FFVII Community Playthrough: Prelude


Pro Adventurer
I just finished the first chapter of the game. I've played the game before, but only until Cloud gets in to the train, so there was quite a lot of new stuff for me.

I find it hard to say a lot about the beginnings of Final Fantasy games because well, there's not much to the story yet and the battles are easy and boring, as all you really can do is just attack (except for Cloud's Ice and Bolt of course). But I've learned about the previous games, so I'm not judging the game based on the beginning. :)

Also for a new player the age of the game is something that doesn't make the game any more exciting. For me, it's the old graphics, not that I was expecting anything fancy. That's why I'd like a new version of the game, which would make the game more accessible for new players.

So for me the game's success depends a lot about the story and the characters. My first opinion is that Cloud is a real badass, or at least trying to be one, and I'm really interested about his past. Barret reminds me a little bit of Steiner in FFIX, maybe because he's a big guy and really concerned about the world (Steiner's concern was only Garnet though). Other charecters seem secondary, except for Tifa, whom I'm not going to say anything about yet, as she just joined the group.

The first boss was really easy. The only annoying thing about that fight was that the game decided to tell me about the counter attack when I'd already decided to attack it. x)

And about the slums. I have to say that the game's enviroment is a lot different from the FF games I've played so far, and I can't say it's really exciting, but I still try to see every place I can get to, just so I won't miss anything.

I feel like this post is really negative even though it's not supposed to. ^^' It's not that I think the game is bad, it's just that I want to really get past the beginning, and get to the game, where the battles are more tough and I get to know the story. Now I'm still on the part where they tell me about the place, and what's happening and you get to know the characters, and I'm just too impatient! :D

The best thing on the first chapter was Sephiroth. He's already the most interesting character even though he has been mentioned once briefly. :D

Looking forward to the next chapter! :)
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Pro Adventurer
Second chapter done! It's reporting time. ^^

What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?

With the equipments I'm trying to get better ones when ever that's possible, and I'm trying to make sure I have enough potions and phoenix downs at all times. Materia is something that's new to me so I'm just trying it out for now. And yes, I did buy equipment and items before leaving Sector 7, as you might have guessed. :)

This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?

I have to say that the boss music was really exciting. :D From briefly listening to all the FF game's (that I'd played the most) boss music I think this and the one in IV are my favourites so far (before listening I honestly couldn't remember any boss music from any of the games, just the normal battle music from IV x)).

What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?

I chose Aeris, because that's what the game suggested. I think I prefere it too, because I think it's closer to how the Japanese pronounce the name, not that it really has any importance.

So far I think the character is fine. First I liked her quite a lot, but then when in her home it comes obvious that she has a crush on Cloud, she became a bit annoying. Why do they all have to have a thing for Cloud? WHY?!!

How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?

Game? It was a game?! :D After I almost crushed Aeris with one barrel I told her to run, and then I was really confused about what I was doing. x) In the end I survived and I think that's the main point. :D

I was so happy that the game seems to be going somewhere. And I really overestimated the boss battle. I thought I might not make it, but then it was suddenly over, and my team was still standing strong. It's also nice to see some new characters. And some new environment! I really liked the church (even though Cloud crashed the roof).

Next chapter soon? :)
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Pro Adventurer
Next chapter soon? :)

Tomorrow. Every Monday and Friday for the first three weeks, after which we'll assess whether we need to change the pace :)

I'm really glad to see a new player taking part in this playthrough. I'm interested to hear what you think of it, so I'm glad you've been keeping up with playing and then posting in this thread. I wish a few more people were doing that!


Great Old One
Are you guys Skyping tomorrow? I'm setting up emulator joy on my laptop now, so I'll play the first two chapters tonight :)


Pro Adventurer
Are you guys Skyping tomorrow? I'm setting up emulator joy on my laptop now, so I'll play the first two chapters tonight :)

Great, have fun :)

I was going to mention tomorrow that we should arrange Skype sessions for always one day after a new chapter has been started. That would be Tuesday this time. I can't do it tomorrow :(


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I DIDN'T REALIZE WE WERE DOING IT AGAIN. I missed out last time because of Cuba for a week.

But I'm free this time around. I'll start up a fresh file right now and answer the questions later tonight or tomorrow. :)

WOO~ I haven't played and beaten it in such a long time. xD I always finish disc one and then neglect it. :T


Great Old One
Chapter 1

What are your first impressions of the game? Or, as most of you have played it before, what did you think the first time you played it?
Well-made, sort of like, complete. I had previous to 7 played 6 and 13, and I thought it was a better version of 6, really. I did wonder a bit about being inside of Midgar for so long, and ifwhen there would be a field.

