[CHAPTER 5] Let's ALL Play Final Fantasy VI!


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Shadow: Lies! I'd charge at LEAST a quarter!


Sorry, ate Mexicans for brunch. Yes. Entire Mexicans.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
lol, I'll repost the checkpoint for this page so it'll be near the top, Ryu you PAGE THIEF


Hey again, guys! I'm sure some of you are further along than this, so I'll try to make the checkpoints more frequent from here on in so we're on an even pace. I assume a lot of you by now have already made it through South Figaro and met a certain burly twin brother, yeah? Let's comment on what we've seen!


This is the original shadowy, shady badass of the Final Fantasy series. The player knows nothing about this guy (and his dog) from here on in, but you'll cross paths with this guy soon enough in unexpected circumstances. Even though Square started losing their touch years after FFVI (and the PSX era in general was part of their golden years), they've never quite replicated the finesse that FFVI had.

I liked South Figaro as well, the most I liked about it was the town design (it's sad that town design, of all things is a luxury in SE games nowadays). A lot of you know I dabble in indie game design and RPG Maker, so it's great to see a 2-D town as fluid and well designed as South Figaro. Probably one of the best designed towns in the game.

What do you guys think so far in general?



This is one of the coolest fights in the game in its flow and how it progresses. FFVI sure as hell knows how to make the boss battles swagtastic, and Sabin's formal introduction is no different. While Sabin himself, gameplay wise, isn't quite what he's cracked up to be compared to some of the other heavy hitters, Blitz is fantastic and it's invaluable for those precious first few hours.

Here's a tip: A lot of players don't know that contrary to what you might expect, many of Sabin's Blitzes are based on his Magic stat, so keep that in mind throughout the game. If it looks magical or weird, it's probably based on his magic stat.

Other than that, whatcha thinkin' so far? Next checkpoint is when you meet up with a certain disgruntled octopus.


Sabin's introduction during the Vargas fight really was a moment of badass that is sparsely equaled in FF history. And yes, Chrono Trigger is just as good as FFVI. If only SE could have Toriyama do their characters more often.

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I love Shadow's initial introduction. He just sits there completely ignoring you while his cool theme plays. The town in general is interesting enough. The layout is pretty good and the shops carry everything you'll need for the next level.

Speaking of, I love the music that plays on Mt.Kolts. Thres just something about it that I really like. The level itself isn't anything overly special, but it serves its purpose. Besides that the boss fight at the end is just plain badass.

Vargas himself isn't all that tough, but those two bears he has with him make the fight kind of difficult at first. The thing that stands out though is most certainly Sabin's entrance. Sabin is neither my most or least favourite FFVI character, but his introduction is one of the most memorable of any character in any RPG that I've played.


Double Growth
So the GBA version changes the first Blitz to "Raging Fist." Perhaps that's closer to the Japanese, but "Pummel" was more descriptive :monster:

I agree about Mt. Kolts' music, I always liked it. As for Sabin, in previous playthroughs I used him quite bit, despite what people say about him being overrated in combat. I think he's just inconsistent. At first, Blitz is unstoppable. Then from that point on his drifts slowly in usefulness until he gets a new Blitz or a new weapon and then he shoots back up to the heaviest damage dealer and slowly drops off again until the next improvement.

I dunno, that's what I noticed about him.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Will update later today.

And for the love of Christ will an admin please take down the poll? :(
Last edited:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
You can't remove a poll, only close it. The poll is yours forever. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
To be honest, I was baffled for a very long time on how I was supposed to perform Sabin's Blitz'. That boss was, as a result, extremely difficult. (I kept thinking you had to hit x and then enter it, not the other way around.) I really do like Sabin though, even if he is really thick most of the time. He may just be my third favorite, after Terra and CHARACTER WHOM I WILL NOT NAME YET BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT ARRIVED AT THE CHECKPOINT.



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Poll removed.

....How did you do that? >.>


Sabin is one of my favorites too. I always had him as one of my fighters for the final battle just because of how much of a badass he was.


Hell no. 'Cause those bitches aren't hard like Sabin is. Blitz will fuck you up from the floor up.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Wait, guys. I have come across a dilemma. I forgot to factor in the point that the game splits off into three scenarios for a little bit.

Which one should I cover first?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I like Locke's cause I like the character he meets, but that's just me. :P


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Locke's, most definitely. It's shorter, easier, and much more relevant.

Plus seeing Celes in chains is S&M hotness. :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Eh, Locke, but they all work, really.

Oh, and Tifa doesn't suplex a train, just a 100 ft+ monster or 10.

Mako, 'strip poll'

Celes Chere

To be honest, I was baffled for a very long time on how I was supposed to perform Sabin's Blitz'.

