[CHAPTER 5] Let's ALL Play Final Fantasy VI!


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Speaking as someone who can follow along at any time he likes due to a myriad of savestates, must it be one or the other?


Kinda lagging behind. Just made it to the third checkpoint :monster:

Just wanted to mention (if no one else has already) that there's a little girl in Figaro castle who says Edgar promised to marry her when she's older. LOL DOES EDGAR HIT ON LITTLE GIRLS TOO :O

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Ok, so just finished the segment with Locke. In all honesty I really don't like this part of the game. Funny as it is stealing peoples clothes, I always end up going in circles at this point for awhile before I can manage get anything done. I suppose I don't really dislike it either though. It does flow rather nicely once I figure what the hell to do.

Getting Celes is the high point of this segment though. Her spells really come in handy and she's a fairly awesome character to boot. I do find it interesting that Locke is the one promising to protect the battle-hardened magic infused former General though. Especially given she's the one who seems to be protecting him with her runic blade during the boss fight.


@ Returner's Hideout: NGL the interactions between Locke and Terra during this segment made me think that they'd be the main romance of the game (why the heck was he hanging out in the room Terra was sleeping in anyway? and I thought Edgar was a perv). Man, was I wrong on that one. As much as I loved Locke/Celes by the end of the game, I admit I felt a bit of minor disappointment when I realized that Locke/Terra wasn't going to happen. Nevertheless, playing through again makes me realize how much I like their relationship better as friends anyway. I find them so adorable and I appreciate it much more that their relationship didn't go that way.

/shippygushing :>

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One

There's a lot that happens in this chapter, so I'm gonna just lay out the pieces into the separate events and you guys feel free to comment on what you saw. How many of you are actually still playing? Keep in mind that anyone is free to join in at any time, even if you've haven't played yet. Also don't hijack this one Ryu.


First appearance of General Leo and Cyan. General Leo is an interesting dude, because it shows that not everyone in the Empire are dicks, and even the general behavior of the soldiers shows the same thing; you're fighting against the Empire as an entity, not down to the last man (a theme that would later be explored in FFXII, interestingly).

This place is also the scene of one of the most memorable parts of the game and one of Kefka's greatest crimes; the poisoning of Doma. This scene is especially infamous because it shows just how vile Kefka is; a man that will do absolutely anything to get what he feels he wants, down to genocide. Cyan's response of flipping the fuck out is also a powerful scene.


I'm not even gonna fux with this; just one one thing; this man can suplex a damn train. If you haven't done Suplex on the Ghost Train, you have no soul. Also, do you still have Shadow?


This scenario finishes up with meeting up with Gau (a deceptively powerful character), and the power trio of Sabin, Cyan, and Gau wrapping up their adventures with a dive through the Serpent Trench. Overall this scenario is one of my favorite parts of the game. What do you guys think?

Terra/Edgar/Banon's scenario and the Battle of Narshe is next.
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Always seems uneven that you get all these powerhouses on Sabins path. And it's the one with Kefka and Leo too.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
To be honest though, Cyan is among the worst characters in the game. He's alright the moment you get him, but as soon as everyone joins together at the Battle of Narshe and you have the other 2/4s of the cast to compare him to, he suddenly drops to 'Balls Tier'.

As I mentioned before, Sabin ain't that great either compared to how much worship he gets, but he's okay. Shadow is pretty good. Gau however can pretty much be god tier very easily.

I am willing to explain why to anyone who wants to know/challenges this claim.
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Double Growth
Well I'd like to hear why at some point. I never really used him because I have a personal bias against Blue Mages (although I know Gau isn't the "proper" Blue Mage in FF6, its close enough) :monster:

Honestly though, I have no recollection of meeting Gau at this point, much less that underwater battle, is that part optional or is my memory just failing me?
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Well I'd like to hear why at some point. I never really used him because I have a personal bias against Blue Mages (although I know Gau is the "proper" Blue Mage in FF6, its close enough)

I'll do a rundown of everyone's battle prowess when the next chapter comes up at the Battle of Narshe.

Also Strago is the proper Blue Mage, brah!

Honestly though, I have no recollection of meeting Gau at this point, much less that underwater battle, is that part optional or is my memory just failing me?

Gau is definitely required material, haha.


AI Researcher
It might be optional, since you don't get Gau unless you give him food and you might not get the helmet to do the underwater bit if you don't have Gau?

I got Gau and this is my first time playing it, so I don't know :monster:

I lost Shadow once, but reloaded. After that he never left.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You have to get Gau. If you don't meet him and give him food, you won't get the diving helmet, and therefore you won't leave.

There are two optional characters in FFVI; Gau ain't one of them.

Celes Chere

YES IT'S THE MOTHER FUCKING DOOM TRAIN. This is like one my my favorite parts of the game. I'm not exactly sure why, but I always thought it was really fun. I only wish the train were longer. <XD I loved that you could use the ghosts in your party for a short period of time. I wish they could be an extra character like Mog and the Yeti. &#9829; Also, the stuff Cyan goes through is pretty sad. :( The boss was really freaking epic fun, too. Maaan I love this damn train. I WANT TO MARRY.

Most people hate Gau, but he's pretty useful in actuality. He's kind of annoying, but for some reason he didn't annoy the piss out of me like he should have. I really had no problem with him, he was kind of like a puppy in human form LOL.

I lost Shadow and was like well, fuck that guy. :awesome:


Double Growth
I remembered the underwater part immediately upon seeing it, oops :monster:

Anyway, this is our first chance at seeing Kefka being truly despicable. And Leo as that "honorable enemy" archetype. Which they really want to hammer into us. I think he's called "a decent man" at least 3 times throughout this checkpoint. But Kefka, that pussy, taking one hit and then fleeing each time. As we've said before, one thing about FF6 is how you actually witness Kefka grow in strength and power as opposed to say, Sephiroth, who is super-powerful from the start. (I have no desire of starting the dreaded Kefka/Sephy debate, but it struck me playing this scene how the two could not be more different. Kefka is boisterous, emotional, and sadistic whereas Sephy is calculating, cold, and planning. Its just interesting that THOSE are the two villains people argue about when they are two TOTALLY DIFFERENT examples of villainy.)

Cyan's battle prowess notwithstanding, I think he has the most heartbreaking backstory in all of Final Fantasy.
I remember when I played the game as I kid I understood that his faily being killed pissed him off and all. But the last time I played it and this time, it really strikes me. I mean, damn. The king he's sworn to protect dies before him, and then he finds his wife and son already dead, he can't even say anything to them. Absolutely horrible. Goes a long way to making you hate Kefka real quick.
And he may suck later, but that 50% HP attack is SO HELPFUL in killing the Phantom Train (or so its called in the GBA version).

Also, the Veldt music kicks ass. That is all.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
You help run the Wiki, homie. That place has like, 20 times the activity than here. Get more people on this shit. Sometimes I feel like I'm performing in front of empty space. Nobody even really bothers to look around anymore, the same people doing the same thing. I've always maintained that interaction between the various FF communities would do everyone a ton of good, but nobody really seems to care.

I also refer you to here


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I'm not Mr. Thou, HE'S Mr. Thou!
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