The game is fifteen years old now; has it aged well, in your opinion? The thing that always bothers me is the lack of analogue stick control.
It's definitely aged well.

How did you get on with the first boss? And what about escaping from the reactor?
Well I know about the tail and stuff, so all I did was wait for the tail to go down, lol. Escaping the reactor was the same drill as before. I didn't bother to check out the little "watch tower" right after going down with the elevator this time though. Is there anything in there? I can't remember.

The slums aren't a very bright or joyful place, but they are undoubtedly iconic within the world of Final Fantasy VII. What are your thoughts about them - do you try to get out of Midgar as quickly as possible, or take your time and explore them fully?
The first time I played the game I absolutely loved the slums and spent a lot of time down there. I like Wall Market a lot but we're not there yet (are we? You can't go to Wall Market yet, right? I just went straight for 7th Heaven) but I like the little area around Tifa's bar as well.

I'll do chapter 2 tomorrow.
I like the questions, Flint! Can we submit questions (like !ask? ;))


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Alright so here are my answers

What are your first impressions of the game? Or, as most of you have played it before, what did you think the first time you played it?
Oh boy. I played this game what feels like centuries ago. My first impression was that it had a very neat intro and fun gameplay. The story instantly hooked me and I really wanted to know more. You had Cloud, this super mysterious dude with a cool attitude. And then you had Barret, this awesome and strong leader in charge of this rebel group. And Tifa, the sweet childhood friend. Biggs, Wedge, Jessie. I thought they would stick around forever! I was waiting for them to join my party. And then you meet Aerith who’s this pretty girl and I was wondering how I’d run into her again and what her story was. I was entranced by the characters. And back then, the graphics were extremely impressive!
The game is fifteen years old now; has it aged well, in your opinion? The thing that always bothers me is the lack of analogue stick control.
It has aged very well! It’s still a classic and I never get tired of replaying it. Even though now, the graphics are not stellar in comparison to the beauty that is FF13 and such, I still find them compelling and part of what FF7 is. They’ve become it’s staple rather than a nuisance. Sometimes, games that are old and have outdated graphics and such aren’t always fun playing these days. I can honestly say FF7 is not one of them. The world is still beautiful and still manages to capture me the same way it did back then. Even the music is nostalgic and pretty despite being in midi format xD. I’m playing it on my PSP so I do have analog control.

The gameplay is a bit stiff when you compare it to newer titles but again, it’s only become something I love rather than a nuisance.
How did you get on with the first boss? And what about escaping from the reactor?
I beat him. The first time I played, I had my attack ready before Cloud warns you about it’s damn tail and the bastard almost killed me. So now, I always wait it out and play with more caution. I’ve never lost against it, though. Escaping the reactor took me more time than usual. I got into more random encounters. I managed to get out with roughly four minutes remaining.
The slums aren't a very bright or joyful place, but they are undoubtedly iconic within the world of Final Fantasy VII. What are your thoughts about them - do you try to get out of Midgar as quickly as possible, or take your time and explore them fully?

I love Midgar! I have always found the city to be absolutely beautiful and I don’t know why. I get that it’s dirty and filled with hobos and poverty. xD But something about it’s set up was so unique to me. The floating city, as Cloud puts it. The imagination that went into creating a city as unique as Midgar is astounding.

Not many other cities in the Final Fantasy franchise can boast what Midgar boasts. And yet, even though you’ve got this wonderful, futuristic city, it’s tainted with the ugliness of draining the life from the planet and filled with people living in terrible conditions. It reminds me of downtown. xD Life is hard and expensive and you’ve got the few rich folk who dominate but really, it’s filthy and grimy and filled with things people refuse to see. The first time I saw Midgar, I remembered thinking this is a message; this is what we’re doing to our planet in real life. The comparisons are difficult to miss. It really makes you think.

What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?

I bought iron bangles, three of them. And also splurged on a fire materia, two antidotes and a phoenix down. Never know. Weapons stayed as they were with Barret equipping the assault gun won from fighting the first boss.

This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?
I love all the music in FF7. The boss music is absolutely fantastic! I never get tired of it tbh. I really like the Jenova boss music though. I’m quite partial to it.

