FFVII Community Playthrough: Prelude


Pro Adventurer
What board?

The plank that you have to go up after the tunnel next to the crane, before you get to the playground. First I thought it was a bridge, and had no idea how to use it. x) And finally when I realized what to do I felt really silly. ^^'

And about those items, I don't think I got anything else than the dress and the wig. Well, it's nice to have something new for the next time. :)


Pro Adventurer
Don't worry,


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 3B report

  • The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?
  • Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?
  • The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?
  • The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there? That swinging pole used to cause me so much trouble as a kid.
  • For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point :)
I struggled with the first half of the Train Graveyard when I first played it. A bit like Sector 6, it's not always obvious where you need to go. The second half is straightforward though. I didn't bother hanging around to steal a Striking Staff; in fact, I don't think I got into any battles there at all. Eligor is such a rare enemy, and the game up to Junon (where the weapon can be bought) is so easy, that I probably wouldn't bother even on a normal playthrough.

I don't think I've ever had a Game Over against Reno. Mind you, I think that was roughly the part of the game where I started using a guide on my first playthrough, so I knew how to handle him. The FMV afterwards is one of the most emotional in the game, and really well done. The shot of President Shinra listening to classical music as he watches the destruction is perhaps a little clichéd, but it fits.

I already mentioned that the swinging pole causes me trouble sometimes. This time I got it on my second attempt.

My characters' stats at the save point:

Level 9
Limit level 1 (Braver)
Buster Sword (Lightning-Ice)
Bronze Bangle (Empty)

Level 7
Limit level 1 (Beat Rush)
Leather Glove (Empty)
Bronze Bangle (Empty)

Level 8
Limit level 1 (Big Shot)
Gatling Gun (Empty)
Bronze Bangle (Empty)

As you can see, I haven't changed anything at all since the start of the game. The menu is such a waste of time :P

Chapter 4 will be published shortly. Does anyone have any preferences for when we should Skype/stream this weekend?
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Great Old One
The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?
I fucking hate the train graveyard.
LicoriceAllsorts had the Turks and the SOLDIER gaiz throw a rave down there in her story, which is the only useful thing I can think of for that stupid graveyard.

Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?
Nope, I didn't know you could get it. I would if I did.

The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?
I didn't check my equipment because I was rushing, so I ended up dying. For the next time I did the usual blabla (Cover on Barret, put him in the back, equip All + Restore) and it was baby food, as I'd say in my native language.

FMV: Tseng was there :D Even though he hits women I'm always glad to see him. Ehrm...

The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there? That swinging pole used to cause me so much trouble as a kid.
I remember trying a bit the first time I played it. This time I did it on the second try.

For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point
I'll put that in the start of the next report.

Regarding Skype & streaming, I work 8-16 Amsterdam time both Sat and Sun. I'm off today.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Reached the target yesterday but was too lazy to answer the questions. >> WELL.

Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?

Yeah, it was a little on the difficult side if my HP was low and I didn't heal. Those little purple things were more evil than hell house, though. When there would be four of them, they'd wittle my HP down to 100 @_@. And since I hate using up MP, I wait until Aerith hits her limit. xD I never died against them or anything but I did have to heal quite frequently.

Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?

YES. I always do. It makes for the funniest shit ever. xD LIKE MUKKI. Oh God, that will NEVER cease to amuse me. And Aerith mocking Cloud, oh dear lawd! It was just priceless. I got the makeup, the bikini briefs, the sexy cologne, the tiara, etc. I got all the good stuff. It's also hilarious after you dress Cloud up and go back to the Honeybee Inn. The reaction from the guys had me on the floor. xD

I think it's obvious Cloud was chosen. I even played along and pretended he was going to kiss the Don and then Tifa was like: Cloud...were you really...?



Wall Market was one of my favourite parts of the game, way back when. There is just so much to do there - and of course, I didn't see everything the first time around. I also appreciated the light-hearted nature of what happens there, making Cloud seem a bit less serious and a bit more accessible. I've often wondered what approach Square Enix would take if they ever went ahead with a remake, because Cloud wearing lingerie, a dress, a wig, a tiara and make-up just wouldn't fit with the image they've created for him in the spin-off games. What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?

