Characters you want in Dissidia


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I get where you're going, but he's extremely unbalanced.

Hell, I thought 'Galuf can't die in EX mode, he just goes into negative HP' might have been broken when I was considering adding him in, and the EX effect there is just damn mean.
:lol: Yeah, I know. But considering that in his original game, Hanekoma is actually
an angel
, a small amount of unbalanced...

Seriously, I know Eden's Door needs retooling. I can't decide whether to make it a case where HP is invincible, or his Bravery. Maybe make it have much the same effect as the Demon Wall summon while in EX-Mode.

But other than that - what else needs balancing?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I think it's just the Eden's door and if I'm reading it correctly, the recharge times stacking and lasting after EX mode ends.

Here's an idea for Eden's door- He essentially gets a Pheonix Pinion effect- if he is not in break, you cannot kill him, as his current Brave is dumped into his HP if an attack would ever take him below Zero.
Powerful, but something you can work around.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Sorry if it's been asked but what I don't get is, why isn't Seymour Tidus' enemy? Why'd they go with Ject? Didn't they make peace in the end? I think Seymour would have made a lot more sense.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Sorry if it's been asked but what I don't get is, why isn't Seymour Tidus' enemy? Why'd they go with Ject? Didn't they make peace in the end? I think Seymour would have made a lot more sense.
Way I hear it, they wanted enemies with emotional resonance (which is why you have Terra vs Kefka instead of, say, Locke or Edgar). I take it they thought there was too little emotional resonance between Tidus and Seymour. Maybe if they make a sequel it'll be Yuna vs Seymour. Although, Yuna vs Shuyin would make a bit more sense, IMHO (simply so Yuna isn't just "the staff chick" and can use her X-2 dresspheres).

OK, took all that in, here's a tweaked version of Hanekoma's moveset:

Pyrokinesis (mid) - Bravery (ground) - flames roll across the ground towards the foe. Added effect: chase. Duration: seven uses. Recharge time: five seconds.
Lightning Bolt (ground) (mid) - Bravery - calls lightning from the heavens. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: six uses. Recharge time: ten seconds.
Piercing Pillar (long) - Bravery (ground) - a pillar of ice pierces the foe from below. Duration: three uses. Recharge time: fifteen seconds.

Lightning Bolt (air) (mid) - Bravery - lightning arcs towards the foe. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: eight uses. Recharge time: ten seconds.
Force Rounds (long) - Bravery (air) - bolts of pure energy impact against the foe. Duration: eight uses. Recharge time: five seconds.
Splash Core (close) - Bravery (air) - blobs of water fall upon the foe. Duration: five uses. Recharge time: thirty seconds.

Shockwave (ground) (close) - HP - is it a sword, or is he thrashing you with thin air? Added effect: chase. Duration: ten uses. Recharge time: seven seconds.
Apport (long) - HP (ground) - a rain of asteroids. Duration: three uses. Recharge time: fifteen seconds.
Dark Barrier - HP (ground) - Hanekoma remains stationary and regains HP (5% of damage per second). Bravery attacks and physical contact cause regular HP damage to opponent. HP attacks/EX-Burst interupts as normal. Duration: ten seconds. Recharge time: two minutes.

Shockwave (air) (close) - HP - Hanekoma slashes at the foe. Added effect: chase. Duration: ten uses. Recharge time: seven seconds.
Grave Marker (dive) - HP (air) - Hanekoma falls upon the enemy. Good against foes below. Added effect: wall rush. Duration: twice. Recharge time: thirty seconds.
Irregular Note (long) - HP (air) - a shrill blast of sound harries the foe. Added effect: chase. Duration: two uses. Recharge time: fifty seconds.

EX-Mode: A Higher Plane.
Hanekoma’s true nature emerges slightly, and his wings appear.

EX-Mode effects:

Eden’s Door - if Hanekoma's HP is reduced to zero, his current Bravery refills the HP meter. If under the effect of Break, this has no effect.

Darklit Planets - Pyrokinesis, Lightning Bolt, Piercing Pillar, Force Rounds, Splash Core and Dark Barrier increase in their effectiveness during EX-Mode.

Over The Top - all recharge times are halved for the duration of EX-Mode.

EX-Burst: Big Bang/Big Crunch.

Drawing from the multiverse, Hanekoma harnesses the power of a newly created universe and a newly dead universe to unleash a Nexus Ray. (Circle gauge.)

