So... thinking more. Does anyone know if anyone associated with the the story of FFII (not just the game, but also the novel that based off the game) is involved with LR? Reason why I ask is because I can see major character plot connections between the Emperor and Bhunivelze.
- The Emperor and Bhunivelze both got rid of their mothers - except the Emperor did not kill his, while Bhunivelze did (or had it done for him.) The Emperor banished his mother.
- Both the Emperor and Bhunivelze seem to have issues with female family members - not just the mother as already spoken about, but also (possible)sister/(definite)daughter. While it's not stated specifically how, Leila in II was in some way connected to the Emperor's mother, and Paul was the one who saved a princess from her imprisonment by a past Emperor; Bhunivelze had issues with his daughter and condemned her to a life without purpose or power, in which was only pervertedly freed from by committing suicide due to her wish to attract attention from Bhunivelze (and in which Mwynn corrected, be it purposely or the fact that Etro was the only one who reached her in time.)
I thought I had more, but I don't - or I can't think of them right now. I wonder if it would be safe to say that Bhunivelze is a selfish prick. If II's Emperor is any sign to Bhunivelze... I think it probably is.
But then, I was also further thinking: Perhaps Bhunivelze and Lindzei are at odds, and LR is really a chess game between the god and his youngest? For me, to me, that would say Lumina is Lindzei.
In XIII-2 we are given the crystal fragment named "Lindzei's Desire." Thinking on it, it would make sense if humanity was created to solve the problem of continuity for a fal'Cie. In other words, I don't think Lindzei wished to live and then die for Bhunivelze's sake - because it would be as if nothing of the fal'Cie (or at least him/her) never existed, never mattered, never did anything. (Also, I feel for Lindzei, and wonder if Lindzei also thought: The only reason why s/he lives is because Bhunivelze was not pleased with Etro's appearance. S/he lives because of a mistake, and that is all. How heavy a thing to know?)
Humans were created to be separate, to live on, as fal'Cie have purpose, but do not die (for as long as their duties are needing attention), humans have no purpose other than to live, and then to die, to live again. If the fal'Cie are all connected as I am thinking, and if one dies (meaning the parent fal'Cie (Pulse and/or Lindzei), they all die. As if they were never truly separate from their parent fal'Cie. Yet, they are living creatures, with their own personalities.
This leads me to Barthandelus and the Cocoon fal'Cie. I feel that they knew things that perhaps Lindzei did not mean for them to know. And this ruined them. Sadly, with what I just said, if Lindzei was thinking more about fal'Cie in whole, not just his/her own self, with wanting to die, Barthandelus gave humanity a bad taste of fal'Cie. Still, I can't help but thinking Barthandelus and the other Cocoon fal'Cie knew things that just were unbearable to know. Stuck in their nature, having to do their duties, as I said before, the only way out was death.
Back to a possible Lightning Returns plot: Lightning is really a bit player in a larger struggle. Lindzei is trying to save humans, and in so save himself/herself. Bhunivelze is trying to reign in a wayward fal'Cie (which would also speak volumes to me as to why Lindzei did not interfere with Barthandelus' plan) and deal with the "mess" created. Humans are of no consequence; at least, not many if any.
I don't buy this "I can't make humans" statement that Toriyama, et al. claimed Bhunivelze is supposed to have been working under.
... Okay, enough. I'm tired and I don't know if I'm making sense ...
PS: Can you tell I'm excited again.