What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?
I usually just leave it as Aeris. Too lazy to change it. And I like keeping FF7 as original as possible which means, keeping her name the way it is. GUH. I LOVE AERIS. She is so adorable holy. @_@ She’s such a little cunning cutie and the way she is playful towards Cloud, it’s downright adorable. It’s refreshing to see a character mock him a bit because he’s all mr serious and then he meets Aerith and she mellows him out a bit. I love the beginning scenes with her. I’m usually really nice to her because I aim to get her date. And I’m hoping to do it this time, too.

Unpopular opinion; I love fighting with Aeris. I like training her and levelling her up because damn those limit breaks are fantastic and useful later on.

How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?
Although I love fighting with Aeris, I do want to get her date so I try and get them right to keep her happy. I’m happy to say I did.


Pro Adventurer
Escaping the reactor was the same drill as before. I didn't bother to check out the little "watch tower" right after going down with the elevator this time though. Is there anything in there? I can't remember.
Yes, there is a way to make the Turks join your party No, there's nothing there...

I like Wall Market a lot but we're not there yet (are we? You can't go to Wall Market yet, right?
No, you can't. The road between Sectors 6 and 7 is blocked, and the only time you get to use it is in an FMV. Wall Market is in the next (third) chapter though.

I like the questions, Flint! Can we submit questions (like !ask? ;))
Absolutely! You can either post your questions when a new chapter goes up, or you can include them in your "report". This goes for everyone: I'd like this to be a discussion, not just a Q&A session, so read through what others are saying and comment on that too :) Also, if you see me on IRC/Skype/whatever, feel free to suggest questions.

Life is hard and expensive and you’ve got the few rich folk who dominate but really, it’s filthy and grimy and filled with things people refuse to see. The first time I saw Midgar, I remembered thinking this is a message; this is what we’re doing to our planet in real life. The comparisons are difficult to miss. It really makes you think.
I agree. I've always picked up a strong environmentalist element in the game.
Also, it's remarkable how much contempt Shinra have for the people living in Midgar. It's a bit Orwellian, actually, in that they can do whatever they want and then spin it in a way that makes them look good, for example by blaming the dropping of the Sector 7 plate on AVALANCHE. When you're in their HQ, they talk about raising Mako rates and then say "the people will trust us even more because we're protecting them". It definitely has parallels with the erosion of civil liberties in countries like the USA since 2001, I think.

Unpopular opinion; I love fighting with Aeris. I like training her and levelling her up because damn those limit breaks are fantastic and useful later on
Her limit breaks are incredible, really.
Not so useful on discs 2 and 3 though :monster: I think it's just as well, because otherwise the game would be too easy.


Ok, I realize it's been a while since I said I would weigh in, but freaking school! :rage:


What are your first impressions of the game? Or, as most of you have played it before, what did you think the first time you played it?
Well, it's been a few years since I first played it, and with my most recent play through so fresh in my mind, it's getting a little harder to remember exactly what I thought/how I reacted to certain parts of the game on my first run. I remember being excited and yet a little intimated, as it was my first real foray into the world of RPGs. I remember being taken by the music in the opening sequence, especially when Bombing Mission began...hnnnngh.
I remember getting a little confused and somewhat frustrated in the reactor, because I wasn't used to the top-down view and the graphics made it a little hard to distinguish what the obstacles were, and for some reason I think I had a heck of a time actually getting on the stairs, but this doesn't surprise me.

The game is fifteen years old now; has it aged well, in your opinion? The thing that always bothers me is the lack of analogue stick control.
Well, the graphics are what they are, but that has never bothered me. It's an older game, I don't expect anything more from it, really. I was never bothered by the lack of analogue stick control, although the action button being "O" on the controller instead of "X" really gives me trouble for the first part of the game (and then switching to a modern game afterwards is just as mind-screwy, haha).

How did you get on with the first boss? And what about escaping from the reactor?
I don't really remember how I fared against him the first time I played, and this time we knew the trick, so...same goes for the whole escaping the reactor bit.