Although, I have some additional attacks that I might type up, but there's one that's a real bitch. The only saving grace is it can damage Hanekoma as much as the enemy, and it can only reduce Bravery or HP to 1. :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But Ject was a good guy... that's why I'm so confused O_o why would he work against Tidus like that?...
Doesn't make sense to me.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, Jecht was a good guy in FFX too, yet he was still Sin. That doesn't mean anything. You should see the story for yourself and find out. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I don't have a PSP right now and I don't want to spoil all of it in case I get one >_<

Maybe I'll just watch the videos though, we'll see.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
In short- Jecht isn't working against Tidus. What he does, he does for Tidus.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
OH it's one of those "this hurts me more than it hurts you" deals, got it :P

wubba bubba

master map folder
i would say Tifa just because (in my personal opinion) they need more women for the cosmos side. or even Yuna. But i do wanna see Vincent partially cause i wanna see Vincent vs Squall


AI Researcher
Vincent attributes:-
EX-Mode: Equipped Linkin Park CD!
Special Effects: Makes no one able to understand you or your pain, wounds don't heal, ability to craw in your skin
EX-Burst: /wrist
Weakness: less damage/wangst if opponent has "Cheer Up, Emo Kid" accessory

Job done.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Not entirely done Hito, needs a "conformist" joke. Possibly a Brave attack called "Hot Topic."

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
I kind of want them to use different characters for each entry, but in some cases, I'm not so sure who they could use.

I-Garland, EX Mode Chaos, EX Burst I'm not really sure. Additionally, I think the story should be an unrelated sequel, like most of the main series titles

III-Xande, EX Mode not sure, EX Burst Flood of Darkness/Time Freeze

IV-Zemus, EX Mode Zeromus, EX Burst Big Bang. I figure he'd have a variety of powerful magics & his EX Burst would add overpowering size & strength to the list.

VI-Gestahl, EX Mode Magus Emperor, EX Burst not sure. Basically, he's a powerful mage & his EX Mode raises his magic to bullshit levels, perhaps similar to Chaos.

X-Seymour, EX Mode Seymour Omnis, EX Burst Requiem. Seymour would probably be a multicaster & his EX Mode would add drain & some variant of his Banish ability.

I-Red Mage of Light, EX Mode Red Wizard, EX Burst Crimson Blades (some red magic variant of WoL's, I guess). Red Mage's style would be...well, a Red Mage. Any of the WsoL would work, really. I chose Red Mage because I feel it doesn't appear that often.

III-Basically do the whole Onion Knight thing, except make his personality more like one of the others & switch up his style.

IV-Kain Highwind. Don't know what he'd do, but he seems popular enough to take Cecil's place. Dragoon shit, I guess.

VI-Celes Chere, EX Mode Rune Knight, Ex Mode Spellblade (bunch of magic sword strikes). Basically, she'd have a modified version of the Runic ability that would work a bit like a block.

VII-Vincent, Ex Mode Chaos (2 Chaoses...interesting), Ex Burst Satan Slam (or whatever his new ultimate attack is). Vincent would be the projectile specialist, I suppose.

X-Yuna, EX Mode--the only thing I can think of is Gunner--Ex Burst Trigger Happy, I suppose. It may be interesting to see a White Mage in a fighting game.

EDIT: Somehow, I forgot Yuna was a Summoner. Maybe her EX Burst could be Trigger Happy/Grand Summon Valefore, & her fighting style could affect the summons somehow?

Another idea I thought of was a game focused on the villains, since there was no villains mode in Dissidia. Besides, it would be interesting to fight Cosmos.
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Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
Yeah, that was the single biggest disappointment about Dissidia. The entire advertising point was that we could fight as the heroes AND the villains. The tagline was even "What will you fight for"? Sure, we got to fight the villains & even see them interact a little, just wasn't the same....

EDIT: That reminds me. The whole "KH characters could work in this" thing...I kind of hope they don't do that. They HAVE a series for FF & KH intermingling. It's...KH.


The Wanderer of Time
Yeah, that was the single biggest disappointment about Dissidia. The entire advertising point was that we could fight as the heroes AND the villains. The tagline was even "What will you fight for"? Sure, we got to fight the villains & even see them interact a little, just wasn't the same....

EDIT: That reminds me. The whole "KH characters could work in this" thing...I kind of hope they don't do that. They HAVE a series for FF & KH intermingling. It's...KH.

If they put Sora and Riku in Dissidia II, I demand The Boy be an extra character!

