FFVII Community Playthrough: Prelude


Just caught up with where we were. Quickly going to post my opinions/answers on Chapters 3 & 4 then grab a bite to eat and be back in time for Skype.

Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?

I can remember being killed by the Hell House more than once in my earlier runs. If it gets all fiery it will eat your ass, especially if it's that bit later on when Cloud is alone and you attempt to fight it.

Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?

I usually get all the items (including the Honeybee Inn sequence items) but this time I didn't bother. Corneo can pick Cloud as long as you get all the other best items and you don't have to visit the Honeybee Inn. Though I need to comment on that scene with Mukki and his crew. Cloud so gets rapetouched in that jacuzzi.

Wall Market was one of my favourite parts of the game, way back when. There is just so much to do there - and of course, I didn't see everything the first time around. I also appreciated the light-hearted nature of what happens there, making Cloud seem a bit less serious and a bit more accessible. I've often wondered what approach Square Enix would take if they ever went ahead with a remake, because Cloud wearing lingerie, a dress, a wig, a tiara and make-up just wouldn't fit with the image they've created for him in the spin-off games. What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?

I was never a huge fan of Wall Market, though I appreciated the touch of comedy it brought to an otherwise serious atmosphere. Going back to that scene with Mukki... imagine that in a remake!?

This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on? (Yes, I am going to keep asking that same question!)

Aps can be quite dangerous if you don't prepare accordingly. As it happens, I just grenaded him to death. It is what it is.

The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?

I definitely had problems with it the first time I played it. I can't remember specifically where I got stuck but I'm certain there was more than one place, and one of the places was the train bit near the end. Since then it's easy to breeze on through.

Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?

I stole a Striking Staff. I don't plan to use Aerith other than to level her limits for completion purposes on this playthrough but it's a handy thing to sell if you ever run low on Gil. It's hard to encounter him and the steal rate is low, but I got it on a second attempt and encountered him naturally, which is very strange. Usually you have to look for him.

The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?

I've done this battle maybe 5 times over the past week for various reasons. When I was catching up on the PC version today I got really unlucky and he trapped 2 of my characters in pyramids relatively early. I just grenaded him to death anyway.

The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there? That swinging pole used to cause me so much trouble as a kid.

As I child I remember being stuck at the first battery. For some reason I couldn't fathom that you had to walk on the propellor. I remember trying to get to it from the left for about an hour before realising you just had to walk up from the battery's position. Derpy times.

The jumping in time thing usually takes me a few attempts. The noise helps.

For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point

I think in my latest normal playthrough (the one I did today where I'm not speeding) they're at about level 10-12 or something. I'm too lazy to check. Tifa has steal, Cloud has his initial materia. Barret has cure=all. Cloud has Cross Slash.

I streamed the second -ish half of Chapter 4, it can be seen here. I got into around 20 encounters trying to steal a Hardedge (the SOLDIER 3rd enemy just WOULD. NOT. APPEAR.), but gave up in the end. It's not really worth it when you learn Matra Magic soon enough :P

Did you bust on in or sneak in quietly?

I told Tifa I was sneaking in then bust in instead (because I want the Tifa date). I like the experience, and it's quicker. Although I am a huge fan of their stair banter aswell, it's just too tedious.

Did you pick up all the items from the upper floors? How about the Elemental materia from Mayor Domino?

I got all the items and the elemental materia using the handy one bookshelf tells all sneaky trick.

This is for those who have played it before: when the party gets captured, it provides an opportunity to get "love points" from a couple of different characters. Have you thought about who you are going to try and date on this playthrough yet?
Yes! Tifa. Easy peasy. I'm not a huge fan of the Aerith date.

Part of this chapter feels like a boss fight gauntlet: you must face Sample:H0512, Hundred Gunner, Heli Gunner, Rufus and Motor Ball in quick succession. Do you have any particularly strategies for dealing with any of them?

H0512 get's Fire'd and grenaded on a normal playthrough, he goes down quickly enough. The only real strategic part here for me is making sure Cloud has a limit at the end (for DarkNation) and that I don't accidentally choose one of his little spore things when I'm selecting a command. They're time wasters.