Hmm...I would really hope they keep it in there bit I agree it could be awkward in HD graphics. But, I think they could find a way of pulling it off. I mean, if they use Crisis Core graphics, honestly, I'd be happy with that. And I think they could do it. Not sure how, but I believe that they can...somehow. Hopefully without losing it's comedic charm. As for Cloud's new image, if they remake it, I would assume they wouldn't change it. I think Cloud would definitely do it over again if it meant to save Tifa. That was his motivating factor, And also, keeping Aerith safe so she wouldn't go in alone. That was just the type of hero Cloud was.

ladies' man pfff

The Wall Market was always a fun place for me. First time around, I just wanted to save Tifa and move on with the story. But after I replayed it a few times, I really enjoyed a lot of the optional dialogue that occurs when you take on the side quests to get the better stuff. And Aerith is such a cutie, omg.

It reminded me a lot of a busy little grimy city. Where the people are shady but trying to get by. It's definitely one of the more light hearted moments of the game, that's for sure.

This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on? (Yes, I am going to keep asking that same question!)

Well, I knew fire was his weakness, but the moron that I am, I forgot to equip the fire materia. @_@ I also forgot to equip Tifa properly after reuniting. >.< I got on okay. His licking pissed me off, tbh. It caused sadness on Tifa which froze her limit break. -_- The Sewer Tsunami was sort of weak, imo. He doesn't really deal enough damage for me to worry. And he only used it on me twice. :T Overall, a fairly easy boss battle.

The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?

I HATED IT. I struggled with it the first time mainly because I couldn't tell where to go or what I was doing and I got into so many annoying encounters, I was never given a chance to think. But, now, it's fairly easy to navigate and I get out of there as soon as I can.

Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?

I don't leave without it. The weapon is fantastic for Aerith, especially considering her weak strength capacity. She can't keep up with everyone else with a weaker weapon. The striking staff gives her an edge and therefore, has me using her more often. :)

It actually didn't take me too long. I equipped Cloud with the steal materia because he is on the highest level. It took me about three tries and it was mine. Probably a record for me because it usually takes FOREVER.

The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?

Nah, he was pretty easy. As soon as one character was trapped, I'd get the weaker of the two to attack them and yeah. If healing was necessary then that was what I did. I just used limit breaks on him and the occasional elements. But for the most part, I just attacked.

The FMV is still amazing, even today. The amount of detail in the plate and how it falls and crushes everything and everyone. It's so tragic and beautiful. I loved it. It may not be HD, but it still has it's effect.

The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there? That swinging pole used to cause me so much trouble as a kid.

That swinging pole STILL caused me trouble. -_- It takes me a few tries before I get it right. I saved a battery though. I don't really know why. I just did. :T

Also thought Cloud's reaction to Barret's comment about the wire was hilarious. He can be so brash. xD

For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point

level 12
limit level 1: cross-slash
buster sword
mythril armlet

level 10
limit level 1: Beat Rush
metal knuckle
mythril armlet

level 11
limit level 1: Big Shot
assault gun
mythril armlet


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 4: The Shinra Building
13th - 16th April 2012
Skype & stream: Sunday the 15th April, 19:00 UTC. Check your timezone here.

Note: this is a long chapter, but I didn't want to split is up, as it's such an important part of the game.

Cloud and co arrive at the entrance to the Shinra Building. Barret wants to bust on in, but Tifa wants to sneak in quietly. Cloud casts the deciding vote. Eventually they reach the upper floors of the 70-floor tower and go about finding Aeris. Shinra aren't too keen on losing their research specimen, though, and make life difficult for our heroes. Half a dozen plot twists (and nearly as many boss fights) later, it's time to escape Midgar and face "the real crisis for the Planet".

Our target is the area between Midgar and Kalm, pictured below. For the benefit of new (and forgetful) players, you can save anywhere on the world map.


  • Did you bust on in or sneak in quietly?
  • Did you pick up all the items from the upper floors? How about the Elemental materia from Mayor Domino? In case anyone doesn't know, he gives it to you if you get his password puzzle right on the first try.
  • This is for those who have played it before: when the party gets captured, it provides an opportunity to get "love points" from a couple of different characters. Have you thought about who you are going to try and date on this playthrough yet?
  • Part of this chapter feels like a boss fight gauntlet: you must face Sample:H0512, Hundred Gunner, Heli Gunner, Rufus and Motor Ball in quick succession. Do you have any particularly strategies for dealing with any of them?
  • What do you make of all the plot developments?
    Shinra decide they are going to restart the search for the Promised Land, diverting money away from rebuilding Sector 7; Hojo talks about performing research on Aeris and then tries to breed her with Red XIII; Cloud freaks out after seeing Jenova, which later disappears from the building; the party find President Shinra impaled on a Masamune, after which Palmer claims to have seen Sephiroth; Rufus arrives on the scene and gives his introductory speech; Cloud suddenly tells everyone to leave the building, leaving himself a one-on-one fight on the roof, with his explanation not coming until the "end of the road" scene. You don't have to talk about all of those, by the way!
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Good news; I got FFVII over to my PSP, so I should be able to at least play while I'm at sea. When I get back I'll be able to jump right in.