The slums aren't a very bright or joyful place, but they are undoubtedly iconic within the world of Final Fantasy VII. What are your thoughts about them - do you try to get out of Midgar as quickly as possible, or take your time and explore them fully?
Again, I don't really remember, but knowing myself, I probably didn't take very much time to explore (unless prompted by someone to do so, haha). I'm kind of an impatient gamer, turns out. :awesome:
But I thought they set the bar for the moods of many of the characters in the game. Barret, for example, having come from a town destroyed by Shinra, now lives and operates in the slums, which is basically another town ignored, degraded, and destroyed by Shinra. Tired of being the dirt for Shinra to tread on, he takes action against them, and the mood set forth by the slums, the dirty, forgotten, get-by-by-your-teeth feeling made what would otherwise seem like a deathwish plan made by someone who was entirely insane come off a little more...normal? As though it was something the player could expect to come from the desperate sun deprived dwellers of the slums.


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 3A: Walk more nicely, Cloud
9th - 11th April 2012
Playalong on Skype: 10th April, 20:00 UTC (feel free to suggest a change if it's no good for you)

Note: Chapter 3 in the original playthrough was far longer than the first two chapters, so I've decided to split it up into two sections, 3A and 3B. So as to avoid slowing down, I'm only giving you two days to complete them; the second will be posted on Wednesday and chapter 4 will start on Friday :)

At the request of Elmyra, Cloud sneaks out of Aeris' house to make his way to Sector 7. He doesn't get very far on his own though. After the famous playground chat, Cloud and Aeris see Tifa on her way to Wall Market and follow her there. That's easier said than done, though. Aeris comes up with a plan, which Cloud reluctantly goes along with.

Our target is the save point in the Train Graveyard. Picture below.


  • Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?
  • Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?
  • Wall Market was one of my favourite parts of the game, way back when. There is just so much to do there - and of course, I didn't see everything the first time around. I also appreciated the light-hearted nature of what happens there, making Cloud seem a bit less serious and a bit more accessible. I've often wondered what approach Square Enix would take if they ever went ahead with a remake, because Cloud wearing lingerie, a dress, a wig, a tiara and make-up just wouldn't fit with the image they've created for him in the spin-off games. What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?
  • This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on? (Yes, I am going to keep asking that same question!)
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Pro Adventurer
Ouch! I was already planning to play the next chapter later this week. I will try to play 3A before Wednesday, but might not make it, as I'm really busy tomorrow. ^^' I will have more time to play on Wednesday and Thursday.


Pro Adventurer
Alright, this is my report on Chapter 2.

What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?
I think I bought three Iron Bangles and some potions. I also have Barret equiped with the Restore Materia.

This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?
To be honest the battle was over so quickly for me I didn't really get a change to hear the music lol I was actually disappointed that this time round it only took three hits and a limt break to kill it :( I remember it being a lot harder than that before. And for the music while I like the Boss Theme it's not really the best in my opinion.

What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?
How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?

I must say that I prefer Aeris over Aerith tenfold. It sounds so much prettier <3 I think that her spunkiness is a great addition to the story at this point. I always make her fight 'em! for the exp. :awesome: (And because I want the Cloti date :lol:)


Chapter 3A: Walk more nicely, Cloud
9th - 11th April 2012
Playalong on Skype: 10th April, 20:00 UTC (feel free to suggest a change if it's no good for you)

If you're like me and don't really understand what UTC means, it's basically GMT. GMT is currently +1 hour due to daylight savings, therefore this will be 9pm for me, even though I'm GMT.


  • Toronto: 4PM
  • Chicago: 3PM
  • Denver : 2PM
  • L.A. : 1PM
  • Amsterdam: 10PM
  • Oslo: 10PM
  • Helsinki: 11PM
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Pro Adventurer
If you're like me and don't really understand what UTC means, it's basically GMT. GMT is currently +1 hour due to daylight saving
I know you're just trying to make it clear for everyone, but that's a little misleading - GMT is still exactly the same as UTC. Your current timezone is BST, which is UTC+1.

I'm amazed you didn't know what it is though :o


Flint, if you were a character from a fictional universe right at this moment, you'd be Hermione Granger.

Misleading or not, I don't think anyone would have understood what time to meet up if I hadn't spelled it out in my post. Remember when you and I were supposed to Skype with Zealkin? :P


Great Old One
What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?
I bought the Assault Gun for Barret. He already has one but the one I bought is a liiitle bit better. My gil is too heavy. Um.

This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?
I like the theme. I screwed up a bit with the controller and Tifa healed him :P

What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?
Aerith. Because that was the original intention :P Also I liked rewatching the scenes where they talk about the Turks. (Duh...) And yeah... apparently there's something secretive about her. ;)

How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?
I didn't get that part :lol:

Also woo for Lex leading me in the right directions over Skype :lol: I always fuck up, lol


What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?
We bought a couple things, but honestly, I can't remember what they were. I'm afraid I'm not going to be very interesting in my replies until we get a little later in the game, where my memory is the most fresh, haha.