Hundred Gunner - Bolt, Grenades. Save limits for Heli Gunner - heal with Aerith's Limit, throw grenades, use Barret and reds limits then bolt and attack.

Rufus + Dark Nation - Immediately open with Braver on Dark Nation, then just keep attacking Rufus.

Motor Ball - I picked up another Bolt materia especially for this bad boy. Bolt, Bolt, grenade. That's it.

What do you make of all the plot developments?

I remember first thinking how horrific it was that they weren't going to bother fixing the damage they caused. And I'm not quite sure I understood the beastiality implications when Hojo was talking about breeding the first time I played it either (this game has everything... really)>

I also remember theorizing when Cloud was having his first "attack" that there was some Jenova-related trauma and his mind had blocked it out... which I suppose isn't too far off the truth ^_^.
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Pro Adventurer
I played the Chapter 5 already last night, so I hope I still remember what happened. :D

The first Enemy Skill of the game is available here, namely Matra Magic (from Custom Sweepers in the grey land around Midgar). Did you bother to get it?

This is again one of those things that I didn't know, so no I didn't. Anyway, the Enemy Skill materia has been so useless so far, that I wouldn't probably even notice if I had chance to use it.

The flashback. Love it or hate it? Although it has a reputation amongst experienced players for being one of the most boring parts of the game, it doesn't take very long if you know how to run through it. On the other hand, if you want to explore everything, it can take forever.

I definitely liked it a lot. I got to know more about Sephiroth and Cloud's past. Still it didn't tell you everything, so there's more to reveal later. I guess I did spend quite a lot of time with the flashback, I just like to explore because I don't want to miss out on anything. 8) Call me a freak (I do), but I like Sephiroth. And I loved the the end of the flashback, from the moment you get to the mansion onwards. So creepy!

The thing that botheres me the most is how the hell did Tifa survive?! o.o From the battles that I had with Sephiroth I know that Cloud would have died imediately from that attack.

Did you go shopping in Kalm? And did you remember to raid all the houses?

I did go shopping, and I think I went through all the houses. I bought some items and better equipment to everyone. I would have wanted to buy some new materia as well, but didn't have enough gil. :(

If you speak to the town's residents, you'll be given a number of dialogue choices about the usefulness/evilness of Mako energy and Shinra. Knowing only what you know at that stage of the game, what do you tell them? Remember that your answers affect the relationship scores, depending on who is in your party.

Well, I usually agreed with them if they said that it's bad and if they didn't then I desagreed. Don't know the effect it had, but oh well. x)

I'm really starting to like the game, and I feel like we are going too slowly here! :D Yes I know, first I don't have any time, and now I have all the time. Oh well, I will probably have less time again next week when I start working in a new place.

6 will be the last chapter in this prelude section. We'll then have caught up with the original playthrough. At that point, I'll be asking for input on how to continue. I'd be happy to keep running it, but Mog had an idea that people could take it in turns, which would be fine too. My preference would be a kind of middle ground where different people can write the chapter descriptions and questions, with me posting the updates and the pictures on a schedule similar to the one we've had here.

I would hope it to be something in between too. The turn based game wouldn't work for me, because like everyone probably knows already, I'm playing for the first time, and I'd also like to play it on my own till the end to get the best possible experience. So if it's only going to be turn based then I will just have to bow out from this, and continue on my own. :(

So 6 will be the last one already? o.o I hope there's not going to be a big break before we get to continue the game (if I'm even going to continue with you guys, I really hope I can!).


Pro Adventurer
So 6 will be the last one already? o.o I hope there's not going to be a big break before we get to continue the game (if I'm even going to continue with you guys, I really hope I can!).

Don't worry, I'll make sure that you will be able to carry on taking part whatever happens.

By the way, it's not too late to get Enemy Skill. It is a useless materia until you learn some spells on it. It's like Quina's Blue Magic in FFIX and Kimahri's Overdrive in FFX - you said you had played those, right? It's not too late to go back and learn it, though the Custom Sweeper battles seem to be quite rare.