Great Old One
I totally brainfarted past that part. Sorry!
Is anyone up for doing it around the same time today?

I'm gonna be derping around tonight anyway - as my laptop is obviously having capacity problems with streaming, I was thinking of using the desktop and TV in our living room for streaming instead. Hopefully I can get rid of the terrible choppiness that was driving Soak mad yesterday :lol: So I was thinking of spending the night installing the needed hardware for that. I might play half of chapter 4, and I can join you guys for the other half on Sunday.


Pro Adventurer
I may or may not be going out tonight, which is why I suggested Sunday. Of course, you're welcome to do it any time. I'd obviously like to join in but it's not like I have to be there.


Great Old One
So I installed the needed hardware, lol.

Or, actually, I did. To re-enable Speakers I had to plug something random into the green audio plug at the back of the computer. Some completely random audio jack that has nothing to do with anything, doesn't have to actually be anything in the other end of it. Some drivers are so weird. (Like, a driver that is like... PUT SOMETHING IN ME! ANYTHING!! lawl)

Not that plugging in a plug can be sorted under 'installing hardware' but I still thought it was funny.


Here's the result. A bit choppy at first, but the end of the video looks okay. I fiddled around with ePSXe and Delta for the longest time - Delta is awesome for full screen view (PSX is good for smaller windows), but I couldn't get VidBlaster to recognize my full screen, so that went to hell. Maybe I could try a Graphics Plugin other than Pete's, but I think I'll consult my at home 3D consultant before trying anything else. There might also be something related to screen capture in this - how the data is transferred from emulator to screen and then to VidBlaster. Not sure how drawing of screens with graphics works, but if there was a way for VidBlaster to recognize the emulation as a video, that might speed things up? idk, must consult as I said. (Yes like I needed ANOTHER project right now...)

Anyway the solution was PSX in the end. I'll be playing on my desktop/tv and stream from there - the Desktop will now handly just the emulator and vidBlaster and nothing else - and then have my laptop for everything else. 7 UTC is 9 PM my time, cya then.


Pro Adventurer
And I was right, it did take till Sunday to play 3B. Questions!

The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?

Not at all really. It does seem like it could be confusing, but it wasn't really. No confusing planks there. :P

Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?

What what what?! No comprendo... I guess I would have, if I had known about such an opportunity. >_>

The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?

I was really afraid that I wouldn't survive that fight, but in the end I did. I didn't know any trick around the pyramids so I just used attack on those.

I don't really know what fmv you mean. There happened so much after that fight, so I can't really remember details. :D

The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there? That swinging pole used to cause me so much trouble as a kid.

Well it was tricky, I must admit. Not the pole really, I got that first on the second try and the second time on the third or fourth try. But otherwise, at least two times I was really confused about where I had to go and what to do.

For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point :)

Cloud 13, limit breaks braver and cross-slash, buster sword (all & fire) and mythril armlet (restore and ice).
Tifa 11, limit break beat rush, metal knuckle (steal & restore) and mythril armlet (sense).
Barret 11, limit break big shot, assault gun (lightning) and mythril armlet.
Aeris 11, limit break healing wind, mythril rod (lightning) and titan armlet.

I'll probably start playing 4 this evening. 8)


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 4 complete.

  • Did you bust on in or sneak in quietly?
  • Did you pick up all the items from the upper floors? How about the Elemental materia from Mayor Domino? In case anyone doesn't know, he gives it to you if you get his password puzzle right on the first try.
  • This is for those who have played it before: when the party gets captured, it provides an opportunity to get "love points" from a couple of different characters. Have you thought about who you are going to try and date on this playthrough yet?
  • Part of this chapter feels like a boss fight gauntlet: you must face Sample:H0512, Hundred Gunner, Heli Gunner, Rufus and Motor Ball in quick succession. Do you have any particularly strategies for dealing with any of them?
  • What do you make of all the plot developments?
    Shinra decide they are going to restart the search for the Promised Land, diverting money away from rebuilding Sector 7; Hojo talks about performing research on Aeris and then tries to breed her with Red XIII; Cloud freaks out after seeing Jenova, which later disappears from the building; the party find President Shinra impaled on a Masamune, after which Palmer claims to have seen Sephiroth; Rufus arrives on the scene and gives his introductory speech; Cloud suddenly tells everyone to leave the building, leaving himself a one-on-one fight on the roof, with his explanation not coming until the "end of the road" scene. You don't have to talk about all of those, by the way!

