Final Fantasy IX Community Playthrough


Great Old One
I can do both Saturday and Sunday.

lol I love how everyone is poasting about when they can do this desptite Lex not asking us for it yet :joy:
(I'm referring to the posts that came in earlier this week)


AI Researcher
I won't be in, but am playing through this next chapter.

Where I managed to get into a battle straight out of coming out another, when I didn't even have my hand on the controls in the Ice Cave. Why, encounter rate, why.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Where I managed to get into a battle straight out of coming out another, when I didn't even have my hand on the controls in the Ice Cave. Why, encounter rate, why.

That, combined with the sluggish battles, is the main reason I will never play through this game again. I did it twice -- that's enough to demonstrate my appreciation for the good things about it.

lol I love how everyone is poasting about when they can do this desptite Lex not asking us for it yet :joy:

You got 'em trained now, Lex. :monster:


:monster: this chat pleases me. More importantly, ill see those of you who can make it at 7pm on Sat then. If anyone else wants to do a Skype thing but can't make it, people can always arrange another meet during the week if people are up for it.

Woooo soon times!!


Great Old One
Lex since Yop can't join tonight, if you want me to, I can host the call. I can use an Ethernet cable for extra deliciously stable data packet transferal.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Right, starting in 321, we're reusing the old calling list so all you have to do is log in. Let me or Lex know if you're not in the call and want in :monster: (Either on Skype or on, I won't be checking this thread that often.)

I'm sorry I wasn't on today. Headache, as well as fatigue just knocked me out for the day. I'm a bit behind, but will catch up in the week. Have fun, everyone!


Save your valediction (she/her)
I went all the way to Sizheng's house to play, and we didn't even Skype!

My thoughts coming soon, I'm in a play and also FF7Webseries.


Pro Adventurer
This chapter has a few very distinct changes in setting. What did you think of each of the locations you visited?
The ice cavern isn't a particularly nice place to spend time in, but then again, it's not really supposed to be. Garnet comments on the pretty flowers, but of more concern to me is the mist, which causes battles on top of the existing random encounters, of which there are more than enough. Annoying when you're trying to keep your characters at level one, which I've decided I'll do until Quina joins the party and I've got some better equipment from Lindblum.

South Gate is a nice little place to visit, even though you can't get through. If you say you want items, the guard tells you to wait, and you actually do have to wait for a while before Part-Time Worker Mary, one of the true heroes of this game, shows up to sell you stuff. I love how many optional places there are to visit in this game. I've already been to Melda Arch, the Dali side of South Gate and Observatory Mountain (with Zidane), and between Lindblum and Gizamaluke's Grotto I'll be visiting Pinnacle Rocks, Qu's Marsh, the Chocobo Forest and Bohden Gate, precisely none of which are necessary for advancing the plot. There might not be much to do at each one, but there's always something, even if it's just one or two people to talk to or an item to find. Final Fantasy X was so linear in comparison.

Arriving at Dali feels lovely, largely thanks to the relaxing music. It's such a charming place, and although it contains secrets underground, the player doesn't know that when they get there. Comparing it to other "calm after the storm" locations visited in various Final Fantasy games - Kalm, Balamb, Besaid and so on - I'd say it's one of my favourites.

I haven't seen much of Lindblum yet in this playthrough, so I won't comment on it yet.

How did you fare against the various bosses you encountered during this chapter? What did you manage to steal?
I stole everything possible from all four bosses, of course. They were far from straightforward, though, due to the challenge I set myself for this chapter: no physical attacks.

Black Waltz 1 and Sealion: Zidane used Steal repeatedly, healing himself when necessary, until he reached Trance. I had to use Free Energy on the Black Waltz rather than Tidal Flame on both of them, because Tidal Flame would have triggered a Tsunami from Sealion, which Zidane couldn't survive. I learnt that the hard way and had to do the battle again.

