Speaking of that though, it bothers the shit out of me when people make an OC that is basically a self insert... It drives me insane because it's so painfully obvious and irritating.
This is the first hurdle with OC's that you need to pass, and if you don't, you're pretty much fucked from the get-go. I try to be as aware as possible with self insert, not just for my OC's, but my canon characters as well. Pulling the camera back to allow the characters to act and unfold on their own is so vital - and so damn hard!
My most awkward experience with self-insert is an RP blog I really enjoy. One of this person's OC's is the wife of one of the canon characters. I've seen the RP'er on cam so I know what she looks like. One day she reblogged an old drawing she did of the wife, and the drawing shared so many traits with the RP'er the whole thing was just... awkward. I mean there's no harm in it, it might be completely unrelated, or she might not be aware at all - either way, it made me think a lot about my OC's and to be even
more aware of the dreaded self insert.
I mean you have to write what you know, but there's a difference between using your experiences and putting yourself entirely in your character's shoes. (The risk, with self-insert is, of course (how I see it anyway) that you might end up making that character an image of
who you want to be instead of
who you are, making them unrounded characters. I like using that quadrant of the 4 'awarenesses' as an example for this:
The things about you that...
* Both you and the people around you are aware of
* The things only you know
* The things only
they know (that for x amount of reasons you don't learn - varying from 'they're afraid to tell you/ don't see telling you as relevant' to 'they thought you already knew' (like if you tend to talk too loud but have no idea yourself)
* The things you don't know about yourself that others don't know either (tbh I find it very hard coming up with examples for this one)
My point is that looking at a character that's different from you, it's much easier to be aware of the traits in point number 3, and as I see it, these things can be very important for characterization.
That was kind of off-topic but I enjoyed typing that
edit: ALSO I want to talk about this thing in smutfics that pisses me off. People that write Aerith like she's a virgin completely naive about sex. Like so naive that she has to be 'taught' what to do by Zack (those are the ones I read haha). (...) But getting back to Aerith, SHE IS A GROWN WOMAN. SHE'S NOT A CHILD ANYMORE. I'M PRETTY SURE SHE KNOWS WHAT SEX IS AND HOW TO HAVE IT. ffs
Oh, this. So much this. It's clear during the Wall Market and Don Corneo's mansion scenes that Aerith's a lot feistier than you're led to believe at first. Out of the two of them, Tifa's far more of a 'virgin' than Aerith, if one is to use those terms in the first place. But fandom seems to prefer Aerith as a pure virgin and Tifa as a slut, because, you know, outfits.