OMG same here, I seriously thought I was the only one. I was like "well screw him, I'm never going to use him anyway".... and then I finally figured it out later after actually trying to. <XD

I say Locke as well!
"These clothes are a little tight, but the price was right." :awesome: I love that quote. >XD

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Locke it is. However I thought Terra/Edgar/Banon's branch was the shortest?


Locke finds himself in the role of saboteur as he tries to single handedly slow down down the Empire's progression northwards, as South Figaro has been overwhelmed and occupied due to a certain traitor you may have come across in this town. Since there seems to be no mention of actual fighting between Figaro's army and the Empire's army, I always surmised that there was no battle that took place here, and the occupation was gained with mere trickery.

I figured that Figaro was strong enough to avoid getting buttfucked by the Empire instantaneously in actual combat, which the Empire seems to been able to avoid. We'll see what happens to nations who ARE strong enough to resist the Empire...but that's down the line.


Let's get butt naked.

Little touches like this are part of what makes FFVI great. Stealing, something that's usually an afterthought, is actually being used as a storyline element, scenes and all? That's awesome!

I'm sure most of you were able to figure out the merchant/soldier switcharoo game that South Figaro requires to navigate during the occupation. I'm also sure that none of you tried to fight the Magitek armor head on that's blocking one of the pathways in town. It's definitely beatable, but tough, since Locke himself doesn't have a lot of options just yet. Just be careful.


And so, introducing Celes, fallen Imperial General. One of the best characters in the game alongside Terra, the beating she's getting here belies the fact that she is an absolute powerhouse in battle, magic and physical wise. Yes, she is the other character besides Terra who can wield the power of Magic naturally. Use that to the fullest.

Also, in the GBA version, they took this scene out because of some series of kidnappings in Japan and they deemed it to be insensitive. Personally, while any real life incident is a tragedy, retroactively changing a work to bend around it is a load of shit. What exactly does messing with a classic accomplish?


I never used Runic that much. That's because it legitimately doesn't have a lot of feasible options (there are a few, and I'll let you know) until way, way later in the game where enemies regularly begin using Magic (as in, actual Magic spells, which are the only thing that Runic absorbs).

The next checkpoint is simply the next scenario. What character should I use next? Also, what do you think so far? Share your thoughts.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Runic can absorb some Lores and Rages that monsters use.

It's weird but it's not just simple magic spells Celes can absorb. She can be quite useful if you know what attacks the enemies use, and the types of enemies you'll encounter.

I think her main drawback is the fact she'll absorb YOUR spells too.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You're absolutely right, Mako, good save.

For more detailed information, I consulted Djibriel's FFVI Walkthrough. Djibriel is probably literally the most knowledgeable FFVI guru on the planet, and I implore you to read his walkthrough and his other FFVI guides if you want to know absolutely anything gameplay wise about FFVI.

Special skill: Runic [RUNIC-LINK]

Runic disables Celes as a character, and sets her up as an advanced Lightning
Rod: any Magic will be absorbed by her Runic blade and converted into MP. The
only drawbacks here are that Celes can't act and the fact that should Celes have
absorbed the spell in the first place by means of elemental properties (say, she
absorbs Ice 2 by means of her Ice Shield), absorbing it with the Runic blade
will damage her MP.

When Celes has absorbed a spell, she won't absorb any other spells until you
command her to use Runic again.

Also, take note that Celes will be more than happy to absorb Magic your own
characters cast.

The spells that Celes can absorb are:

Any Magic spell BUT:

W Wind

And she can absorb the following monster attacks:

Atomic Ray
Tek Laser
Mega Volt
Giga Volt
50 Gs
N. Cross
Scar Beam
Fire Wall


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
A lot of those enemy spells are really nasty too. Like Megazerk, Blaster, Atomic Ray, 50 Gs, N. Cross (really annoying), HyperDrive (god I hate that one), and Disaster (oh god no).

Celes is must if you ever decide to go after Omega Weapon, or the legendary elemental dragons. Hell, she's useful during the final battle as well.

Runic saves lives.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I've never used Runic a lot either. If I recall correctly, I only used it in
the battle against Kefka in Narshe

Other than that, I never saw the necessity to use Runic a lot. I prefer to concentrate on Celes magical and physical capabilities. She is a great character, story and gameplaywise. She was always in my party, together with Terra and Edgar.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Another semi-drawback is Celes has to use a sword, which could easily interfere with how you want to equip her in terms of weaponry. That's another reason why some probably forgo bothering with Runic and just have her sling spells.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Locke: I only give myself an 83 for this treasure hunt. He still has his underwear on. They'd never let that fly in the Treasure Hunter Olympics.


C'mon Rocky! Put up your dukes. You gotta learn how to block a punch!


Celes: Now where'd I put my Brush?
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