Black Waltz 2: the most challenging fight of the game so far, with my self-imposed restriction. He is very easy to beat with physical attacks and Magic Sword, but very difficult to beat with only magic, as every time you cast a level one spell against him, he counters with a level two spell of the same kind against all three male characters (e.g. Vivi does Fire, so he does Fira). On top of that, he uses his own turns to cast single-target level one spells or do physical attacks, and once he's lost half his HP, he casts a level two spell anyway. My first few attempts at the battle ended badly, but eventually I got the hang of it. Zidane stole until he got everything possible while Vivi usef Focus over and over (I did it about ten times, though I'm not sure that was completely necessary, as his magic damage seemed to be capped at about 300). The only use for Steiner and Dagger was to dish out potions just about every turn, with Vivi being the priority. Once Vivi had raised his magic stat sufficiently, Dagger cast shell on him, he cast Blizzard on the boss, Zidane or Steiner revived anyone who needed to be, and Dagger healed everyone with a cure spell. That was then repeated four times until he went down, about fifteen potions and three phoenix downs later. Amazingly, everyone survived! Zidane ended the fight with 1 HP :)

Black Waltz 3: Vivi used Double Black until his Trance ran out, Focused a handful of times and then resumed casting. Focus wasn't strictly necessary in this battle, because the boss isn't very dangerous, but it saved me using an Ether.

How did you feel about the revelation in Dali?
It's only about two-thirds of a revelation, really; a first time player can guess what's going on without too much difficulty, but there's still the possibility that there is another explanation for it. Of course, if you saw the scene at Melda Arch before visiting the Ice Cavern, then the pieces fit together perfectly and it is clear what's going on.

Anyway, I don't feel anything strongly either way about Alexandria's war preparations. The events on the cargo ship, leading up to the first FMV, are very touching, though. Vivi's face is incapable of showing much emotion, yet the FMV is directed so well that it's impossible not to know. Sniff.

From what you've heard of the music so far, what's your favourite track?
That's a tough one. Both of the opening FMVs have music that gives me that wonderful tingly sensation, so I suppose I had better give it to one of those. Memories Erased in the Storm would be my choice of the two. Other than those two, I really like Border Village Dali, as I mentioned already.

I said I'd come up with some questions for the chapters, but I'm really struggling so far. Here's one, but I know it's not particularly exciting:

Flintlock said:
How is your Tetra Master career going so far?
Mine is going well; I haven't lost a game yet, and the Cactuar card I got from skipping fifty times in Alexandria was good enough to win me an even better Cactuar card from Shopkeeper Eve in Dali. It has an attack power of 3, while most of my other cards are still at 0 or 1 :)

I've also got this question, which I'm mainly targeting at myself (I'll answer it every chapter, either directly or as part of my other answers):

Flintlock said:
What did learn about the game in this chapter?
I made sure Zidane was knocked out in a battle before I reached the top of the Ice Cavern, where the party falls asleep. I wanted to see whether the game allowed entirely dead parties (like VII does, for instance). It doesn't: the Black Waltz, by casting his spell, actually revives Zidane and gives him 1 HP. How nice of him! :monster:

I left Dali before boarding the Cargo Ship, which was probably the first time I had ever done that. I was surprised - and pleased - to see that the airship is actually shown on the world map :) You can't board it from there, but still, I think that's neat. I like that other airships are shown on the world map, because it is an important mode of transportation, as stated in the game and as evidenced by what then unfolds. It would be strange if your party were the only ones ever flying around.


Waiting for something
This chapter has a few very distinct changes in setting. What did you think of each of the locations you visited?

How did you fare against the various bosses you encountered during this chapter? What did you manage to steal?

How did you feel about the revelation in Dali?

From what you've heard of the music so far, what's your favourite track?