I went in through the front door. I have taken the stairs in the past, and enjoyed the funny conversations, but I don't feel the need to do that too often. Busting on in benefits EXP, limit breaks etc.

I got the elemental materia but I skipped all the other items. They're not good enough to be worth the time involved in picking them up.

I've got all the date scenes before, so I don't really mind which one I get any more. I'm not doing anything this time to change from the "usual" date.

I came up with a good strategy for Heli Gunner, which I will have to use next time: don't get game over! :monster: I am very embarrassed, especially as I've never been killed by him (it) before. If you want excuses: I was Skyping and thus distracted; all of his opening attacks hit Aeris, and just as I was about to use Healing Wind with her, she died. It was a losing battle from there on as the other two characters were on low HP already.

I love the plot developments, particularly Rufus' introduction ("What a crew" - scathing) and the scene after beating Motor Ball.

Chapter 5 will be up on Tuesday, we could Skype on... Wednesday maybe? Let me know :)


Pro Adventurer
And time for chapter 4.

Did you bust on in or sneak in quietly?

I sneaked in. But not quietly as Barret was complaining all the time. :P

Did you pick up all the items from the upper floors? How about the Elemental materia from Mayor Domino?

Don't know if I picked up all of the items, as I don't know how much there is in the first place. But I did get the Elemental materia from the Mayor (cost me 1500gil though ^^').

This is for those who have played it before: when the party gets captured, it provides an opportunity to get "love points" from a couple of different characters. Have you thought about who you are going to try and date on this playthrough yet?

Hey, I don't want to be left out. :( I know about the love points because people have been talking about those.
I also know that Aeris dies because someone mentioned that here too, with no spoiler alert (luckily I knew that before, so no harm done, but watch it! >_>).

Anyway I'm going to go ahead and answer this. I really don't know. :D Sometimes I try to get points and sometimes I just pick the alternative that fits best to the situation (in my opinion of course).

Part of this chapter feels like a boss fight gauntlet: you must face Sample:H0512, Hundred Gunner, Heli Gunner, Rufus and Motor Ball in quick succession. Do you have any particularly strategies for dealing with any of them?

It's the first time I'm fighting them so it's hard to have any strategies when you don't know what's coming. Even while fighting I just have to go along, to try and figure out if there would be a good strategy to use.

What do you make of all the plot developments?

As a first timer, I really loved this chapter. Especially after the prison part, when there's lots of dead people and blood! Yes I'm a freak, but I never thought that this game could be so rough. You don't see this kind of things in FFIX or X. It made me feel a bit scared of what was coming. And it makes the game more serious and not so naive. I'm looking forward to meeting Sephiroth. :awesome:

Exciting! It feels like the story is moving forward.

I also think I found my favourite character so far: Red XIII. :joy:

Next chapter now please! I don't want to wait till Tuesday. :D


Great Old One
Ok so here's my lvl/limit breaks/equipment/materia from the end of chapter 3:
Cloud: lvl 12; Braver, Cross-slash; Buster Sword, Mythril Armlet; Ice, Sense
Tifa: lvl 10; Beat Rush, Somersault; Metal Knuckle, Mythril Armlet; Steal, Bolt
Barret: lvl 11; Big Shot; Assault Gun, Mythril Armlet; Restore + All, Fire, Cover

Did you bust on in or sneak in quietly?
I busted in. It's definitely the fastest way, and you get EXP from the battles. I have done the sneaking in before though, and that was hilarious. (And long!)

Did you pick up all the items from the upper floors? How about the Elemental materia from Mayor Domino? In case anyone doesn't know, he gives it to you if you get his password puzzle right on the first try.
Sprites guided me through both the "labyrinth" and helped me find the right password :joy:

This is for those who have played it before: when the party gets captured, it provides an opportunity to get "love points" from a couple of different characters. Have you thought about who you are going to try and date on this playthrough yet?
I've went for Tifa before so I thought I'd go for Aerith this time. Shouldn't be too hard as it's the default.