"A boy hailing from a small podunk town. With a wit as keen as his skills, he battles the forces of evil with weapons, alchemy, and his faithful dog. In the original game, he was drawn into the world of Evermore when his dog lead him into an abandoned laboratory. There, he began to connect the divided world and unravel the scheme that had sabotaged the experiment."

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
More thoughts:

IV-Theodore, from The After Years, is another possibility. EX Mode not sure, EX Burst Ultima Spark.

IX-Since I already have a Red Mage, why not Vivi, since he&#8217;s a Black Mage? Trouble is that his Trance just enables multi-casting. Not all that great.

I-EX Mode could be Raging Elements, or some such shit. Basically, bind with Slow then hit with; Quake, Blaze, Tsunami, Cyclone, & Flare.

II-The Emperor, but use his Emperor of Heaven as the EX Mode. In fact, perhaps the plot could focus around him?

V-Gilgamesh, EX Mode Transformation, EX Burst Excalibur (Excalipoor if executed poorly). Basically, his short-range offense & defense would be excellent, due to his multiple arms. His EX Burst would probably be similar to Firion&#8217;s, or any other character who goes apeshit with multiple weapons. The EX Mode grants him multiple arms to increase the effect?

VII-Either Hojo or Weiss, considering I chose Vincent for Cosmos. If Hojo, his EX Mode would be Lifeform Hojo & his EX Burst would be some sort of poison cloud attack. If Weiss, his EX Mode would be Omega Weiss (giving him a bit of armor based off of Omega) & his EX Burst would be Omega Meteor.

VIII-The only person I can think of is Seifer. EX Burst would be Reverse Zantetsuken. To Hell with Seifer! Adel sounds absolutely terrifying.

IX-Garland, I suppose. His EX Burst could involve the Iifa Tree or Necron. I figure he would use mechanical themed magic.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
If they put Sora and Riku in Dissidia II, I demand The Boy be an extra character!

"A boy hailing from a small podunk town. With a wit as keen as his skills, he battles the forces of evil with weapons, alchemy, and his faithful dog. In the original game, he was drawn into the world of Evermore when his dog lead him into an abandoned laboratory. There, he began to connect the divided world and unravel the scheme that had sabotaged the experiment."

Only if a Mystic Quest hero comes along too.

At least they were originally 'Final Fantasy' characters.

And while we're throwing the door wide open to all S-E characters, I wanna see Red, Rouge, and T260g. They all have easy inbuilt EX modes from their original games, too. Riki could work well too, with his formshifting. I guess his original coon form could be the Ex mode, and a flurry of the most powerful monster forms being his Ex Burst.

Come to think of It, I wanna open this topic up now and plot out these characters and their attacks.

As for Vivi, NB, Doublecasting and gliding is basically all Terra's EX mode does. If we give Vivi another bonus, like Cecil's straight 1.5 damage in EX mode, it might work out. Maybe elemental absorbtion? Anyone dumb enough to use elemental attacks on him boosts his brave or HP depending on the attack?

Addtionally, I slightly disagree with Tifa's EX burst, in that it shouldn't be exactly the same as her actual limit break. I think doing it a la WoL or Firion might work best.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Rosa- The queen of Baron and its most skilled Archer, Rosa is also a white mage who will do anything to help her people, the people of the world, and especially her friends and family. She fights in Dissidia because it is the right thing to do. She hesitates in battle not because she is a coward, or objects to the goals of her friends, but like her husband, she feels that redemption is possible for the warriors of the opposition. She does not enter battle readily, preferring to avoid unneeded confrontation, but she will stand her ground when it is necessary, and show her opponent the strength of will that the premier Archer and white Mage of Baron is capable of.

Class- Holy Archer Manikin- Spurious Fletcher.

Unless otherwise specified, assume there are ground and aerial versions of all of these. Aerial attacks stop her descent and allow for some freedom of movement. Float imagery appears during these attacks.
Brave attacks
Quick flurry- Long or Mid range, press button once at startup to follow with multiple button press combo, or twice to fire a cone AoE with no seek in front of her. Aoe causes wall rush
Downrange- Long- tap repeatedly for flurry of arrows that fire at slower pace than quick flurry with much better seek, or hold for a very fast good seek longrange AOE. Aoe causes wall rush
Knockback- short, quick. Knocks the enemy physically with her bow. Weak, leads into BtoB and/or BtoHp attacks. Chase. Can charge and hold for additional wall rush effect.
Bullseye- Mid-can follow from Knockback- a single arrow from her Bow. Can BtoHP
Hold- Med- Stops enemy movement momentarily. Moves forward from Rosa to enemy. No startup, but slow propagation. Naturally best at close range. Can BtHP
Slow- User is slowed for short time. Has BtoHP attack.
Pray- an Osmose like effect- Rosa steals Brave from enemy and adds to hers. Long cast time, but no chance of miss.