This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?
I prefer IX's battle theme, to be honest, but this one did get me pumped as well.

What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?
How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?
Aeris, although on my last play through we named her Aerith. I always referred to her as Aeris when speaking, though. I understand why it was translated as such and how it was a mistake, but it just rolls off the tongue more smoothly. Coming freshly off of Crisis Core, I was slightly more sympathetic to her this time 'round (I liked her a lot better in CC than I did when I first played VII, probably because I was
steeling myself against her in preparation for what I knew was to come when I played VII
, but I still wanted to end up on the date with Tifa so I probably chose the "wrong" answers in some of the dialogue (although I didn't actually mean to NOT buy a flower from her, that was totally by accident. I would have bought one...). As for the barrel pushing game, we made her fight most of the battles for the XP (and also because the sound her staff makes when landing a hit is just hilarious :D ).


Pro Adventurer
Flint, we're waiting on you ^_^
My internet connection died at exactly the time we were meant to start :huh: Got there in the end though.

I realised I haven't given my report for chapter 2 yet, so here it is.

  • What is your equipment/materia/item acquisition strategy at this point of the game? Did you buy anything in Sector 7 before leaving?
  • This section contains the game's second boss, Air Buster. As well as being the only boss fight in the game which uses the "attack from both sides" formation, it's also the first time you get to hear the game's boss music. How does it compare to other boss music in the series, in your opinion?
  • What's your naming preference: Aeris or Aerith? And what did you make of the scenes with her so far?
  • How did you do in the barrel-pushing "game"?
I bought lots of Grenades :) On a normal playthrough I would probably buy Fire in Sector 7, but now I'm trying out strategies for the race, so I skipped it. Red XIII comes with it equipped anyway.

Air Buster was easy as always. Easier than Guard Scorpion by a long way, actually. The music is very awesome :) Other pieces of music from the series might do a better job at setting the scene for boss battles, but if I had to choose one to listen to on its own, I'd pick this one.

I stick with the spelling "Aeris". It was the one I knew first, which goes a long way to explaining my preference. I also think Aerith just sounds like someone saying Aeris with a lisp. As a character, I'm starting to think I might prefer her to Tifa, for the first time.

Finally, the barrel pushing game is burned into my memory.

  • Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?
  • Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?
  • Wall Market was one of my favourite parts of the game, way back when. There is just so much to do there - and of course, I didn't see everything the first time around. I also appreciated the light-hearted nature of what happens there, making Cloud seem a bit less serious and a bit more accessible. I've often wondered what approach Square Enix would take if they ever went ahead with a remake, because Cloud wearing lingerie, a dress, a wig, a tiara and make-up just wouldn't fit with the image they've created for him in the spin-off games. What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?
  • This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on? (Yes, I am going to keep asking that same question!)
This time I got through the whole of Sector 6 without any battles. I think that's the first time it's ever happened to me. Hell House gave me a bit of trouble when I first played the game though, because he has pretty high HP and attack strength.

I got all the best items in Wall Market. I've played this part of the game so many times now that there is nothing exciting or interesting for me in any of the different outcomes.

Aps is another easy boss :) Random fact: when I was ten/eleven years old at school, we were talking about tidal waves, and my teacher asked if anyone knew the proper name for them. I was the only one in the class to know the word Tsunami. He asked me where I learnt it and I said it was in Final Fantasy VII. He seemed very surprised that any video game could be educational :D

A few of us played through chapter 3B already. It's pretty short for experienced players, but it will probably take a new player quite a lot of time as there are lots of cut-scenes and some confusing areas to get through, which is why I split it. I'll make the usual chapter post for 3B tomorrow anyway :)
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Great Old One
Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?

Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?
I have no idea - and Tifa.

Wall Market was one of my favourite parts of the game, way back when. There is just so much to do there - and of course, I didn't see everything the first time around. I also appreciated the light-hearted nature of what happens there, making Cloud seem a bit less serious and a bit more accessible. I've often wondered what approach Square Enix would take if they ever went ahead with a remake, because Cloud wearing lingerie, a dress, a wig, a tiara and make-up just wouldn't fit with the image they've created for him in the spin-off games. What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?
I love Wall Market, but it confuses the shit out of me. I got the wig, dress and the make up.