Pro Adventurer
Don't worry, I'll make sure that you will be able to carry on taking part whatever happens.

Thank you, I really appreciate it. ♥

By the way, it's not too late to get Enemy Skill. It is a useless materia until you learn some spells on it. It's like Quina's Blue Magic in FFIX and Kimahri's Overdrive in FFX - you said you had played those, right? It's not too late to go back and learn it, though the Custom Sweeper battles seem to be quite rare.

I have yes. Oh well, it doesn't matter that much. I might go back to do it, if I remember. Thanks again. :)


Pro Adventurer
I'm putting this sixth and final chapter (of the prelude section) up a day early so it doesn't interfere with the race, which is going to start tomorrow and continue through the weekend.

Chapter 6: A Chocobo, a Snake, a Condor, a Ninja, a Serpent and a Dolphin
19th - 23rd April 2012
Skype & stream: Thursday the 19th of April, 19:00 UTC. Check your timezone here.

Cloud and the gang begin their chase of the black-caped man. They need to make it to the Mythril Mines, but stopping them in their tracks is an enormous snake (or more precisely, a series of them) that goes by the name of Midgar Zolom. Catching a Chocobo seems to be the safest way to make it past unscathed. Later, an encounter with some familiar foes in the mines reveals the direction in which Sephiroth is heading, but on the way there, there's the option of helping out a small community with their fight against the Shinra at Fort Condor. There's also the possibility of recruiting a new party member. Another distraction awaits at Junon, but it's not long before the pursuit continues.

That might seem like a lot, but most of it is optional, and experienced players should be able to get through it in no time. The target is the first save point you have access to in upper Junon. Picture below.


  • How did you get across the marshes? There are plenty of options: catch and ride a Chocobo, use the saving trick, time your run perfectly, or beat Midgar Zolom in a battle (make sure to save first!). If you chose to fight, did you learn the enemy skill Beta?
  • There are two screens in the Mythril Mines which are completely optional, but which contain some useful items and large groups of enemies, which makes them perfect for learning limit breaks and levelling up at the same time. The Flame Thrower enemy skill is also available there. Did you make use of them at all?
  • Did you visit Fort Condor? If so, did you do the first battle?
  • Did you encounter the Mystery Ninja? And did you get her to join your party? The forests where you can meet her are also great places for levelling/learning limit breaks, by the way.
  • Did you have any trouble with Bottomswell? What characters did you fight it with?
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My thoughts on Chapter 5:

Flintlock said:
The first Enemy Skill of the game is available here, namely Matra Magic (from Custom Sweepers in the grey land around Midgar). Did you bother to get it?

I do enjoy a bit of Matra Magic. It's an excellent somewhere-between-normal-and-mid level magic spell, and trés handy for this point in the game. Especially for those ghastly ghouls coming up in the Mythril Mines.

The flashback. Love it or hate it? Although it has a reputation amongst experienced players for being one of the most boring parts of the game, it doesn't take very long if you know how to run through it. On the other hand, if you want to explore everything, it can take forever.

I can't be bothered with it, though I always like the dialogue between Cloud and his mother. I get a very teenage vibe from that scene, and rightly so. Also, Tifa's underwear. Funny moment hidden in a serious one.

Did you go shopping in Kalm? And did you remember to raid all the houses?

Items found in the houses can be useful. I'm also a fan of looking out the window in the tower EVERY TIME. I don't know why.

If you speak to the town's residents, you'll be given a number of dialogue choices about the usefulness/evilness of Mako energy and Shinra. Knowing only what you know at that stage of the game, what do you tell them? Remember that your answers affect the relationship scores, depending on who is in your party.

I generally always pick the option that is against the Shinra, but since they don't stick I usually do it again just to see what they say with the other response.

This has to be my least favourite chapter so far on our playthrough. It's rich in story and definitely interesting on a second playthrough, but the repetitive nature of where you run and what you have to do make it tedious if you've done it so many times before. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!