HP attacks
Blink and...- a shield bash style attack which reacts in one of two ways, depending on what she's hit by. If the -attack is magical in nature, Rosa casts reflect, and bounces the spell and follow ups immediately back at the caster- if the caster could follow the spell with a follow up, Rosa will cast that too, favoring BtHP followups instead of BtB followups.
If it is physical in nature, she casts Teleport, and immediately fires a flurry of arrows at the enemy's backside.
Holy- The Ultimate white magic. Long range, med propagation, very good seek. Takes the form of a white sphere which sends out tendrils of holy power to strike the foe. Aerial Only. Can be charged. When mastered, Button can be pressed twice to turn into arrow with worse seek but better speed and phys dam.
Aim- Fires a shot, much like straight arrow. Charge for faster and better seek At full charge, no distance limit, cannot miss unless perfect dodge timing. Auditory cue when firing.
X-chaser- Magic version of Aim.

BtHP attacks-
Knock to Tip- Follows from knockback or Bullseye. Fires three arrows in rapid succesion at same target, for major bdam twice, then hpdam.
Mini- After casting hold, Rosa, with proper timing, can cast Mini on her opponent, to shrink them, followed by a thacking by her bow.
Haste- After slowing her foe, Rosa partly hastes them, injuring them with the conflicting magics.

Chase- brave- swings to hit with her bow, HP- fires a burst of white magic.

Ex Mode-
True Soul of Holy Archery- Visuals as described in the other writeup.
Effects- Permanent float effect with wing motif, can glide after jumps. 'Earth' based attacks like Quake do not effect her (minor, I know, but hilarious). All attacks allow freedom of movement, ground or air.
Protect/ Shell- whereas her Husband Cecil simply does extra damage in a given attack, Rosa simply always takes less in her EX mode.
Holy power- Rosa's bow attacks are both magic and physical, and strike against whichever best suits the moment.
EX attack difference- R+Square is blessing, which is essential Pray with continual drain effect instead of charge up time.
EX burst- Artillery Escalation
Rosa must select her arrows in proper ascending attack value. If failed, she draws two Perseus arrows and fires them to finish the combo with two more hits. If successful, she draw the arrows, fires one, and forms the final one into a holy ray, for four final hits (two more than failure, much stronger)

Okay, I THINK that's everything for her. Might have missed something/flubbed conveying a concept. If it sounds too 'huh?' just lemme know. I might rethink some of these, try and fit Berserk and Mute in there somehow. I might remove some attacks, or merge their effects into other ones, like haste/slow and mini/crush both leading off of hold with distinct button combos, or be the Air/ground version of the same.
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
less damage/wangst if opponent has "Cheer Up, Emo Kid" accessory
If they add Neku from The World Ends With You, then that would have the same effect on him. :awesome: When a character calls themselves emo, you know they're in trouble.

Neo Bahamut

Omnipotent Jackass
Lithp, Unholy Quadralateral
Well, Ryu, what I actually meant was more along the lines that I already said Seymour should be a multicaster, since he has nothing that really makes him stand out otherwise. Therefore, Vivi's EX Mode would just turn him into Seymour. That's more the problem than anything else.


The Wanderer of Time
Well, Ryu, what I actually meant was more along the lines that I already said Seymour should be a multicaster, since he has nothing that really makes him stand out otherwise. Therefore, Vivi's EX Mode would just turn him into Seymour. That's more the problem than anything else.

I was thinking of making a Seymour moveset. He'd be like a combination of Jecht and Shantotto - the button presses during his Brave attacks lets him chain them together differently. His Brave attacks are the Level 2 spells, and his HP attacks Lance of Atrophy, Ultima, and others. His EX Mode is Seymour Natus and gives him the ability "Mortibody [Multicast]", which makes the Mortibody cast a weaker version of Seymour's Brave attacks when Seymour attacks (he uses Watera, the Mortibody casts Water), increasing the number of hits in his combos, and the ability "Mortibody [Shield]", which increases his defense and deflects some projectile attacks while Seymour is executing an attack of his own.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
If we're throwing the door open for all SE characters, I demand Crono be in this. I cba to plot out an entire moveset for the guy, but I demand it anyway!
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