I’ve not too much to say for this chapter mostly because I still don’t feel there’s enough in the story to comment on, it’s kinda further on I’ll start talking more about the story.
I really like the Ice Cavern and the music setting is pretty nice to it, it’s easy enough to navigate through and I didn’t have a problem with the encounters. I know IX gets flack sometimes for it’s increased encounter rate but I honestly don’t have a problem with it. I like that Vivi’s fire magic becomes a small plot point, similar to how Rydia’s in IV does when they need her to burn an ice wall down early in the game. I took my little detour to south gate and observatory mountain to pick up some extra items and being a coffee lover myself, well I like Morrid :)

Dali, is to begin with the picture, perfect rural setting; quaint, pretty and calm until you start to realise something isn’t right. I never did like the kids in the village and I know why they’re afraid of Vivi but they’re just so mean to him and he doesn’t understand, It also originally took me a couple of times to get that the innkeeper was never actually looking at Dagger, despite the exchange between him and Zidane. I guess I felt a little bit like Vivi when things started coming to a head, trying to figure out what was going on with these new black mages and why they were being created. The part where they defend Vivi later in the airship makes me really sad, those FMV’s are really well done to convey Vivi’s emotions, but the other FMV where Vivi quite successfully bitch-slaps Black Waltz 3 with magic kind of shows you just how powerful Vivi actually can be when he wants to.

As for the boss battles, they really weren’t so hard. In the ice cavern, I managed to steal all Items from Black Waltz and Sealion and tranced with Zidane, so the battle was over fairly quickly and I just healed where necessary. As I had the Moonstone as my prize from Brahne and it teaches Dagger the Shell ability, I had an advantage in the next boss battle against Black Waltz 2’s spells and was also able to steal both items pretty quickly. Steiner also reached trance in this battle so the boss went down fairly quickly. With Black Waltz 3 I was having a lot of problems trying to steal the Silver Gloves and in the end just left them as I know you can pick them up in Lindblum anyways, but I did get another Steepled Hat and the Linen Curaiss on both first steal attempts straight away. My characters are around the Level 7/8 mark at the moment so they didn’t suffer too badly in the fight.

Just on one more note about the encounters, I came across my first “friendly” monster. For anyone who has never played the game or encountered them before there are 10 of them to be found and in this case the first one, a friendly Mu, can be encountered around the Dali area. They are friendly variations of 10 different monsters in the game and are normally a different colour and take a different battle stance in this case, the friendly Mu is a reddish colour, has blue eyes and stands on its’ hind legs. A normal Mu is a purple colour, with red eyes and takes a battle stance on all four legs. The battle music changes for them and is much more light hearted and cute sounding you shouldn’t attack them, if you do they run away. In this case the Mu asks for an Ore which you should have by now, you don’t receive exp. But they give you a large amount of AP which changes depending on which one you encounter(as does the gem/stone they ask for) and a hint on the next friendly monster. They are needed should you decided to fight Ozma, the games superboss so it’s well worth the encounter if you decide to take Ozma on, granted I know that this encounter is more suited to mention in one of the mini-games section but there are areas in the game where you can automatically encounter them so for anyone who isn’t sure what to do…there you go :monster:

Finally the music, my favourite song so far is the world theme “Crossing the knoll” but I also like Steiner’s, as like him it’s a little bumbling. If there’s one thing about FFIX I love. it’s the music, it’s got so many beautiful pieces of music.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
This chapter has a few very distinct changes in setting. What did you think of each of the locations you visited?
well, i didn't like the ice cavern, but because i usually don't like ica cavarns at all ( i'm not sure why). Dali remember me Gongaga. a little village in the middle of nothing whit similar style imo. Lindblum awesome. it really huge but still look like a medival city. i like the mix. (also, how can somobody don't love a medival city famous for the airship?) definatly, i love Lindblum. and i like cid theme too.
How did you fare against the various bosses you encountered during this chapter? What did you manage to steal?
the only real problem i had was with Waltz 2. he killed all my team two time (except Garnet). i don't remember exactly wha ti stole. surely the hat and a silk robe (or whatever they are).
How did you feel about the revelation in Dali?
well, to be honest, i was really shocked by the revelation that Brahne had a husband and the other stuff... wait, isn't this the revelation? ops! about the robo-mage.. nothing special. i knew that Vivi was related with a existential problem or similar things and i saw the scene at the gate near Burmecia, so i think i know what's going on.
From what you've heard of the music so far, what's your favourite track?
well, i love 'a place i'll return', ' vamo alla flamenco' and 'Jesters of the moon' (i really see well thorn and zorn as kuja's minions) but i also like crossing those hill because i like melodies of life.
How is your Tetra Master career going so far?
tbh, i haven't tried yet :P it's the first time i play IX, so i'm more story-focused.
What did learn about the game in this chapter?
that sometimes loves is blind, brahne was married and garnet is (obvliusly) adopted. also, Vivi angy, Vivi smash. and waltz look badass. oh, and don't forget Hilde garde, who is pretty cool for now XD