Part of this chapter feels like a boss fight gauntlet: you must face Sample:H0512, Hundred Gunner, Heli Gunner, Rufus and Motor Ball in quick succession. Do you have any particularly strategies for dealing with any of them?
I got hints from the guys on Skype. But from previous plays I've mostly equipped Restore + All, and using Bolt for what it's worth. This time I learned Grenades are quite handy. Rufus was a piece of cake as Cloud got no less than 3 limit breaks during that fight. I messed up a bit for Motor Ball, so only Cloud had materia (both Restore and Bolt!) but it wasn't too hard - Red used Grenades, Tifa hit him and occasionally used Potions and Cloud used Bolt, Restore and also got a few lot more limit breaks. Wasn't hard at all.

For anyone interested my recorded stream is here (doesn't start until about 6 minutes in). There are the occational pauses and boredom though, like when I'm trying to get Hard Edge for Cloud.

What do you make of all the plot developments?
I'll just say that I love the Shinra Building and the lulz people there. The first time I saw the Jenova head and the blood I was really creeped out, and that was last year :lol: Rufus' monologue has always been a favorite of mine. The "escape of Midgar" motorbike scene is really cool. I remember that when I got the world map the first time, I was really baffeld - "is this another huge game like FF6??" I thought the entire game would be like Midgar (and I did find it kinda strange). So when I saw the map I knew that I'd only played like a small percentage of the game.

I'm too tired to write more...
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Pro Adventurer
Monday night, Tuesday morning, what's the difference :) Here's the next chapter.

Chapter 5: Kalm the Fuck Down, it's Only a Detour
16th - 20th April 2012
Skype & stream: Tuesday the 17th of April, 19:00 UTC. Check your timezone here.

After beating an escape from Midgar, our band of five splits into two groups and heads to Kalm, north-east over the wasteland which has had Mako sucked out of it. The party want to know more about Sephiroth, and Cloud fills them in in an inn (heh). Time for a flashback. Afterwards, there are some new items to look for in the town's shops.

Our target is outside the Chocobo Farm, or before you cross the marshes if you're not planning to go there.


  • The first Enemy Skill of the game is available here, namely Matra Magic (from Custom Sweepers in the grey land around Midgar). Did you bother to get it?
  • The flashback. Love it or hate it? Although it has a reputation amongst experienced players for being one of the most boring parts of the game, it doesn't take very long if you know how to run through it. On the other hand, if you want to explore everything, it can take forever.
  • Did you go shopping in Kalm? And did you remember to raid all the houses?
  • If you speak to the town's residents, you'll be given a number of dialogue choices about the usefulness/evilness of Mako energy and Shinra. Knowing only what you know at that stage of the game, what do you tell them? Remember that your answers affect the relationship scores, depending on who is in your party.
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Does anyone fancy Skyping tonight instead? I can do tomorrow I just don't want to wait :P

EDIT: Just spoke to Fangu, she's also up for it. Anyone else?
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Pro Adventurer
Actually yes, tonight would be better for me. I thought a football match I wanted to watch was tonight, but it turns out that it's tomorrow :) I'll go ahead and change the date in the chapter post, then.
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That's just sexual Flint.

Fangu and I were just talking about timing there. We're free from 16:00UTC. So I'll be on at 17:00 (this is also the time for Sprites aswell if she fancies joining in the convo), Fangu at 18:00 and you at 19:00? Up for starting then (2 Hours from now)?

Right now I'm playing up to the last checkpoint with the PC version, then I'm going to post my thoughts on chapters 3 & 4.

EDIT: Is chapter 6 going to be the last chapter then?
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Pro Adventurer
That's just sexual Flint.

Fangu and I were just talking about timing there. We're free from 16:00UTC. So I'll be on at 17:00 (this is also the time for Sprites aswell if she fancies joining in the convo), Fangu at 18:00 and you at 19:00? Up for starting then (2 Hours from now)?

Right now I'm playing up to the last checkpoint with the PC version, then I'm going to post my thoughts on chapters 3 & 4.

EDIT: Is chapter 6 going to be the last chapter then?

6 will be the last chapter in this prelude section. We'll then have caught up with the original playthrough. At that point, I'll be asking for input on how to continue. I'd be happy to keep running it, but Mog had an idea that people could take it in turns, which would be fine too. My preference would be a kind of middle ground where different people can write the chapter descriptions and questions, with me posting the updates and the pictures on a schedule similar to the one we've had here.

I guess I can be online for 19:00, so I'll see you then :)
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