I also took the time to get Beta from the Midgar Zolom and level all my characters limit breaks before the chapter. My Cloud is currently level 30 :O I have this beautiful feat recorded on the stream at the end of video titled "Community Playthrough of FF7, Chapter 5, Kalm *groan*" Which can be found here.


Pro Adventurer
  • The first Enemy Skill of the game is available here, namely Matra Magic (from Custom Sweepers in the grey land around Midgar). Did you bother to get it?
  • The flashback. Love it or hate it? Although it has a reputation amongst experienced players for being one of the most boring parts of the game, it doesn't take very long if you know how to run through it. On the other hand, if you want to explore everything, it can take forever.
  • Did you go shopping in Kalm? And did you remember to raid all the houses?
  • If you speak to the town's residents, you'll be given a number of dialogue choices about the usefulness/evilness of Mako energy and Shinra. Knowing only what you know at that stage of the game, what do you tell them? Remember that your answers affect the relationship scores, depending on who is in your party.

I didn't get Matra Magic. I do normally though, it's pretty handy.

I don't mind the Flashback too much. As I said, it's quite short, and it is an interesting part of the story.
The stuff you learn later in the game wouldn't be so revelatory without knowing the "wrong" version first.

I didn't buy anything in Kalm. I just left at the first opportunity...

...and for that reason, I didn't speak to any of the residents. I normally put Barret in my party and tell them they're all full of it though :)

  • How did you get across the marshes? There are plenty of options: catch and ride a Chocobo, use the saving trick, time your run perfectly, or beat Midgar Zolom in a battle (make sure to save first!). If you chose to fight, did you learn the enemy skill Beta?
  • There are two screens in the Mythril Mines which are completely optional, but which contain some useful items and large groups of enemies, which makes them perfect for learning limit breaks and levelling up at the same time. The Flame Thrower enemy skill is also available there. Did you make use of them at all?
  • Did you visit Fort Condor? If so, did you do the first battle?
  • Did you encounter the Mystery Ninja? And did you get her to join your party? The forests where you can meet her are also great places for levelling/learning limit breaks, by the way.
  • Did you have any trouble with Bottomswell? What characters did you fight it with?

I used the saving trick. In case anyone doesn't know what that is, you run into the marshes until Midgar Zolom is near to you, then open the menu, save, soft reset and reload the game. The snake will then be somewhere else in the marshes, usually far away.

I picked up the Long Range materia and the other items from that room in the Mythril Mines, but that's it. I skipped the rest.

I skipped Fort Condor.

And I skipped getting Yuffie. How boring!

Bottomswell was a little more difficult than planned because I forgot to buy more Grenades. It was still pretty straightforward though. I had Cloud, Barret and Red.

And that's it! The end of the prelude :)


I am so far behind in the questions it's pathetic, but I've been up to my eyeballs in schoolwork. I should have some free time this weekend, so hopefully I'll post some reflections (hopefully I can still remember my last play through, lol). Just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about this.


Pro Adventurer
Catching a Chocobo is freaking hard... >.<

Did you buy any greens? Even the cheapest ones, Gysahl Greens, can do the trick. Feed them to the Chocobo as the first thing you do in the battle, then kill the other monsters before it stops eating.


Pro Adventurer
Did you buy any greens? Even the cheapest ones, Gysahl Greens, can do the trick. Feed them to the Chocobo as the first thing you do in the battle, then kill the other monsters before it stops eating.

I did buy greens, three kind! It was still freaking hard! >.< Well, at least I got some leveling up done and got more gil. :awesome:


I'm outside Midgar, I'll catch up today.

I had completely forgotten how to do the wire jump thing. I was stuck on that for an embarrasingly long time. I messed up with the constant Materia redistributing towards the end. After the bike chase (which is for some reason is a lot crazier on the PC), I faced off against the end boss with only Cloud having Materia, still pretty easy though.

Other then that, yeah pretty good run of it.

