid - Vincent fires his gun.
Livewire - mid - an electrical charge blasts the foe.
Chaos Saber - close - Vincent strikes the enemy. Added effect: chase.

EX-Mode: Death Penalty
Ceberus is replaced with the Death Penalty.

EX-Mode effects:

Extra Firepower - all of Vincent’s basic attacks do more damage.

Regen - HP and Bravery recover quicker.


Dirge - Vincent changes into a monstrous demon. Which form he becomes depends on if the HP attack that chained into the burst is a ground or air attack. (Both are enhanced with a circle button gauge.)
Ground - Galian Beast: Vincent becomes the Galian Beast. The Galian Beast charges the foe with a Berserk Dance. (Circle chains additional strikes into a Beast Flare.)
Air - Chaos: Vincent transforms into Chaos. Chaos unleashes Satan Slam (Circle chains additional spectral skulls into a Chaos Saber).
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