Great Old One
Chapter 2

This chapter has a few very distinct changes in setting. What did you think of each of the locations you visited?
I'm glad the Ice Cavern didn't go on and on forever like it could have, FF style. I think the South gate looks really cool, Lindblum as well.
How did you fare against the various bosses you encountered during this chapter? What did you manage to steal?
Black Waltz 2 kicked my ass once, but I was at half HP or something when I started the battle, and I didn't react seriously enough when he used Fira the first time, so it was well deserved. I had to rewatch and replay a looot of stuff to replay the battle though, but that's okay. I stole the dagger, the hat and a shirt. (There was a shirt, right? Think it was.)
How did you feel about the revelation in Dali?
I had a feeling there was something different about Vivi, but I didn't know what. Lex spoiled to me he's 9, so at first I thought he was just a kid of some other race or something. But now I guess I know what's going on.

I absolutely love the airship cutscene. The first closeup of Black Waltz 3 when he (she?)'s about to follow you is just magnificent. That cutscene has to be on my top 5 FF cutscenes ever. I had a suspicion Vivi was gonna do something unexpected to BW3. It wasn't as grand as I'd expected, but it was grand enough for me to cheer a little. Great stuff.
From what you've heard of the music so far, what's your favourite track?
tbh the Skype chat is drawing my attention away from the music XD I'll have to listen a bit to the soundtrack.

I'll be on Skype on Saturday. Not sure if I'll be playing since I'll be at work and Saturdays are a little more active than Sundays. I might start playing on Friday and see how far I get.

Alex Strife

I'm sorry this is going to be a bit shorter than I intended to, but I've been really busy this week, and so... anyway.

The setting is nice. Ice cavern does the job of featuring an ice-y dungeon without dragging for too long. Although quite honestly, the way it looks, I wouldn't have minded for it to be longer. Very nicely rendered!

The other places do their job properly, with Dali being the typical small calm down (with the secret!). Lindblum is just stunning, for the game's setting. But we'll leave that for next time... I'm visiting all the places the first time that can be done.

I stole every single item from every single boss. People will know that, as I had to use TWENTY potions in the time it took me to steal the last item during the fight at the airship against the Black Waltz 3. At least I was able to do it, which is great. I'm a bit overlevelled, so I didn't have any trouble with any boss. However, with the new items coming, not everyone has every skill they could have, and I'm kind of looking forward to having time to train just so I can start getting everyone's skills.

So far, Dali's revelation has been cut short. Sure, there IS something important happening there but... it's just what we've seen. Although the implications of Alexandria doing that are clear. But the implications for a certain character are not year so fleshed out.

Music... it's all good, but we still haven't reached a personal favourite of mine. The opening FMV is really good, though!

The Tetra Master is going nicely... although I haven't played much, to be honest. Just one or two matches here and there, always winning but... (I never really risk my better cards so I always win 6-4).

I know it's short, but everyone's done a great job of explaining stuff already! :) Looking forward to playing again with all of you!


Alright, I'm finally getting caught up with stuff :). Who's ready for another chapter tomorrow? Woooooo FESTIVAL OF THE HUNT!

Anyway, here's my review of the previous chapter:

I've always liked the Ice Cavern, it's an excellent little travel-through point from the misty basin to the heights. Also it's not too long, but that's something else IX is good at - not being boring IMO.

I've never been a huge fan of Dali. I think it might be the music that makes me slightly sleepy or something. I like the story developments and information you get there though, I'm just not sure I'm a fan of the design.