At Fort Condor now, I beat the Midgar Zolom and got Beta (and all the other Enemy Skills). Gonna grind Yuffie and then go back to Kalm to answer questions with her in my party before continuing.
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Great Old One
k so next chapter will probably be posted soon - I'm available for Skyping Tuesday and Thursday this week. Remember Friday is Drinking night :) (I'll be at work but if nothing special is happening I can join in on the fun - not the drinking of course :))


Pro Adventurer
Tuesday would be better for me. The next chapter will go in a new thread, as we've now caught up with the last playthrough. Please keep posting your comments on the first six chapters in this thread though :)


Oh man, let's see if I can get caught up a little on these questions...

Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?
The Hell House didn't present us with a problem at all this playthrough. I remember seeing a lot more of it's stages during my very first playthrough, though.

Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?
I think we ended up with something in between, but only by the dress, I think. I'm pretty sure I picked the wrong type of fabric. Whoops, haha. Tifa was chosen by Corneo.

Wall Market was one of my favourite parts of the game, way back when. There is just so much to do there - and of course, I didn't see everything the first time around. I also appreciated the light-hearted nature of what happens there, making Cloud seem a bit less serious and a bit more accessible. I've often wondered what approach Square Enix would take if they ever went ahead with a remake, because Cloud wearing lingerie, a dress, a wig, a tiara and make-up just wouldn't fit with the image they've created for him in the spin-off games. What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?
Well, I know that it doesn't really fit in with his character in the spin-off games, but if SE makes a remake, they'd be remaking VII as a stand alone game (at least, I'd certainly hope so), so I would think they would handle it the same way as in the original. That would only make sense. Wait, does SE make a lot of sense these days? Anyway. I would hope they wouldn't do something so stupid as to change the feel of that part of the game. As for WM in general...interesting. Haha. Definitely a seedy place. I mean, really.

This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on? (Yes, I am going to keep asking that same question!)
I think we fared pretty well against him. I remember that boss fight but not the particulars anymore, other than thinking that his Sewer Tsunami was silly. I think he took care of himself for the most part, haha.

The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?
Oh my gosh, the first time I played through this game I struggled SO HARD with the maziness (yes, I said it, whatever). Luckily, Force knew exactly what he was doing, so this time I just sat back and watched, hehe.
Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?
The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?
I don't think we ended up with two characters trapped at the same time, and as soon as someone was trapped, we broke them out of it, so it wasn't really that bad of a fight. As for the FMV, pretty much what Flint said, especially this: "The shot of President Shinra listening to classical music as he watches the destruction is perhaps a little clichéd, but it fits."
The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there?
I think we did alright. Again, Force really knows VII, so that made the parts that used to be tricky for me a cake walk for the most part :P
For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point
I can't remember any of this at all, to be honest.

Annnnd that's about all I cba to do right now. I'll try to get the other questions answered soon!


Did you buy any greens? Even the cheapest ones, Gysahl Greens, can do the trick. Feed them to the Chocobo as the first thing you do in the battle, then kill the other monsters before it stops eating.
Mimmet Greens for the Enemy skill, then Gysahl for the trip over.

All right, I'm caught up. Yuffie and Red XIII are my main party.
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Pro Adventurer
So finally chapter 6.

How did you get across the marshes?

I caught a Chocobo, even though it was hard.

There are two screens in the Mythril Mines which are completely optional, but which contain some useful items and large groups of enemies, which makes them perfect for learning limit breaks and levelling up at the same time. The Flame Thrower enemy skill is also available there. Did you make use of them at all?

I think I did. Got the Flame Thrower too.

Did you visit Fort Condor? If so, did you do the first battle?

I did visit it, but didn't do the battle. Sounded awfully complicated and they wanted more money, even though I already gave them the amount they wanted, just not at one go. >.<

Did you encounter the Mystery Ninja? And did you get her to join your party? The forests where you can meet her are also great places for levelling/learning limit breaks, by the way.

No I didn't. :( I just passed the forests and didn't even think there would be something there. ^^'

Did you have any trouble with Bottomswell? What characters did you fight it with?

No trouble at all. I fought it with Cloud (duh!), Aeris and Barret.

So I guess it's time to start a new chapter. Actually I have already, because I accidently went past the save point at first. x)

See you on the new thread!
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