This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on? (Yes, I am going to keep asking that same question!)
He wasn't too hard, I just kept hitting him with whatever. I had more problems with Reno, but that's because I didn't set up for any specific strategy. Also people were screaming in my ear and I was hungry and tired so I was basically ass kicked by Reno. But that's okay. Reno can ass kick me any time. :P
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Pro Adventurer
Chapter 3B: Under the Falling Pizza
11th - 13th April 2012

Out of the sewers, Cloud, Tifa and Aeris have to make their way through the maze-like Train Graveyard before they can reach Sector 7 again. Will they get there in time? After the dramatic events unfold, the party heads back to Aeris' house and realise they have to find a way to get to Shinra's headquarters. That's easier said than done, though.

Our target is the save point just outside the Shinra Building. Picture below. Remember, it doesn't really matter whether you say you are going to "bust on in" or "sneak in quietly", as both options will still be available to you for the start of the next chapter.


  • The Train Graveyard is a confusing place if you're not familiar with it. Did you struggle with it this time and/or the first time you played it?
  • Did anyone have the patience to steal a Striking Staff, an excellent weapon for Aeris, from an Eligor while they were there?
  • The fight with Reno can be a bit tricky as well, particularly if two characters get trapped in his Pyramids. How did you get on? And what did you think about the ensuing FMV?
  • The "golden, shiny wire of hope" isn't really golden or shiny, but let's assume Barret was talking about it figuratively. How did you do there? That swinging pole used to cause me so much trouble as a kid.
  • For the first time in this playthrough, share your characters' levels, limit breaks, equipment and materia setups at the target save point :)


Pro Adventurer
Chapter 3A done!

Sector 6 provides the first meaningful test in battle for many new players. I remember struggling with the Hell House the first time I played, how about you?

It was funny really, the first time I fought the Hell House (oh yes, I fought it more than once... I fought it so bloody many times because I was so confused abou the place. ^^') I was thinking to myself, why won't it die already?! x) It was confusing to suddenly get a more difficult fight, when even the boss fights have been really easy so far.

Did you get all the best items in Wall Market, just the necessary ones, or something in between? Related: who was chosen for the Don's date?

I don't know what are the best items to get, but I did buy a Mythril Rod for Aeris, Metal Knuckle for Tifa (which I forgot to equip, just remembered...) and some items. Tifa was chosen as Don's date. I would have liked to see, what had happened if Cloud was chosen. x)

What are your thoughts on that, and Wall Market in general?

I really liked Wall Market. It's big and bright, even though it's still part of the slums. Lots of places to see and things to do. And no fighting! :D Except for some easy ones. So it was also kind of relaxing place.

And about that remake and Cloud and the dressing up, well, I can't really say. I haven't played the spin-off games, I've only seen Advent Children and that was many years ago. I think though that many fans would like to see this on the remake, so they should just keep it, if they'll ever make it. With good graphics I think it would be hilarious! :D

This segment contains another boss. He has one of the more interesting boss attacks, the Sewer Tsunami, which hurts both him and you. How did you get on?

It was easy. Easier than the Air Buster in my opinion. Even the other monsters that I fought gave me harder time than this one. Okay time to stop boasting. x) And now I shouldn't tell you that I actually got my first game over, from fighting those "other monsters"... ^^' If only I had not been so confused about that stupid board... But it's good that this boss was easy, because if I had died, I would have had to start over from quite far away.

I know I should already start playing Chapter 4 tomorrow, but I'm not quite sure if I have time to start to even play 3B before Sunday. So I'm going to be a bit behind schedule. My spring is really busy. :)


Pro Adventurer
I don't know what are the best items to get, but I did buy a Mythril Rod for Aeris, Metal Knuckle for Tifa (which I forgot to equip, just remembered...) and some items. Tifa was chosen as Don's date. I would have liked to see, what had happened if Cloud was chosen. x)
By "items" I meant Cloud's dress, wig, tiara, cologne, underwear and make-up. Everything except the dress and wig are optional though.

It's quite difficult to make Cloud get chosen unless you have a guide or previous experience. You need most of the best items. Something for another playthrough, then, for you, or you could just look it up on Youtube.

If only I had not been so confused about that stupid board...
What board?

I know I should already start playing Chapter 4 tomorrow, but I'm not quite sure if I have time to start to even play 3B before Sunday. So I'm going to be a bit behind schedule. My spring is really busy. :)
No hurry :)
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