I stole everything of note from all the Black Waltz's and Sealion. None of the bosses gave me trouble, but I do remember having to attempt Black Waltz 3 multiple times on my first playthrough. I didn't actually know that he only flies if you physically attack him.

The Ice Cavern music is perpetually in my "sleep music" playlist, and it has been for as long as I can remember.

Something I absolutely love about IX is the animations and how they play a part in telling the story. That moment when (in normal graphics) Vivi "jumps" in rage and runs out to attack BW3 is just awesome.

Next Chapter post will be up shortly :monster:


Chapter Three: Metropolis


This chapter is one of many chapters that has an optional segment, so those of you that aren't doing anything optional (I don't think that's anyone really, but still) will only be completing Lindblum then heading the short distance across the World Map and saving outside Gizamaluke's Grotto, pictured above.

In this chapter we'll be hitting Lindblum then it's off to do optional stuff (Chocobo Hot and Cold, Chocograph, Qu's Marsh, Blue Magic acquiring wooo!!! - There's also another random gate). When you think about the size of Lindblum, the length of the story segment there, and the length of time some of the sidequests can take, it's quite a large chapter.

  • How do you feel about Lindblum?
  • Did you synthesise anything? Now might be a good time to comment on the equipment system in the game :)
  • Who won the festival of the hunt? Did you do this on purpose? If so, why? :desu:
  • SIDEQUEST TAIMU! Which quests did you complete? Do you like Hot and Cold?
  • Did you go to Qu's Marsh? If so, did you obtain Quina? If so, did you spend some time learning Blue Magics?

See you all tomorrow, same time!


Chloe Frazer
Chapter 2:

This chapter has a few very distinct changes in setting. What did you think of each of the locations you visited?

Never been a fan of the Ice Cavern mostly because some of the treasures are annoyingly difficult for me to get. I like Deli because it gave me some of my favorite scenes in the game especially "ooo soft". :monster: South Gate looks cool from the outside, I'll say more when I'm actually inside. Lindblum is great even from what little you see of it in this chapter, I will post my full opinion on it in the next chapter.

How did you fare against the various bosses you encountered during this chapter? What did you manage to steal?

I didn't die with any of them which is surprising because I wasted Vivi's trance with BW #3 but I did forget to steal from BW #1, BW #2 game the most trouble. I don't remember what I stole, I think one of the things had something to do with leather?

How did you feel about the revelation in Dali?

Is fairly obvious Vivi is different so the revelation was never shocking for me. Like Fangu said the airship scene with BW #3 is beautiful and one of the best in the franchise, is probably why BW #3 because one of the most popular characters in the game even though he had very little screen time.

From what you've heard of the music so far, what's your favourite track?

The fighting theme is my favorite so far, it makes the random fights worthwhile.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I am soooo far behind. Still, I'm working on it. Slowly.

I'm almost at the Ice Cave, then I'll work up to the other place (Icy Reception?)

Hopefully I can be caught up by the end of the weekend.

Alex Strife

I won't be able to be there when it starts. But I'm pretty sure I can join later. So I'll start playing by the afternoon so I don't fall behind... :)


Waiting for something
I may be able to listen in on the skype chat later, if not i'll be playing anyways, ohhhhhh I can't wait, I loves me some Hot and Cold!


Double Growth
Last 2 chapters recap, go!

This chapter has a few very distinct changes in setting. What did you think of each of the locations you visited?

I like the Ice Cave. It's not too long, but is a nice bridge between being under and over the Mist. Everyone's reactions to the cold are fun - Vivi and Steigner especially, as usual. (Why do RPG characters frequently react to the cold in the obligatory ice cave but so rarely to the heat in lava caves?)

I like how distinct it feels from when you're under or over the Mist. Obviously you start under the Mist, and if the whole world map looked like that, I wouldn't think anything of it. But when you see what it's like above the Mist you really notice the fog and muted colors. (Is there a lower encounter rate above the Mist? There should be.)

How did you fare against the various bosses you encountered during this chapter? What did you manage to steal?

I handled the battle fine, stealing is always a drag. I think I lifted Black Waltz 2's stuff right off the bat. but No. 3 was giving me trouble, and once I start dipping into Hi-Potions, I figure I'm now costing myself more than it would cost to simply buy the damn Steepled Hat. So I gave up with that and quickly trounced him.

How did you feel about the revelation in Dali?

Never thought much about it I guess. The mystery is fun, what with the mayor telling you to get out and the lack of any other adults. Garnet trying to fit in is probably the best part.

From what you've heard of the music so far, what's your favourite track?

Hm...well going back to the beginning it probably has to go to Vamo alla Flamenco. But I enjoy the Ice Cave, that's a often overlooked track.

And Part 3:

How do you feel about Lindblum?

I love Lindblum, it's up with Midgar, Junon, and Rabanastre as some of my favorite cities in Final Fantasy. They all feel the most alive (and with great music). They also really feel a lot bigger than they are. Rabanastre and Lindblum especially. With the city going way into the background, it feels like you explore a much larger area then you actually do. You only get to see a street or two per district. Being able to see more would be nice and all, but they did a great job of making you FEEL like you did.

Did you synthesise anything? Now might be a good time to comment on the equipment system in the game :)

Yes, Ogre all the way baby. The game is like night and day without that thing. My first playthrough back in the day I somehow completely missed the existence of synth shops. I struggled through the Hunt and got hopelessly stuck in Gizamaluke's. But with that weapon, everything in the hunt goes down in one hit and everything is a lot more manageable.

I also made a Yellow scarf I believe, as it teaches you 3 good stuff. As for the equipment/ability system in the game - it's functional. It's no Materia, but it gets the job done. My biggest problem with it is that I'm always too scared to sell equipment, and thus am always short on cash. And I guess having to stick with inferior equipment in order to learn an ability can be a pain sometimes, but having to make equipment sacrifices happens a lot in the series. (Materia slots/growth, FFX's weapon abilities, etc.)

Who won the festival of the hunt? Did you do this on purpose? If so, why? :desu:

Zidane. And sort of, I just didn't want Vivi to win (sorry Vivi) because I don't want a card. Usually I prefer to have Freya win for the Coral Ring. But I was fighting Zaghnol for the first time ever, and I was down to under 15 seconds to go and Zidane was doing a lot more damage with the Ogre, so I finally gave in and let him finish it.

Can't argue with 5,000 gil anyway. I could buy a Coral Ring or two for that (when they become available).

SIDEQUEST TAIMU! Which quests did you complete? Do you like Hot and Cold? many are there? 1 is detailed in the next question. I believe I found the coffee for that dude near Dali...I don't think I did anything else.

And I most certainly do NOT like Chocobo Hot & Cold. I find that game incredibly tedious and I it's infuriating that ALMOST every single best equipment and item in FF9 comes from that stupid game.

I really like the Chocograph's, mind you, I think that's fun to find the spot on the world map, but the method to obtain them, ugh. I played enough to get the first one just because I know exactly where it is, but I kind of doubt I'll play any more.

Did you go to Qu's Marsh? If so, did you obtain Quina? If so, did you spend some time learning Blue Magics?

Yes. I've never been crazy about Quina and I'm not a fan of Blue Magic (because the way to obtain it is generally a pain), but still, I always get Quina.
If nothing else, he/she's another target for the Earth Fiend. And iirc the Fiend is vulnerable to L4 Holy.
I got some blue magic, but I was only spending time there because I wanted Zidance to learn Bandit so I could use the Ogre for Gizamaluke's Grotto. I picked up Mighty Guard - which I can't afford to cast, Pumpkin Head, and Limit...Stick or something, I don't remember what it's called. According to the internet, there are a butt-ton to get in that area, but cba. Again - don't care for Blue Magic.

However, I never knew about that gate nearby that has the recovery spring, that makes grinding there a lot more viable because you don't have to blow through potions and tents. Very nice.


I've decided to challenge myself and obtain both a Robe of Lords and Reflect Ring from Chocobo Hot and Cold before the next chapter. I have ~2000 points so far, so 16500 to go!
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